Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tiny, the black bear, returns

A bear walked a trail where I have a wildlife camera early this morning. I'm pretty sure that it's Tiny, a regular on this route. More about her tomorrow.
Winter has arrived. Droplets froze onto yellow aspen leaves last night.
The snow that nearly froze me yesterday stuck to the alpine terrain but didn't stick at our elevation. Tomorrow, we're supposed to get our first accumulating snow (5-10"). Indian summer is over.
Here's what a similar view looked like on a recent morning.
Yes, winter is on her way, creeping up behind K in this photo. I think that Tiny was heading for a den, which might be a very smart thing to do with our first winter storm bearing down on us.


  1. Love the silhouette of K with the autumn foliage in the background!!

  2. amazing photo of the frozen water droplets!

    can't wait to hear more about Tiny!

    wags, wiggles & slobbers

  3. All I have to do is tell you I miss the bears and bango! just like that you go out and find one for me. What a nice thing to do!

    Many thanks from beautiful MN where it was 77, sunny and breezy today.

    Jo, who wants MORE BEARS

  4. The foto of the leaf is amazin' ! But then again all of your fotos are amazing! :) Happy World Smile Day to all of you!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

    PeeS My mom would cry if we were expectin' 5-10 inches of snow! Her does not like da white stuff. ;)

  5. Tiny doesn't look so tiny! Hope she finds her den before the snow! Stay warm!

    Your pal, PIp

  6. 5-10 inches of glorious snow??? I think I just saw the apck race by on their way to Colorado:)

    Have a great weekend.

  7. Wow, the ice on the aspen is an amazing shot. However, the last shot with K and the fall leaves glowing below her....Top of the line.

    I can't wait to learn more about Tiny. I hope you have warmed up since your adventure yesterday


  8. purrty soon you will be freezing your hineys off
    Benny & Lily

  9. Just checking in on you! Sorry we've been MIA after losing Our The Luke in January. We've missed your gorgeous adventures.

    with love from the Bleu

  10. We were close to 80 degrees today! Unreal for MI. Have you got your snow bike ready??

    Love the pics of the leaf with the frozen droplets. Just beautiful.

  11. Gosh, it really is getting to be winter! Our Mt Hood got snows too.
    We just have falling leaves and some rain... and hunting season (yuck)
    K is so gorgeous... so beautiful in that photo.
    I wonder if Tiny will sleep in the den all by her self (or his self)

  12. Hi Y'all,

    Playing catch up today after a few days of real life. It just boggles my mind that snow is striking the mountains already. The fact that you are having cold and snow means it is probably heading east.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  13. Yes, here it comes! But that is OK with me. Here along the coast it can get cold but never to the extremes in the mountains. Great photos.

  14. That photo of the water frozen on the Aspen leaf is fascinating! I love it! You always have such great captures, and K is always beautiful!


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