Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bluebird day and wildlife visitors

A bluebird day... much less cold than yesterday and a glorious one to be outside.
K was in a romping great mood! She seemed thrilled that she didn't have to wear the evil boots again.
We enjoyed leisurely time in the sun. It's amazing how warm 20°F felt after yesterday's -10°F!
The snowbiking is getting easier and easier as the paths get packed down. Of course, K doesn't stick to the paths.
Unfortunately, the wind picked up near the end of my ride. Snowdrifts can make snowbiking impossible... but the snowflakes sure looked pretty as the snow flew out of the trees.

I still haven't been able to get to any wildlife cameras aside from the ones on my property. The snowpack is deep and it's very difficult to travel off-trail. However, I have a few photos from prior to the storms that I haven't shared with you yet.

A couple of coyotes traveled through our property while we were in the desert.
A bobcat followed almost the same route.
Also, during our absence, Tiny took a nap in front of a wildlife camera.
After reclining in the snow for a few minutes, he gazed longingly up at the unreachable birdfeeders and departed our clearing.
I'm rooting for Tiny to go to sleep and stay out of trouble for the rest of this year!


  1. Tiny seems like a very determined fellow! lol Hope springs eternal!

    That sky is so blue, it almost doesn't look real! What a spectacular view! It looks like you're living in a winter wonderland, too.

  2. So amazing. I am speachless. The sky against the snow is glorious.

  3. K looks like a beautiful brown bear romping through the snow. She made me laugh out loud! Those coyotes look huge and healthy :-)

  4. I could feel the brightness of that blue sky as if was standing beneath it! It has been so gray here - nice to see a blue sky again!

    Tiny is not so tiny!

    Your pal, Pip

  5. wow, the wildlife is loving that cold weather
    Benny & Lily

  6. How cool! What great pictures
    Dachshund Nola

  7. Dear Tiny!!

    Please make us all happy and be a good bear!

  8. Beautiful first picture. Of course the animals are beautiful too. I hope they all do well during the winter.

  9. Been catching up on your past few posts. The snow sure brought out the master photographer; what magnificent shots, especially of K. Looks like Tiny was ignoring the weather forecasts, too. Glad to see you and K having so much fun in the snow.

    Jed & Abby

  10. Hi Y'all,

    Oh the expressions on your face K! What a beautiful world y'all had Tuesday...magic!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  11. I think Tiny's put on some weight. I haven't got a single coyote on camera since summer. Did hear one about 50-75 yards from my stand one evening.

  12. In response to your post at my place. Of course we can be friends. Wait... let me see.... nope can't think of a reason why we can't. Stay warm friend.

  13. Now that is a crisp clear day! The shot with the falling snowflakes....I'm speechless!
    Sophie and K would have a blast together!!!! They speak the same language....I see it in the eyes.

  14. Greetings,
    Yes, it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star! Have taken over my human's keyboard so I could leave a comment on this wonderful site.
    Anyway, wow, just wow and woof! Those photographs are truly amazing and they sort of remind me of some of the photos my human took when he was in Hope, British Columbia. Great stuff and I'm really glad I visited here.
    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, your way, Penny xx

  15. Gorgeous. I can't get over the color of that sky in the first photo!

  16. I love the snow falling picture!!! Priceless!

  17. Tiny is providing me with tons of winter smiles! And how cool that a bobcat crossed your property and you have proof! Glad the trails are packing down, too, and that's a great shot of the snow blowing from the trees!

  18. We had to come back and look at more beauty! (we do this often)
    Oh the snow falling one is awsome! You capture some special moments, that we onky get to feel through you.
    Do you know what a gift you are to us?
    K in the snow is awsome! What a girl!

  19. And I thought my trip to the beach tonight was cold...not so much...what beautiful shots for us to see! Thanks!


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