Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 28, 2011

A sunset to remember

I never in a million years imagined the warm and wonderful comments that I received yesterday. I'd kept my story quiet for what felt like a long time. I'm so glad that I told it, and that I have such compassionate blog friends. None of us is really alone out here.

While I spent a few hours in the hospital today being injected with radioactive glucose and then being scanned, I remembered an incredible sunset that we saw last week at Dead Horse State Park near Moab, Utah. A popular state park is usually a place that we avoid like the plague because we value solitude in the wilderness. However, we thought that Thanksgiving Day at dinner time would probably be pretty quiet. We were right.

We ventured out to a lookout where we could see a sweeping curve in the Colorado River.
The sun sank toward the horizon with that unbelievable speed that characterizes this time of year.
I glanced to the south and saw cliffs, mesas, and snowy mountains all tinged in pink. When I was a girl, growing up in a crowded part of the eastern part of the country, I had absolutely no idea that vistas like this one existed.
As the sun sank further, I realized that it was bathing us in that honey glow that I love so much on K's fur. Her fur turns copper red, almost aflame with beauty.
As the sun fell further, I glanced down at the river again. The desert moonscape looked alien in the sunset light.
K gazed in the same direction. There was another photographer at the vista, and I'm sure that he couldn't imagine why I was taking photos of my dog at that moment. I couldn't resist capturing her fur in the amazing light.
After the sun had just disappeared, I glanced to the south again. Pink and purple everywhere! Can you believe that places like this exist on our Earth? I can't.
Finally, sunset morphed into dusk and the sky caught on fire.
That's what I thought about during my scary scans today. Nature's beauty keeps my hopes high. This spectacular ride can't possibly be derailed anytime soon. Life is too beautiful and too good.


  1. BEautiful pictures as usual. Ican't believe how you captured the pinks and purples in the one shot and of course K is always so amazing looking in the sunset light.

    I am glad your day is over with the tests and hope you can relax a bit. They take so long to tell you anything.

    I am so glad you are back.


  2. KB
    I cannot imagine to stand before that beauty that your eyes gazed upon.
    The painted skys and shadows were also painting your soul, just like they do did with KB.
    We just know it.
    We were with you in thought today as you had your tests. We are with you now

  3. You were very much on my mind today and in my prayers as we all continue to hope for good news. There are so many wonderful people out there pulling for you.

    Awesome photos, KB, spectacular!

  4. Oh, so spectacular, KB! Dead Horse is where my husband would like to road bike to from Moab. Maybe this spring we'll try it - it wouldn't be that much mileage, but I think maybe it's uphill. Good to visualize Nature when you're having a scary procedure.

  5. I was thinking about you today! You definitely had a much more spectacular view on Thanksgiving Day than I did. :D I think that view was set there at that time for you to see and remember, too!

    My bet is that the other photographer was envious that you have such a stunning model to take pictures of whenever you like!

  6. How pretty! We are thinking of you!


  7. None of us know what life has in store -

    We can control all we want but reality constantly reminds us certain aspects we just can't -

    Please know you've got hugs coming from around the world -

    AND from The Rainbow Bridge was well -

  8. Hi Y'all,

    Touch on the mountains, magic of the moment, miracle called nature, miracle called life...so blessed to share the moment. Thank you.

    Paws crossed and Human prayers here too.

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  9. I can't believe places like this exist either - it does make you believe and hope in all that is possible.

    Thinking of you!

    Kristin & Pip

  10. I haven't read yesterday's post yet, but I know what it must say, and my heart sinks, but my spirit is revitalized through your courage and these gorgeous shots. We were there the next day! That very same sunset was a inspiring and incredible just two hours east. I, too, am so glad you have that red companion to shoot in addition to the clouds and canyons!

  11. I went from crying to giggling, although still hanging onto hope for you, when I realized you were visiting me while I was visiting you!!!

  12. Can't get any more beautiful than that...hang in there
    Benny & Lily

  13. Hi KB, glad some of your tests are over. You were right to think of some of the most beautiful sights on this earth. There would be many people who never get the chance to see anything even remotely like it. Thanks for sharing with us. You lift our spirits and now we can send those special thoughts right back to you.

    P.S. We wonder what it would be like to have a cold Christmas. We usually sit outside, our table fully set, and eat our hot Christmas lunch on a boiling hot day. Its funny isn't it what we take for granted. Take care. Thinking of you and sending love. No worries (cause you are loved) and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  14. Moab is an amazing place and I am so glad you had it to remember today. I just curl up in K's glow. She is so beautiful. Hope you are doing a bit of that tonight and enjoying your time home.

    Thinking about you.

  15. Your soul is as beautiful as your images. These mountains reflect a might as keen as theirs in your determination! We are with you. We believe that you have many many more miles to ride and stories to share...have faith that this is not an ending just a challenging part of the course. Have strength

  16. I'm so happy you are reveling in our caring for you. You have become most special to all of us!

    I just love the last picture with the clouds aflame. Such beauty!

    Hugs and prayers your way,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  17. Beautiful images....and a great place to go during your hospital visit...or anytime.
    Positive energy your way....

  18. I can imagine these beautiful vistas now! Thanks to you and your photos. What a marvelous shot of K!!! Incredible.

  19. ...for purple mountains majesty ....

  20. Once again, spectacular colours of the range...I am still looking at the last shot as if the heavens are on fire...captured brillantly....and taking K's photo just makes the experience all that much more beautiful. Thanks KB!

  21. K is as stunning as you are brave.

    These photos take my breath away and help me to believe that your 'spectacular rides' will go on and on for a very long time ~

  22. Just looking at these wonderful photographs fills me with peace. Fingers and paws still crossed here.

  23. We're s sorry that we missed yesterday's post and could not add out voices to those of the others. You and your dogs are among the bravest souls we know, and you bring so much beauty into the lives of us, your distant friends all over the world. Now, it is our turn to send you all those good vibes back.

  24. Hey there - I have been MIA and just ready your previous post about your health issues. OMG I am so sorry that you are going thru this. I wanted to add my prayers to the mix and my sweet chocolate Indy Bones would like to lick your face a thousand times if he could. These sunset pictures speak volumes - just stunning. We live in a beautiful world, don't we? We just have to look around and see it!

    God Bless - Diane, Dave and Indy Bones taylor from Baltimore MD

  25. Hi KB,

    I thought something more serious was going on with you. Thanks for sharing your concerns with us and letting us support you. You have so many positive thoughts coming your way from all across the globe, but none more strongly than from here in So. Cal.

    Sending rottie kisses and human hugs...

  26. Beautiful sunsets :) Sending you the most positive wishes as you go through this scary time.

    The Roo Family


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