Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Lead Dog

A Lupine Survivor

Golden Leaves and Eyes

Autumn Rose Leaf

Trusty Paws

The Future


  1. Another Deep Breath moment for us.


  2. It is always a pleasure to visit you cuz your fotos are always beootiful. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  3. I know I repeat my comments a lot when I visit, but I just have to say it again . . . gorgeous!! Our leaves aren't changing color much yet, but yours sure are pretty. Happy WW!

  4. Beautiful..check this out, we thought you would appreciate it
    Benny & Lily


  5. Beautiful! Is there anything better than fall and a beautiful brown dog??

  6. Another one of those circle of life moments. You're lucky you are so conscious of yours; so many of us get caught up in our ruts and drift. To badly mix some metaphors. Glad K's injury to her paw was fleeting; hope you get better news than you anticipate, once the full back MRI is done. And mama has a soft spot for skunks, so she enjoyed seeing yours.

    Jed & Abby

  7. Either our network connection is messed up or Blogger is acting up, because I can't see all the pictures, but of the ones I can see, they're all spectacular! But that's not a surprise!

  8. Your blog is always like your own personal rainbow! Just simply beautiful!!

  9. Thank you for letting us escape into your world for just a brief moment or two every day.

  10. Beautiful colours, beautiful scenery, amazing flowers and a pretty, peppered pooch :)
    Sending lotsaluv

  11. Golden Leaves and Eyes was my favorite. just amazing.

  12. A reflective ending . The future: Exhilirating ?

  13. Hi Y'all,

    Love the familiar rear view of a dog trotting down the trail. So comforting to see them checking out in front to keep us safe.

    I so look forward to your Wednesday pictures. K looks so beautiful when you frame her in fields of yellow whether it be flowers or aspens.

    The Future really caught my imagination and carried me away.

    Thank you,
    BrownDog's Human

  14. I love how Bert put it. These photo's bring many things to mind: A peaceful Autumn, friendship, bittersweet feelings, healing, and someone playing an old Indian Horn in the back ground as I think this...!


  15. Oh just take my breath away!!! I took the summer off and am just tryin' to catch up on everyone. I'm so glad I popped in!!!

    God bless ya and have an incredible day!!! :o)

  16. At the end of my day, I am once again so taken in by your stunning pictures of the present and the future!! I hope you're doing well and are having a good day!!!

  17. Oh my gosh, the beauty you share is just awsome.. and I love the golden eyes of K


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