Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A purple dawn

Today's dawn was spectacular, one to savor and remember. I was happy to be alive for it. It painted the whole world purple, and even the hoar frost on the pine trees was tinted purple when I gazed to the west.
To the east, the sunrise was gorgeous, hidden behind a "Christmas Tree" lit up in a natural light show.
It was about 12°F when K and I rolled out the door.... but it's amazing how that temperature has started feeling warm to me if the wind is quiet. We relaxed near our favorite sunrise viewpoint, and K stood next to a frost-covered small pine tree.
After we departed, I managed to pedal all the way up to Hug Hill, for only the second time in the weeks since we were bombarded with snow. K reclaimed her place as the Queen of Hug Hill.
I was so happy to be alive and out in nature with my K this morning. I hope that you all are finding peaceful moments in this busy season.


  1. My goodness KB if you don't always put a smile on my MOM's heart.
    And for me my favorite pic is of Queen K, she is so beautiful.

  2. Queen K, I see all of nature bowed to you this morning!

    That sunrise was fantastic! Isn't it amazing how Mother Nature can still come up with things to surprise us?

  3. I can't believe how K just lights up her surroundings with brightness.

    It seems the lighting is always perfect for golden pictures of her.

    Your surroundings today were beautiful and it is no wonder you find hope each time you ride.


  4. Thanks for this reminder to seek out the quiet. I was in need of some myself. Although I'd have rather been in the mountains with my pups, I found some quiet at the gym, pushing my limits. Happy Wednesday

  5. Another round of great photos and I offer thanks for them!

    I am one of those people who want to know how things got named . Did you name Hug Hill, or was it that when you came? Is it on a plat with that name? Do you own it?

    I think I will resume blogging after the first of the year and believe me, it will feel good.

    Cheers and hugs,


  6. When you see the painted colors of the sunrise on the trees and hills, it must feel like you find a treasure each day!
    We can feel the crispness of your morning!
    K has no problem at all laying in that cold snow!
    How beautiful she is!

  7. Dats what you calls breath taking.
    I comes to your blog furs my peace and serene moments:)


  8. That's it. We need to move to your part of the world. All we are getting here are gloomy and cloudy skies. We need some days like your beautiful show. And we sure would enjoy that snow.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  9. Hi Y'all,

    So cold...brrrr...

    But the magic shows through.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  10. What a beautiful sunrise! I always feel relaxed when looking at the pictures and reading your blog... such a beauiful place to call home.
    -Corbin's momma Jenn

  11. Hello Everybuddy, you give us peaceful moments when we look at your photos. Just magnificant. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory


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