Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Holding onto time

K and I especially relished our time together today. We started the day in the glow of the intense sunrise light.
Tomorrow is the second of K's six chemotherapy treatments. We are told that some dogs have tough side effects with these carboplatin treatments. So far, K's only bad side effect was a brief dip in her neutrophil count, requiring her to take antibiotics for a week. I'm so glad that she didn't get sick.

Our fervent hope is that we can extend her life with these treatments. Without treatment, most dogs with osteosarcoma die within a couple of months. With the treatment protocol that K is getting, there's a chance that we'll get a high quality year and there's a very long shot that we'll get even more good time. Today was most certainly a high quality day! It's been slightly more than a month since her diagnosis.
Sadly, we've had two dogs stricken with cancer in the past (Acadia and S). Both were elderly and had other serious health issues so we chose not to put them through cancer treatment, and cancer rapidly took their lives. K is much younger and stronger than they were... so we want to give her a chance at more high quality time on Earth. So far, we've been pleasantly surprised by how easily she's handled the treatment. Her current life is full of fun and love - so we're guessing that K agrees with our decision.

This morning, we wandered the woods with no particular goal in mind. K found scents that caught her fancy and sprinted through the snow with her nose to the ground. I smiled and sighed. I'm so happy to see her still thriving.
As we wandered the woods, it felt almost warm because of the strong sun. A flock of robins fluttered and chirped around us. A woodpecker drummed high in a tree. Despite the sub-freezing temperature, it felt almost like spring.
We finished our day with a sunset hike, watching the glow of the sun falling below a bank of clouds that enshrouded the Continental Divide.
The waxing moon, a tiny sliver, fell toward the western horizon as dusk fell on a peaceful day.
Our fingers and paws are crossed for K tomorrow, hoping that her treatment goes well, and that she continues to thrive.


  1. Our paws are crossed fur K too. We will be holding all of you close to our hearts tomorrow. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  2. We are sending positive thoughts your way. So glad that you enjoyed the beautiful day.
    Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily

  3. Oh how our paws are crossed AND khrossed -

    We'll be thinking of all of you tomorrow!

  4. Our fingers and paws are crossed here. :-) I think she'll do great. I'm so glad she is feeling well and able to get out and have fun. It makes treatments and worry worth it when you see it really helping and they are so happy.

  5. I think you must live in the most photogenic place in the world. We are wishing K an easy time with this next treatment and it is so, so obvious that she is full of love and fun.

  6. Our paws are crossed tooo for K.
    In fact I will go outside and make wishes for K- on those sparkling stars in the sky.
    K is enjoying life, and our hope is that it continues to stay strong and feel good.
    The photos are just awsome!

  7. Each Day we look to your blog for a chance to see those beautiful brown eys and the sun shining on the face of that charming and loving dog.

    You never dissapoint. Paws and fingers crossed, knees bent, heads bowed for tomorrow.

    Bert and My Vickie

  8. Fingers and paws are crossed here, too! I can tell what a beautiful day you had there, and it definitely all agrees with Miss K.

  9. My paws are crossed too. Front and back.
    Bueatiful Blessings to you both,

  10. K looks like she was kicking up her heals in one of the pictures. Good luck tomorrow. We will be crossing fingers and paws for K and you tomorrow.

  11. What a beautiful day to share with K. It can only mean good things for both of you. We think K and you are in great hands and we'll cross our 24 Paws just because we believe.

  12. Good thoughts going out to your noble pooch!

  13. Us, too! Keeping our paws crossed, always.

    Jed & Abby

  14. Good luck tomorrow K we will be thinking of you.
    Benny & Lily

  15. I love K's labra-butt. super cute!
    We're keeping our fingers crossed over here too for her treatment.

    re: your comment on autoimmune. I would love to chat with you more on it when the time is right for you. More or less information sharing. I'm curious about autoimmune and allergies and if they are related. I haven't had time to really read as much as I'd like about the 2. i know a little about each. Unfortunately for me, i had to "figure out" the food allergy myself. No doctor thought to test for it. and even then, my "western" doc tested me after I had been off the food for 2 months, and antibodies were not in my system for it and yet she still insists i'm not allergic. but from what i read: you can't do the test w/o ingesting the allergen food for at least 4 weeks! and I'm not willing to feel like crap again just to prove what i already know. but autoimmune is interesting to me because i lived this long without the allergy and now it pops up... hm... yes, possibly stress related. anyway, thanks for your comment. when we have time, i'd love to share information.

    big hugs to K from us
    Loki, Juno and Wild Dingo

  16. Know that there are folk thinking of the two of you today .

  17. Lots of love sent from down under. Magnificent photos and skies,the colour of K, with the snow, sky and hills is wonderful.Tomorrow, lots of love from all over will be with you both. Fond cheers from Jean

  18. What a wonderful day you had with K. The sun really does enhance her beauty!I love the second shot with her back feet in the air. You can tell she loves her daily treks with you. Good luck tomorrow! My thoughts will be with you and K!

