Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Up with the sunrise

I remembered that one of my favorite things in the winter is being outside to see the sun rise. Because my spirit has been flagging recently, K and I have hustled out the door on the past two mornings to experience that magical moment when the sun peeks over the rocky peaks to our east.
Usually, I am awed by the quiet at that early hour out in the woods. Alas, that wasn't true this morning. The wind howled, almost knocking me off my feet at sunrise. K hates the wind - this photo shows her looking the happiest of any of the photos I took this morning. Notice the almost full moon setting behind her.
Indeed, when I pedaled laboriously up to Hug Hill, I was blown backward when we emerged from the trees near the rocky summit. I trudged the last yards to the top. K tried to pose with her front paws on her favorite rock but the wind, whooshing from behind her, caused her to stumble toward me. Notice how the wind blew her ears outward and the fur on the top of her head so that it stood straight up into a crest.
When we arrived home, both K and I were happy to have the shelter of a warm house. It's truly winter here when the Chinook winds start howling.
It's also truly winter here when the bears start to settle in for the season. I have been tracking a bear this week, as he wandered all over a north-facing slope. Over the course of multiple tracking sessions, I found a magical place that is supremely well-sheltered where he has been spending most of his time recently. I'll tell you more about that in the near future.

By getting outside for sunrise and finding time to track our bears, I've lifted myself out of the trough that I'd fallen into. I'm also starting to see bear tracks when I close my eyes (the bear had walked toward the camera in the photo below, using the familiar pigeon-toed gait). Do what you love. Love what you do.


  1. Hi Y'all,

    Seems a common thing now that the days are too short and growing shorter...hard to keep spirits up and keep from feeling short tempered.

    So glad you and K go brave the weather to share those fabulous photos.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  2. Mom says at da last foto of K melts her heart....

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  3. We love that sepia shot - the look in K's eyes is so precious. We had lots of wind today too, but nothing like yours. Stay warm.

  4. We are getting some of that wind down here too!


  5. That must have been a strong wind. K looks about like me when it's windy. :-) The last picture is so nice.

  6. Brrrr.... When it's too windy out for K, it's too windy! Looks like that wind could blow you over on your bike.

    Hope your hunting season is over! Hate to think of those magnificent animals in danger from predators who do NOT need to kill to survive.

    Jed & Abby

  7. I admit that I have a tough time this time of year when the days become noticeably shorter. For some reason, it's bothering me a lot more this year than it did last year. I think I need to make myself get out a bit more, too!

    I'm no fan of the wind, either, K! I love that sepia shot of her. ;) You have a fantastic eye for beauty!c

  8. Count me as one who loves K's sepia print too. The expression on her face is just rare!

    We have been having a little wind too and Stella doesn't like it either. Wonder what the other animals feel about wind.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  9. Carry on doing what you love ! I'll join the universal admiration of the sepia photo .

  10. Love the sepia tone picture of K - oh wow - she is sooo cute there!!


  11. Great stuff ! The wind here has kept my pal under my feet. He is scared of it. As it turns out I get a chance to comfort him for all the time he spends protecting me. I feel it is not much of a payback for his loyalty, but I try to make up for it with peanut butter and crackers.

  12. That sepia shot needs to go on your wall! Or, on a card that says, "Thinking of you." (Great lighting!) Wind buffeting here, too, and snow but not a lot of accumulation.

  13. Wow I can feel the wind from those photos!

    Stop on by for a visit!

  14. Your photos are gorgeous as always...
    And K is a dreamboat.

  15. those bears sure have big feets
    Benny & Lily

  16. Sorry we have not been around much.
    We always feel better when we visit you

  17. KB and K and R
    Hi. It's hard getting out of ruts but woo seem to find amazing ways to do it. Glad you made it back to the warmth of home. Those winds knocked me over from here.

  18. I love that motto! I'm thankful these outings and the bear are lifting your spirits, too, especially in these winds. You're inspiring me!


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