Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 3, 2011

A symbolic rainbow

Yesterday evening, K and I took a hike in a meadowy area so she could go without her muzzle. The mushrooms that she eats grow in pine forests so I take off the evil muzzle when we're out in the open.

I called her, and I captured this photo. I believe that she'd been grazing on something, probably rose hips which are her favorite non-mushroom wild food at this time of year.
As we finished our hike, a light rain began to fall despite the faint sunshine. This one is for Kodiak, our Sibe friend who is running free.

On the home front, I took a low-odds strategy and set up a wildlife camera next to a boulder where I'd seen rabbit scat. Indeed, I soon captured a photo of the rabbit himself.
Where there are rabbits, there usually are carnivores. It took some patience but eventually the bobcats took an interest in the rabbit's boulder.
And, soon after the second bobcat visit, a coyote checked out the scene. Coyotes used to pass through our land almost every night but they've abandoned all of their old routes for unknown reasons. They still sing nearby almost every night (with R accompanying them in a mournful howl) but they don't trot through our land on predictable paths anymore. Consequently, this is my first coyote photograph in quite a while.
I just finished reading a book called "The Daily Coyote" about a woman who raised a coyote pup from when he was extremely young. It was an interesting book that surprised me in many ways. The author also has a blog where she posts one photo per day of her coyote, Charlie.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Awesome!!!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  2. Thank you for the rainbow. It means a lot to us.

  3. K looks so funny in that first picture! I love her expression!
    What a beautiful rainbow, perfect for your friend.

  4. I didn't know you also had a Cuddeback!

    Great photos. You all out-west really know how to get the bobcat photos (between you, Random Truth, Camera Trapping Campus and the Camera Trap Codger). I'm lucky if I get one a year, it seems like!

  5. Lucinda is sending out immediate warnings to her relatives in your area, KB! That rainbow is a gift to you and all of us.

  6. The rainbow is just perfect KB.
    I stopped for a second and sent thoughts to the Thundering Herd as you mentioned Kodiak.
    K looks like not a care in the world as she gallops along!
    ps i hope the bunny got away

  7. What a beautiful rainbow! I have wanted to read that book for awhile. I read her blog and it is pretty amazing.

    Your pal, Pip

  8. Oh K you are caught! BOL...Love the rainbow
    Benny & Lily

  9. You know, as a kid, I used to think it would be awesome to have a coyote as a pet! I will have to check out that blog.

    Poor K! You've ruined her reputation as the most photogenic Labrador in the world today! I had a good laugh over that one!

  10. The Rainbow is a lovely tribute to Kodiak...and gives comfort to us all that there is indeed a place of serenity and beauty and peace waiting.

  11. I used to follow the Daily Coyote... I totally forgot about it. I had no idea she wrote a book. I'd love to read it.

    Growing up we had packs of coyotes roam through our property all the time... I miss stuff like that now that I live in a neighborhood... I get kind of excited now when I occasionally see a possum now. One day I'll end up back on my own land!

  12. Hey there KB...
    Lovely rainbow for Kodiak. (I was so saddened to hear his story). You always managed to capture the elusive creatures, don't you...fabulous photos!!!
    Love the photo of K too.
    Hope you are well and painfree.
    sending lotsaluv

  13. Rainbows always have a purpose .

  14. Brilliant rainbow! For a beautiful dog.

    BOL! K looks like she got caught with her mouth full!!

    Thanks for the site about the young coyote, I'll check it out.

  15. Looks like your "low-odds strategy" worked really well.

  16. I read that book. Liked it a lot.

    Thanks for the Kodiak rainbow. Very sad.

    Mango Momma

    P.S. I increased Mango's metacam and it seems to be helping. He is still taking less than the acceptable dose for his body weight, so I have some wiggle room.

  17. Are bobcats nearly the size of coyotes? It looks like that in your trail cam shots.


  18. That was awesome for sweet Kodiak.

    Haha Ive been reading the blog about the daily coyote for a long time now, I love it.

  19. Great shots..those odds paid off!

  20. I've been checking out your blog whenever I had signal, but for whatever reason, I can't comment from my phone anymore. Aargh!

    Love the rainbow shot here. And the rabbit cam turned out a fascinating discovery! K looks super determined in that running shot.

  21. We've loved The Daily Coyote for quite a while now. It's so funny to see Charlie play with the cat he was raised with.

  22. Hi Marilyn,

    Usually, coyotes are larger than bobcats. I believe that it's a weird perspective on the bobcat that makes him look really big. Also, I think that it's a big male bobcat, who can end up approaching the size of a small coyote.

    I wish that I could email you to answer your question! I'm not sure if you'll be checking back...


  23. I'm going to have to check out that book. It looks really cool! Thanks for sharing.


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