Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Carpe Diem

K is home and feeling good. Three days of general anaesthesia, stereotactic radiation, and one round of chemotherapy - and K still seems happy-go-lucky. We took a short walk under pink clouds in a world tinted purple by the sky this evening. She still wore her "hospital ID collar" which you can see over her regular collar. She also wore a special bandana, saying "Hug me. I had radiation therapy.", when she arrived home. I complied.
We've begun the journey of living with cancer. Now, we'll seize our days together. This was the sunrise that I saw on the day that K was diagnosed with osteosarcoma.
It was inspiring, to the very core of my soul. Carpe Diem.


  1. That sunrise spells hope! So glad K is back home and receiving the hugs she deserves.

  2. We concur!

    Our sunrises have been like that the past two mornings - I felt like I was THERE with you and you were HERE with us!

    Please add our hug to K's 'prescription'!

  3. That sunrise is just spectacular! Wow! Nothing like that here! Maybe I need to get up earlier?? When is sunrise anyway?!

    Please comply with the collar instructions from us also!

    So glad she is home with you!

    Extra hugs today for everyone! It is, after all, "hug" day! (OK, it should be!!)

    {{{hugs to your entire pack!]]]


  4. Hi Y'all,

    Seeing the sunrise and knowing the significance of the day you saw it reminded me of the saying we have around the coast..."red sky in the morning, sailors take warning"...

    I'm so happy K is home and feeling loved.

    BrownDog's Human

    P.S. the rest of the saying is "red sky at night, sailor's delight".

  5. K I am so glad you have gotten through the first part of all this and in such good spirits. You indeed do have a soaring spirit. That sky is almost as beautiful as you.

    KB if it's not to greedy can I give K 2 big and long hugs? HUUUUUUG HUUUUUUG.

  6. I'm sure you've already seen this, but seeing your photos today made me see the amazing patterns in K's fur (like the patterns in your photo of the clouds). There is beauty in the details and also in every moment - Carpe Dieme.

    Sending love to you both.

  7. I'm so glad she's home. It will be nice for her to be able to relax and feel more normal. Great that she is still up bead and happy!

  8. I'm so glad K is home with you and still in good spirits. Funny how I found myself waiting all day to hear how she made out ; I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel. Here's to many many more sunsets with your beautiful K. Seize the moment!

  9. Wow, the sunrise is amazing (for complete lack of words to do the sky justice!).

    K is one tough cookie. I hope she continues to handle the chemo well.

    On an R note, he had me laughing out loud again with his series of photos from your last post. What a spirit he is!

  10. I havr never seen a sunrise that looked as gorgeous as this one that you have shared with us.
    It's so splendorious!
    We're happy K is back home being loved on- just as she should be!
    "now" is the moment.

  11. So happy that K's home and in your loving arms....just smother her with all the love that you can muster and then some....Peace!

  12. Please give Miss K some hugs from me and my pack. Glad things are going well. I linked your blog on mine today....I have a few dog lover followers that I know will enjoy your story and send up some prayers as well. Enjoy your weekend.
    P.S. hugs to you too! :)

  13. Here here to all the above comments. WE couldn't say it better.

    Can we join the others in a huge HUG......

    Bert and My Vickie

  14. {{{{{{{Group Hug}}}}}}

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  15. Add us to the group hug, please.

    Carpe diem for sure - we are so happy that this initial stage went so well.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  16. Love and hugs to our girl, K. To hear that she has come through all she has this week in good spirits is just the best news!

    Enjoy the weekend!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  17. What a way to welcome K home! So beautiful. Take care of that girl, we are thinking about you. :)

  18. It was inspiring to the very core of many souls...Carpe Diem with hope and love.

  19. Give K a hug for me, too! I think that beautiful sunrise was an omen that she'd sail through this round of treatment. You must be thrilled to have her home!

  20. glad K has energy and you two are together again.

  21. Thanks for the practical tip. Squishy white bread makes a certain amount of sense. Steve refused to go to the Co-Op (although I would bet they had nothing like that) but even going to the local chain he was a little embarrassed carrying the loaf of Wonder Bread! Little 8-toothed Nuka just adored it however! Now, what to do with the rest...croutons for split pea soup?

  22. We are so pleased K is home with you and through her first treatment.
    What a fabulous sunrise.
    Please give K a special hug from us too!
    Extra Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  23. Please give K a huggie from us too! What a fabulous sunrise!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  24. So glad K is HOME! :) Pawlease give her a hug and some belly rubs from me and Mom :)


  25. K and R are stunningly beautiful dogs. so sorry to read about K and her cancer. I see you have lost other dogs by reading on your sidebar. we have lost 2 since 2002 and still have Jake and Baby, they are mixed breeds. your labs are so pretty and your photography is amazing, both of the dogs and God's creation. I found you today on Val's My Girls got Paws.

  26. Welcome home K. We continue have our paws crossed. Carpe Diem!!!

  27. And so the Days of Grace begin. Enjoy each second. We'll be here with you both! Hugs to Miss K!!

  28. Much love and healing to K. Each day is a gift...we are thinking of her and bringing a #pawcircle of healing and hope to her from the FiveSibes Facebook & Twitter world of furpals. Keep up the good fight, K. We all support you and send you our love and healing thoughts. Carpe Diem indeed.

  29. You are handling this with such grace and dignity. You are both an inspiration to all of us!

    Your pal, Pip

  30. So wonderful that K is home and that you all can hug her! We are undone by your fortitude and strength in handling the road presented to you and K - as all above have said, you are indeed, a huge inspiration to all (and to K, of course too!).
    Hugs xoxoxo
    Sammie and Avalon and Miche

  31. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I may never have found you and I really love what you are doing here. Dogs, nature, adventures....what's better than that? I hope K will come through the chemo OK. It's so hard when we can't explain to them what's going on and why they have to endure these things. I will think of her.

  32. All we can say is add us to the group hug (thank goodness Rory has long legs, especially as we are on the outside of the hug, whew). Thinking of you all with love. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  33. Our Sam is a cancer survivor. It's been 7 years since we fought it, and with the exception of a few setbacks thru the years, we won. We believe it happens because we know it happens.

    Give K a hug from us!


  34. Best of luck to K from a friend of Sophie. I am sending good thoughts your way.

  35. Can you hug her for me too? and for Loki? and for Juno? that's three more hugs! oh what the heck, give her one for Mr. Wild Dingo too!

    Here's to having the time of your lives. May it be long and full of vitality.


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