Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

You cannot be serious

We had a surprise big snowfall last night. I was shocked to see what looked like a fresh foot of snow outside our windows this morning. K started our snowshoe hike in 10°F air wearing a hat and neck warmer.
She didn't wear them for long. K porpoised through the bottomless snow like a wild puppy. I started our hike still feeling gloomy but K's happy play lifted my spirits skyward. Her joyful demeanor was infectious.
While we were out on the trails, the snow barrage became intense. The horizontal snow whipped past K's face in when she sat still.
I had hoped that snowshoeing would pack the trails enough for me to snowbike on them. Alas, it snowed so hard while K and I were on the trails that I could barely discern our tracks on the way home. So, I headed out onto dirt roads on my snowbike, assuming that plows and car tracks would make them passable. On a private road, the plow had been through leaving a wall of snow that dwarfed my monster snowbike.
County roads had not yet been plowed. Trucks, SUV's, and cars were abandoned by the sides of the roads where they'd become hopelessly mired in the snow. You can see the furrows of tire tracks on the very snowy county road below. You can also see how gorgeous our world was today, a magical kingdom of fluffy snow.
As I pedaled up this road, I saw one of the huge county plows heading down it. I lifted my bike off the road and stood on the berm to let him plow the entire road. But, to my surprise, he stopped, smiling broadly. He opened his window and shouted, "You cannot be serious!", as he pointed at my bike. He laughed and continued on his way. I giggled as I headed toward home on the most gnarly bike in the world.


  1. Who COULD be gloomy with that hiking buddy!! Those eyes!! That last picture looks like a holiday card :-)

    hehehe: my vari-word is "lablet"!!

  2. OoH he was just jelly cuz he was workin' and you and K was havin' all da fun! :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  3. As always, stunning photographs! K's joyous spirit msut be infectious:-)

  4. WOW amazing photos. I love the one of K and the snow whipping by. Just beautiful.

  5. Can't let the pack see this post - we have had miserable cold steady rain all day - talk about a gloomy day. Love that pic of snow-sprinkled K.

  6. I love the shot of K with the snow flying past her! I think I'd have been enjoying the snow through the window a little more if I were there, but I always love the pictures you get when you brave the elements. Just stay warm!

    Glad we could give you a good giggle this morning! :)

  7. I can see it now . I've been trying to understand what the college boys mean when they say this is a ' get that kitten off the highway ' moment . The sno plough driver has answered my question .

  8. There you go KB, just out of the blue, someone said something that made you smile and you gave him a smile. What a lovely day. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  9. That is one super duper bike. Of course having super lady at the wheel helps.

    Mango Momma

  10. I'm glad the plowman had a great sense of humor! People stopping for a moment, even for a small bit of humor or a nice comment about the boys or my horses, really cheer up my day!


  11. Oh Yeah...SERIOUS.....for sure! What beauty!(more positive energy)!

  12. It's hard to imagine a plow coming down that small road. We had about a foot of snow in the past few days. Yesterday I tried to take the boys out for an on leash walk in the forest after being home a couple days. Turns out that's not a good idea. :-)

  13. Every morning I get up and look out the window expecting to see some SNOW. And every morning its bare ground. What if we don't have a White Christmas? I can't even imagine it!

    I wonder how much mileage the Plow Guy got out of his girl-on-bike story this morning!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella, Ziva Zophia

  14. Hi Y'all,

    So glad your beautiful K and your magic winter world has lifted your spirits, if only for now.

    BrownDog's Human

  15. we have to agree, you are nutty lady. BOL
    Benny & Lily

  16. Beautiful shots. Love reading of your adventures.

  17. K's spririt makes us smile! No matter what she does- she has a good time- just like you!

  18. My first Irish Wolfhound thought snow was something arranged entirely for her entertainment. I've never had a dog who enjoyed snow so much. She would dive down and come up with a tower of snow balanced on her muzzle. Even when I had to deal with the buried car, or trudging back and forth through deep snow to carry water to the livestock, her delight was contagious and irresistible :)

  19. I was drooling over the phenonenal pictures of K, especially the one with the snow streaking across the frame, until I got to that last paragraph. Oh, my gosh, I laughed so hard! Not only at the plower, but at your comment, the most gnarly bike in the world!!!

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