Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Setting Moon

For North Americans, our world is enveloped in darkness for more time each day. The advantage is that I actually see sunrises and sunsets. This morning, the sun had risen above the eastern clouds when K and I arrived atop Hug Hill on our mountain bike ride. And, an airplane appeared to be heading straight for the sun.
When K stood in her favorite spot on the pinnacle of our trail network, she was still in the shade for the first time this autumn. But, notice the almost full moon behind her, dropping toward the western horizon.
We rode further and the world became brighter. K led the way through a rapidly thinning aspen grove. More leaves are on the ground than on the trees now.
K still seems to be full of verve despite the infection. I am following her lead about how much she wants to romp.

When we reached our next vista, I realized that the sun was perfectly positioned to get a backlit photo of K that would look like she had a fiery fringe on her fur.
Photography is so much fun. It's made me acutely aware of the lighting because good light makes a good photo. And, I've learned, the quality of the light can even change how colors look.

At that vista, I saw the moon again, inching ever closer to the Continental Divide.
From that vista, we wound our way through ribbon-like trails in pine forests toward home. We emerged from the cover of the forest to see the moon setting over snow-kissed mountains.
A wonderful start to the day...


  1. Your right what a beautiful start to the day.

    I love the photo with the cool backlight - so diffrent

  2. Great Photos!!! Glad you are both enjoying the early mornings for your rides. Do you ever worry about running into mama bear or mr. mountain lion? I know you are so used to your mountains and trials but I still would be on constant alert. Have a wonderful weekend..
    Noreen & Reggie-dog

  3. Hi Nananor,

    I am always on alert for signs that a big animal might be nearby. However, they are almost always invisible and probably silently watch us pass by. I do carry a big can of pepper spray just in case... but mostly I trust that the animals want to avoid me as much as I want to avoid them.

    I did have quite an interesting encounter with a mama bear who had two cubs which I described at: http://romp-roll-rockies.blogspot.com/2011/06/unexpected-meeting-with-our-sow-and.html

    The sow behaved exactly like a good mother should. She scared me away but never even came close to physically threatening me.


  4. Hi Y'all,

    Oh what a beautiful start is right!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. Thanks for the great start to a beautiful weekend. I love going along on your rides.


  6. K as long as you are happee you keep hiking and having fun. All our feets are crossed you ickies will go away
    Benny & Lily

  7. Dis blog is a wonderful way to end my day! :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  8. Oh gosh, we have missed your photos!! Love all of these, but especially the one of K on the cliff with the moon behind her. The mountains and sky look like a painting.

    Your pal, Pip

  9. Beautiful start to a day!!! Have a great weekend!

  10. I'm glad K is feeling well enough to get out. I hope they figure out what's causing her infections. Your pictures of the moon are great. That's about what it looked like when I was driving to work this morning.

  11. I have to agree! I think I'd be a much more relaxed person if I had views like that to wake up to!

    I love that silhouette shot!

  12. Hug hill. Somehow seems just right for a trip with K.

  13. All we can say is 'glorious'. Thanks for sharing your photos. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  14. Amazing moonset! I've never thought to get outside and look, but I surely will do so while the moon is full.

  15. We especially love moon photos,, and of course when it is over your moutains!
    You capture the most beautiful photos of K!
    You have mastered the techniques - of getting those awsome photos,,, ,,we keep trying too,

  16. The moon really has been amazing lately. Isn't it mesmerizing! I love K's silhouette. You do such a nice job with low-light shots! I hope you all are feeling well. Keep us posted.


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