Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 16, 2012

A peaceful day

A peaceful start to the day...
A joyful hike with my K...
Her love of life burst forth...
And her dignity captured my heart, yet again...
K is showing me how to live, regardless of circumstances, just as she's always done.


  1. Excellent proof how dogs so DO live in the moment!

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. OMG! I absolutely love that picture of K rolling on her back! Gooooo K!!
    Glad to see the wind didn't blow away all your snow. It is pouring rain here right now. :(

  3. Hi Y'all,

    K looks magnificent!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. thanks God for that beautiful day!

    It's all About Pet Fences

  5. I LOVE K rolling around. Made me and MOM smile. And look at that cute tounge sticking out in the second photo. hehehe
    K is an excelent teacher. We all are learning from her. I hope the peaceful and joyful days are many ahead. Keep following K's lead. She knows what she's doing.
    Now if you will excuse me I have a box to attend to.

  6. K is right--Thank her for reminding me of that too!!

  7. Great post. She is one wonderful dog.

  8. LOVE her rolling on her back with shaved tummy showing!! such a happy girl!!

  9. Such beautiful photos, and such a wonderful dog! [Stay warm back there!]

  10. K has captured our hearts too. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  11. I always love those little glimpses we see of K letting go and being a little crazy! Of course, I love seeing her quiet dignity, too, but I always smile at those little moments when we see her with her guard down. It looks like it was a beautiful day for the two of you! :)

  12. Look at that girl roll and enjoy life to the fullest. She could teach us all a thing or two.

  13. Every photo is stunning! Love seeing her rolling in the snow and her most honest eyes - she is amazing!
    Hugs to you and to her xoxoxo
    Sammie, Avalon and Miche

  14. K basks in the sun but glows from within.

  15. I agree with Goose who says that K is a wonderful teacher! She is teaching us all. Thanks, K!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. She is showing all of us how to live!

    Your pal, Pip

  18. K's beauty and courage shows so much in these pictures!

  19. It's amazing how the stay so happy and live fully. When Zephyr was recovering I worried so much and he and Astro would pick up on it. So, since I didn't want to upset him or Astro I was forced to try and live more like them. :-)

  20. Dogs are so good at living in the moment and making the best of things. Kinda makes it a complement when some one's called a dog
    Dachshund Nola's Mommy

  21. KB-

    I've been following your plights with your pup, and my heart goes out to you. We are seperated by distance and life experiences, but I can completely comisserate with you, and my heart is there. I had a beloved black lab from age 6 years old to age 20. My entire childhood. I finally had to make the difficult decision to lay him to rest when things got bad. Looking at your pics of K, I see him in her eyes! He was a rambunctious, vivacious, sassy dog. I wish our dogs could live forever, but maybe we wouldn't appreciate them as much? I wish you and your beautiful girl happy and healthy days.

    X- BearlyAlyssa

    PS-do you remember me? I'm the girl who called you about bear trails..from NY :)

  22. That's living in the moment, not the past, or the future. Just the present. Hoomans need to learn how to do this some time. :)


  23. What a beautiful way to end my day.

  24. Woo there K~
    Such a pretti girl with such a verve for life!! Woo know that us puppers don't know how to read those x-rays and special reports, we just keep bein' our happi selves. Keep "kickin' it up" there, K.
    Khyra's pal,
    and his Mom who thanks your for your kind words about Daunte.

  25. And you both are leading us all into greater awareness and appreciation. Thank you.

  26. That will to live and enjoy life . No wonder dogs become so integrated into the family .

  27. You are such a beauty, K! Keep your mom smiling!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  28. What beautiful pictures. The best is K rolling around in the snow. She´s happy and playful.

  29. OMG, the photo of her rolling in the snow, it is awesome.

    Somedays I really miss the rockies and the snow.

  30. K certainly is enjoying life. She is inspirational for sure. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  31. Not sure it's possible to squeeze any more joy into a post than you got into this one! The rolling in the snow shot... priceless!

  32. Wow...my person just loves your pictures and the special bond you have with K! I think I have to draw the line at the teeth brushing though...you are giving her ideas!!! Yuck!

    She always shows me your pictures and tells me of the adventures that are yet to come for us! Yea!

    Keep on "romping and rolling" all over those great open fields and mountains of Colorado!

    Bark at ya later!


  33. What a privilege we have to watch our dogs live for each moment and not worry about anything else. We should be better students and learn to live the same way.

    Gorgeous pics - as always!
    Chester's Mom ;0-)

  34. K is so gorgeous!
    She is teaching us all so much.
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  35. How did I miss this beautiful post of K showing us all on how to live each moment to the fullest!
    Thank you K

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