  19. Beautiul pictures. THe treatment will be good for her. She´s looking so well at the pictures. I will go to the vet today with Tyra but only for health examine for the insurance company. She became swedish and finnish hunting champion and therefor I will get higher insurance. They want to know that she´s ok. You never get your dog back if somethings happen but something for your work. Shes´valued to SEK 47.000.
    Do you have doginsurance? When I operated old Nova for cancer it cost SEK 14.000 and I paid 4.000. The rest took the insurance and she was 13 years old.

  20. What a perfect example you all are of 'Living life to the Max'. I am so happy that you are able to reap it to the fullest. I remember so well your comments on my blog, a while ago, which said: "Carpe Diem!"
    We love you, KB...hang in there!
    Sending lotsaluv

  21. Our paws are crossed for you too, K!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  22. Ya'll, I has everything dat I could possibly cross crossed today! And I is sendin' my most fierce doxie vibes to ya'll as well.
    I am still amazed at how well K has handled da treatments, hers a tuff one indeed.
    And Ms. KB, hugs to you!


  23. We have our fingers and paws crossed for you every day, but especially for today and the days to come. Hope all goes well today.

  24. All paws crossed and praying for K!

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  25. Sending all good positive thoughts your way.

  26. Sending my good thought, prayers, and hugs to you and K this morning. I am always missing the sunrise since I start work at 6am - I love seeing your photos of them! That way I get my sunrise fix every day - such a simple pleasure of God's pure grace as he whipes the slate clean for another day :):)

    Good luck today!


  27. Praying for you. This must be so hard. We hate sickenss.

    Lots of love,


  28. K reminds me of a mighty lion in that picture with her back paws off the ground!

    Hope things go well today! We are thinking of you and K and sending our very best wishes.

    Your pal, Pip

  29. Hi Y'all,

    Here it is...tomorrow...my Human is saying her prayers for K and my paws are crossed. Our hope is that she will continue to feel better and better.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  30. K looks so strong and happy in these pictures, I think that will help her through her treatments. I hope so, she is a lovely dog and your love for her shines through everything you write and in the pictures too.

  31. K being such a strong dog to start with, you being so on-top of her needs, and quick to respond to vet care has made an enormous & positive difference to K.

    Our thoughts and prayers for her future.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  32. We had a cat with cancer and decided to give him chemotherapy after his surgery. He never did have any ill side effects and it extended his life by 18 months. (Which, as the vet pointed out, is a large percentage of his life in "cat years.") We never regretted our decision but certainly wouldn't have done it if the treatment had made him sick. I'm so glad K is feeling so good. Animals are blessedly unaware of their mortality.

  33. Our fingers and toes crossed for K, too. Love that golden photo with both her hind legs totally off the ground! She looks ready for takeoff!

  34. hope that K continues to feel good during her treatments, and you have many, many, many more opportunities to make beautiful memories together..

  35. Fingers and paws crossed here too, good blogger buddy and good blogger dog!

  36. Just wanted to let you know that you're in my thoughts...

  37. We spent the day sending White Dog positive energy to K and hope the treatment went well and that all of you are safe and warm and cuddled together tonight. Know you are loved.

  38. Oh my, KB, the sliver of a moon...I looked at that same view from my back stoop...the world is small...and please take care of yourself with K's continuing story. Sophie is looking at me as I type...Peace and Love..coming from her!

  39. Paws and fingers crossed for K - hope everything went well!

  40. Thinking of ya'all daily and thanking you for sharing your journey with all of us here in blogland...

    For everything you are doing for K...Just listen to your heart and hers - she is giving you guidance in this journey, even if you don't know it yet.

    My time in Colorado recently just makes your pictures with K come to life for me! Thanks!

    Power of the Paw!

    Sandra (and Baylor)

  41. Keeping our paws and fingers crossed!!

    take care
    Clive and Murray

  42. We are behind with our postings. However we never stop sending K positive thoughts and vibes!
    Fabulous photos of her as always.

    Extra Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

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