Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Autumn sights


  1. Bert's Vickie will be excited to see that moose!! I love the insect on the flower - but especially I love K against the sky with the moon rising behind her!!

  2. Unbelevably BEAUTIFUL Pictures. I was especially taken by the 4th one down. What an amazing shot of the sky and the leaves. The color....Oh man.

    And not to be a smart elic.....but I think that is an elk, not a moose.....Oh rottrover are you guys city dogs?

    And what kind of flying bug is that on the the flower. What a delicat looking critter.

    AMAZING photos. You really have the skill.

    Bert's My Vickie

  3. Hi Y'all,

    Love the silhouettes with the moon.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. Those moon shots are amazing!!! And how did you ever get such a beautiful shot of the bug on the purple flower - the colors are spectacular. We just run out of adjectives for your work - but keep it coming - we LOVE it!!!

  5. I cannot get over how beautiful the colors are here!

  6. that 4th picture rocks...that is the biggest doggie with bones for ears. Nutty
    Benny & Lily

  7. I'm going with Bert on the 4th picture. The sky, the shedding trees, and the carpeted forest floor was just a joy to me.

    All your pics are always just great and we love them all really, but I never have trouble picking out a favorite!

    Hope you are feeling good these days!

    Jo and Stella

  8. What can I say?
    Your pictures brought me smiles once again:)

  9. When you live in a world like this, it must be VERY hard to find a context for the headline news. It would seem so trivial and remote. Beautiful.

  10. K and moonlight. Quite beautiful.

  11. Oh your pictures are just glorious. Keep them coming. We are so glad we found your blog. Another part of world for us to 'visit'. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  12. Wow, an elk!!


  13. No words are needed....

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  14. What insect is that...so fuzzy? Love the trees from down low-shot and the doggys...heck all of them!!

  15. I tried viewing this on my computer at home last night, and I'm so glad it wouldn't load properly so I had to look at it from a better computer. My computer cropped most of the photos that did load, and I would have truly missed out! You have really outdone yourself here. This is a magnificent collection. That shot of the leaves on the ground is fantastic, but I love the shots of the K, too. At home, the portrait of K came up with half her face cropped off, which I thought was unusual for you, but very effective at showing off her gorgeous eye. I was going to compliment you on the creative cropping! But I do like the full version better.

  16. And wonderful autumn sights they are. (My verification word is elate. How appropriate is that?)

  17. Fabulous shots, KB - I love the leaf one.


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