Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Two year anniversary

Two years ago today, I had three discs removed from my neck, and those joints were fused. At this time of the evening two years ago, I was resting in a hospital bed. My surgeon thought that I might need another spine surgery as soon as a year after that one. Here I am, two years later, and no additional fusions have happened yet!

Today, despite a maelstrom of furious wind that whipped snow and sand through the air, I headed out on my snow bike to celebrate. The wind was so strong at this gap in the ridge that I could barely stand up.
The wind-whipped clouds looked psychedelic to me.
The photo above was taken during a brief lull in the wind. The next one was almost the same scene during a gust.
I've learned, with the wisdom of age, to be patient with the wind when I try to pedal through it. A "standard route" for me took about 50% longer than usual today as I fought through terrifyingly strong gusts.

Near the middle of my ride, I was in the depths of a trail network up near the Divide. To my surprise, I saw a group of three young mothers, all on skis and pulling baby carriages mounted on skis. They kept saying how tough I was to be out there on my bike. I believe that they were much tougher than I was! I wonder if their babies will have any memory of this wind-whipped day out in the wilds of Colorado.

K and I took our morning and evening hikes today, and she was happy and care-free. She wriggled on her back in the snow with her paws flailing wildly in the air. She picked up sticks and tossed them in the air. She even tried to bury a stick under the snow, a new trick for her. We learned during an afternoon vet visit that her white blood cell count has fallen a bit too low so she's starting antibiotics to prevent infections from attacking her weakened system.

The bottom line is that she seems happy and full of energy - and that's what matters to me.


  1. Happy Two Year Anniversary! What a perfect way to celebrate! I am trying to imagine the mothers on skis with their baby strollers. That's a funny thing to imagine.

    I am sorry K's white blood cell count has fallen a bit. Hope the antibiotics protect her.

    Your pal, Pip

  2. I wish you had gotten a picture of those mothers and their kids. That sounds more wild to me than you with the bike! At least you aren't dragging a baby behind you.


  3. It's been two years?! I found your blog through Angus' blog just before you had your surgery. I just can't believe it's been that long! lol

    I would have loved to have seen the women with baby carriages on skis! What a sight!

    K is as lovely as ever! :)

  4. I tell ya what KB that girl of yours, K, is my kind of girl. Any girl that loves sticks as much as me, WOW. She loves sticks, is tough, and bueatiufl. Woof Woof. Tell her I think she is about as wonderful as anything could ever be.
    Is it appropriate to say congratulations on the anniversary? Keep livin’ day by day, don’t look back and the future will hold new adventures. And like the wind today each scene holds a beauty all it’s own.

  5. We were thinking the same thing as houndstooth. Two years already?

    You and that wind - amazing. You are one strong woman. Just do be careful.

    That is too bad about the white cell count, but at least you are on top of things and doing all you can for K. She sure is looking good.

    Hope you all have a nice weekend.

  6. What an adorable picture of K....she looks smiley :) yay for another good day!! And happy anniversary to you! I know what a tremendous accomplishment it is to be here 2 years later with no other fusions-soooo happy for you!

  7. Don't know if we have been following you for the whole 2 years BUT we have enjoyed every bit. All the beautiful pics of the wildlife, K and R and you riding your snowbike. You are amazing and we love reading about your adventures. So glad you are doing OK and no more surgeries. K is strong like her "Mom" taking it one day at a time and doing her best. Bless you both!! Hope the antibiotics help her.
    Ernie,Sasha,Chica,Lucas's Mom Barb

  8. Congratulations on reaching such a big milestone. You are truly one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. You don't let anything slow you down. Good for you, KB!

    Sorry to hear about K's low white blood cell count. I'm glad it doesn't seem to have any affect on her, though! Keep continuing to live in the moment and you'll both be OK.

  9. Count us in with 'oh my has it REALLY been two years?'


    As for K...


    Of course, paws KHROSSED for the antibiotics to do their stuff!

  10. KB
    We wish you many more years surgery free! Our paws is crossed fur K too. Her stick foto makes us smile right along wif her. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  11. Yay fro you!!! And glad K is holding strong
    Dachshund Nola

  12. Both of you - "happy and full of energy." Yes, I'd say that's all that counts. Can't believe it's been 2 years, KB. Glad you celebrated on the bike. Don't get blown away this weekend. i hear more high winds are due.

  13. To bad you couldn't get a picture of the mom's with babies. That's so cool. K looks great! Zephyr always had to do the antibiotics too. It's so wonderful that she is able to get out and go with you.

  14. A milestone for you, congratulations! I love the the two pictures; no wind....wind. Shows you just how fast things can change. Sounds like the wind was tremendous up there today and your K seems so happy. The last pic....full of life! Beautiful!:)

  15. What an anniversary. Good to see the Dr wasn't right that time. Loved all your photos. Thanks for sharing them. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  16. Big problems with blogger the last few days. Hope it stays all right today. TWO YEARS, a huge milestone, and that tells me you will be AOK.And for K, she looks just fine.Running in the wind, biking in deep snow, together.Be happy. Fond cheers from Jean in NZ

  17. Happy 2-year anniversary!
    We just love that last picture.
    (((hugs)))) to both of you!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  18. Hi Y'all,

    What a wonderful day for you yesterday! 2nd anniversary!

    So happy K is doing well!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  19. I love the picture of K with HER stick! My always best wishes to our girl for the hard working antibiotics, for fun with her Mom, for not giving up. You are both inspirations! I even caught myself looking at the Bikes at Walmart yesterday! Just looking!

    Love and hugs all around,


  20. Your photographs of K are always beautiful, but there is something really enticing about this one with the stick. She looks so young and so full of life. Hard to believe where she was last week.

    Two years does indeed seem impossible. So glad K is still romping and you are still rolling.

  21. What great news to know you do not need more surgery! That must have been quite painful the first time round.

    K loose WONDERFUL with her stick in her mouth. Really a great photo that just shows her personality as I have come to think she is.

  22. May your back stay strong for a lot longer!

    We LOVE the photo of K with her stick!

  23. Happy Two Year Anniversary plus one day!

    Its been a really hectic week for me, and I've missed not being able to read your blog. However, through the chaos of the week, it's not kept me from thinking of K and wondering how it's going. Its good to read that its been a pretty good week and I hope the antibiotics help keep K's immunity fully charged!

    Enjoy your weekend!!

  24. Happy 2 year anniversary of having no new surgerys!
    You and K are taking such good care of each other. I bet its hard to make you stop and rest sometimes- just as it is for K.
    K is so beautiful with her stick game!
    We are hoping she gets some rest to recoop and her white cells get better

  25. We hope you are able to go two more years without surgery. You are amazing.

    It seems like those winds are a metaphor for your challenges right now...just like riding, stay focused and patient and don't miss the beauty of the moment.

    We send White Dog strengthening energy and positive thoughts that the antibiotics will keep K well. She is an incredible Warrior.

    You both inspire us to focus on the important things.

  26. Mazel tov to you, paws still crossed for K. Hope her white cell count comes up enough that it's safe to continue the chemo on schedule. She sure shares your will of iron.

    Jed & Abby

  27. Happy two year anniversary!

    We love the last photo! K is so beautiful.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  28. Exercise is the answer...it has to be...and sharing it with K.

  29. So glad you haven't needed more surgery on your neck. Sending warm wishes for K's health.

  30. I hope you will be able to celebrate many more surgery-free anniversaries. I'm pulling for both you and K!


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