Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A snowbike ride

Winter is an odd season for a snowbiker because the accessible world shrinks and then grows with each storm. Since we were hit with a trifecta of storms more than a week ago, the snowbiking world is finally expanding again. In the past few days, K and I have ridden many trails that were snowed in last week.

We were out for sunrise this morning, and K focused on the mewing of elk calves off in the distance.
When a cow elk and her calf get separated, the calf makes a high pitched mewing noise. When I hear mews emanating from the meadow near our house, I know to steer clear of it so that the elk can graze in peace. However, the sounds, and doubtless the scents, still mesmerize K.
I stopped and watched K focusing on the lower meadow. Her eyes glowed in the rising sun. Ah, her eyes never cease to amaze me. You can see the reflection of the scene in front of her in her eye.
I kept our riding distance short, trying to let her paw recover from yesterday's "leap". After I rode with K, I headed out alone. Snowbiking involves exploring to find packed trails, and the exploration can be incredibly successful if I find packed trails, resulting in a wonderful ride. But, it sometimes turns out to be a disaster where I flounder in deep powder and end up trudging along pushing my bike.

Today was successful. I found a 4WD road that a snowmobile had packed to perfection. I could ride fast, soaking up the winter sunshine and enjoying the feeling of my legs propelling me forward at an average astounding speed of (hold onto your horses) 5 mph! It's true - snowbiking is not fast. However, the fun of riding over packed snow will never fade for me.
And, it leaves both me and K happily tired.


  1. I love that sleepy look she has there at the end! I'm glad she's not feeling too bad after her spectacular leap yesterday. I always love your close up shots of her eyes! Maybe we need to see one of R's for comparison some time. I'm glad you had such a successful day. It sounds like it really buoyed your spirits!

  2. That sleepy/zonked out K is wonderful!

  3. Don't ya just love a sleepy pup?!?!? So enjoy your adventures. thanks

  4. Those eyes, you can just get lost in them.
    Your story of the expanding and contacting trails reminds my MOM of how life is. It was beautifully put and gave MOM pause to think of the wonder of it all.
    Now, back to K’s eyes….BOW WOW.

  5. I'm Glad Rockie that your still doing great with you Dad!

    It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

  6. Can't get over our amazement at the glorious star shape of K's irises. Glad to see K is not seriously damaged after her flying leap.

    We always hope the biologists who are tracking wildlife are benignly motivated by a desire to use their new knowledge to protect habitat, and that their knowledge will not be abused by those with ignoble motives.

    Jed & Abby

  7. Ah K, we see the world in your eyes. Figuratively and literally.

    Perfect way to end our day.

    Night my friend


  8. The eyes are the window to the soul, as they say...both K's in the photo...and yours as the eye through the lens. Both of you are beautiful.

  9. K's eyes seem to hold onto an image of summer .

  10. Hi Y'all,

    My Human looked at K's beautiful eye and the reflection, then looked at mine which has already started to matter up even though she cleaned them when we got up less than an hour ago.

    Clock just struck 4:15 am, so I need to hustle my Human so we can go for our first walk, not just a pee break, at 4:30.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  11. I never get tired of these pics of K - chocolates fun always photographs so well! What fun to do this every morning - wish we had snow here in Maryland. I'm sure it will come soon enough.

    Have a great day!!!

  12. beautiful KB, beautiful........

  13. So cool to be in the midst of nature every day and the fact you can actually bike in the snow. So very cool
    Benny & Lily

  14. K's eyeball looks likes a flower.
    I haves heard them mews and if you don't know what they is then it can scares da livin' daylights out ya.


  15. We love K's eyes, especially that star flower she has!!! You never cease to amaze us with your strength and stamina to plow through that snow. I have all I can do to walk through it (when we have some)!

  16. Hold me Back...5 miles an hour....whoooaaa....be careful! Snoozy time is the best, isn't it!

  17. Hi KB, So glad the elk are near your area; we were up in RMNP yesterday and didn't see any animals-elk, sheep or goats. The snow was down and the day beautiful but I missed seeing the wildlife.
    So glad you are able to get out and ride regardless of the weather.
    Happy Holidays, Noreen & Reggie-dog

  18. Oh yeah...did you use a macro lens on her eye?

  19. Oh gosh- the eye shot is toooo fantastic! Total amazement that you captured "the moment" in K's eye! And the design in her eye sort of looks like a star- and sort of like a flower!
    The elk are so gorgeous. We have elk here, but can you believe we never see them?
    Mother Earth just keeps you reaching for new horizons- its amazing that you can bike through all that snow-
    now my mommy is wanting a bike too KB! I am afraid she is not as limber and confident as you!
    Mommy wants " the drive that you have."

  20. Her beautiful eyes always amaze me too. I really like that last photo of her. It's unusual for me to see her so relaxed. She's always on the go. :)

  21. I chuckled at your 5 mph... that's me on a morning commute in the dark, with or without snow!!!

    I'm loving these close-ups you're getting of K's beautiful face!


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