Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

"I've seen it raining fire from the sky"

A long day of medical stuff. When the going gets rough, I think of my morning rides with K, and I smile.
Things were not *too* rough today. I found a great new doctor who I think will sort out my befuddling situation. Like the oncologist, he is leaning away from thinking that it's lymphoma. Instead, he thinks that it's most likely to be a bad case of sarcoidosis, an autoimmune disease that attacks lymph nodes, lungs, skin, and, in my case, bone marrow. Of course, more tests and more consultations are needed, mainly because the immune suppression that would improve my symptoms has dangers.

Regardless, I'll keep enjoying each day as much as I can, trying to live as if I'm about to fall off a cliff. None of us really knows what will happen next in our lives.

I've recently been inspired by reviewing my year in photos. I've discovered that my favorite photos almost always include dogs. The photo below was at about 13,000' in our mountains. K and I enjoyed a glorious hike through wildflowers and on the alpine tundra.
However, the mountains by themselves inspire me too. I found a couple of photos of the skies and the mountains that made me smile. I sometimes find it hard to believe that we are privileged to live on an Earth that is so beautiful that it astounds me.
John Denver said it best - "I've seen it raining fire from the sky".
Those photos remind me that I love being out in our mountains every single day so that I don't miss the days of absolutely glorious beauty.


  1. And of course you are a fan of John Denver. My Vickie is too. How appropriate to use his words to describe the last amazing photo.

    We are still continually keeping you in our thoughts as you work through this illness. You are an inspiration to us in every way possible.


  2. Wow! That last one really takes your breath away, doesn't it?

    Sometimes I am not so good with words, not sure what I can say. I am a better listener than talker.

    Just know that our prayers are with you and we are behind you.

    Thank you for sharing in the glory surrounds you and blessing us as well. :)

  3. Hi KB:

    A new Doc sounds like a good thing.
    I hope he can figure it all out and THEN, fix it up for you!

    Pics are, as always, just splendid.

    Cheers and hugs,


  4. I'm glad that at least they're still finding answers. :) I've been thinking about you!

    I think the Year of the Mountain Lion has been a mostly good one! I know I can think of a lot of your pictures that I've admired. You could make one awesome calendar with all the shots you've taken this year!

  5. inspiration. I can tell you that you are a part of our daily prayers. Each morning as MOM and I take a step back and quiet ourselves before our day begins we call to mind those who God has placed before us, you are often there. Peace to you friend. If I could give you a nose nuzzle I would.

  6. Breath taking. And thinking of you, KB :-)

  7. Hi KB
    I hear John Denvers words all the time, cause my mom can't seem to live without him. Those were the most perfect words to describe the awsome sky photo.
    We would never be able to decide which of your photos we enjoy the most. We just know that every time we visit you- we are blessed. And we are reminded to grasp the moment that we have and feel it in our hearts.
    The words that you share are all so true.
    Thank you again for sharing your journey with us.
    You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers

  8. Thanks for sharing.... your photographic vision... your "neighborhood"... your pups... the trueness of your soul. It is an incredible act of giving.

    We are glad progress is being made in your diagnosis and continue to send White Dog positive energy and healing strength. Be at peace.

  9. OMG...what? I have been away and I am totally lost with your situation. I must go back track later to find out. My mum is a bone marrow donor and if you needs it...it's yours:)

    ALL of your fotos is beautifuls but I agree...fotos of dogs are always da bestest. Then again, you have amazin' scenics too.


  10. Beautiful photos as always. John Denver knew how to sing about the mountains! I'm praying for your health issues to be resolved soon.

  11. Haven't commented in awhile, but continue to read your blog and enjoy your amazing photos. That last one today is unbelievably awesome. Would love to have that last one on my mantle! (Really! hint, hint:)

    Hope the new doctor figures things out for you and it's something that can be easily managed. Will keep our fingers and paws crossed for you. Love, love, love your beautiful world. Thanks for sharing with us!

    Tank's Asst.

  12. Yeah - the outdoors with nature, your dog and those magical mountains. From your photos it looks like you are seeing, enjoying and appreciating more inspiring natural beauty every day than most people get to see in their lifetime..sorry to learn of your health concerns - your attitude and understanding to what is important in life is fabulous..keep taking the photos as I know you and all us blogfriends stay in awe of the wonders of your landscape and your dog.
    aroofs from Zola and her human in France xx

  13. I'm glad that lymphoma isn't likely. Like so many others, I also take inspiration from your persistence in seizing every moment you can. Like those firey sunsets, so much in life is fleeting.

    With that said, I can't help but feel angry for you. I want to throw out the "it's not fair" card--you don't need anything added to your plate--but that doesn't ring in the spirit of KB. *humph*

  14. Your photos are always just stunning--But I know standing there taking in the beauty with the crisp clean air, makes it even more inspiring to see. I'm glad you're finding your way through this. Know that we continue to think often of you and send good thoughts and prayers in your direction!

  15. So glad to hear you might be making medical headway; I think of you constantly and wonder how you are holding up. This is a perfect pick-me-up post, with K and the moon, then those glorious sky shots. Sometimes I think the colors in the sky are the best medicine on earth.

  16. Hi Y'all,

    The raining fire never looked truer.

    Prayers for a rapid resolution of your health problems.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  17. Laughter always makes me feel better...I know this sounds so unfeeling or something but I'm watching The Vicar of Dibley (British Comedy) and seriously can't stop laughing...if you have a chance..try the show or DVD's. If this helps in some small bit, I'll know that I've helped....

  18. Your attitude will take you far, blogger buddy. Daily we send positive vibes to you in the Rockies. Here's hoping the tangle will be unwound soon so you can move forward.

  19. We so love to come here and find peace and calm in viewing your awesome photos.

    We hope this new doctor is on to something good. Even though it is still another battle to face, it has to be better than a "C" diagnosis. You remain in our prayers daily.

  20. Oh my gosh!

    Our thoughts are with you!!

  21. I am glad you have found a new doctor and hope you soon get some definitive answers.

    Your pictures are so beautiful and peaceful and always make us feel better.

    Your pal, Pip

  22. Dear KB, I am so glad you are working with a new doctor too. Like so many others, I hold you up in prayer. I love your attitude,not letting any health issue define you but always being grateful for the day. I was surprised you had snow when we didn't and I love your pics of the sky plus I have always loved John Denver's music. In fact, in college I wanted to leave Ca. and come live here-it just took me some 38 yrs to do it.
    Blessings and health to you today.
    Thank you for always inspiring me and others. Hugs, Noreen & Reggie-dog


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