Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Some day you need to come here and teach our Mom how to take photos like you do - and bring the snow along with you:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  2. Once I saw a cartoon of a fellow who was approaching a big dog and he had a little bone in his hand. The dog is saying "If he sticks that thing on my nose again I'm gonna bite him!" I think of that now and then when I visit your blog!

    National Geographic says Labrador Retrievers are the #1 dog in the USA!
    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  3. Nice collections of cute photographs and a couple of funny ones as well. How long are you gonna make K wait for those treats? She wants then NOW!

  4. Hi Y'all,

    Caught up with y'all today. What a beautiful series of pictures of the fabulous Duo.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. Oh my gosh- what beautiful photos!
    And the amazing one of K with the treats all over her!
    Way to go K!

  6. Beautiful pictures as always!

    Your pal, Pip

  7. I saw that first picture of R and thought, "my gosh, when did he grow up" and then I saw the second picture and was relieved that he's still the same loveable character!

    Of course, I always think K can't get any prettier, but she always does! I've always wondered, what's her best trick? I know you work on a lot of them, and that she does some very handy and practical things for you.

  8. No words are needed...beautiful!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  9. Wonderfully beautiful photos. But hey, look what you have to work with. How can there wver be a "bad" shot. That photo of R made me BOL. And you already know how I feel about a be=ueatiful girl with a stick. Woof Woof.

  10. There's the Balance Queen! What a great photo of K. I love the stick one,too. I think I need to borrow R's shampoo - what a shine!

  11. Yes. Bless them. Reading your recent posts, and our recent communications inspired me to go home to my childhood home where my parents live, and to snuggle my dogs. Took them on a nice long romp in the snow, did some digging, stick chewing, vine hanging (our young black lab launches himself into the understory and hangs feet off the ground by grapevine...). It was a nice afternoon.

  12. R is so good looking....and it is hard to get good pictures of black dogs, but you have always done such a good job with that.

    The last picture of K....Oh the eyes.....the eyes.

  13. What life is truly about...no words needed!

  14. Those faces! Never get tired of them. :)

    And yes, I did laugh at your mushroom addicted dogs. You poor girl, even in the winter?? Man you just can't catch a break!

  15. LOL! Is there treats falling from the sky?? Love the expression on K's face in the last picture!

  16. I'll take those treats if you don't want them K...

  17. Just caught up with the last couple of posts. That balancing act is tough, alright, but it looks like you're doing a great job. Both dogs are living life to the fullest, and that's what we all want, isn't it?

    Jed goes in Tues. for his third surgery on his Rear Leg That Will Not Heal. Sigh. Our security word is 'dratio' which is close enough to drat as makes no difference.

    Jed & Abby

  18. By the looks of it another great day .

  19. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  20. And after you are done in OP KS, you can come on to PAWSylvania!

    Great pics!

    Yes, our weather is NOT what we grew up with here - we've been in an above average temp cycle when we had moisture and dry when it turned cold enough

    BUT 'they' say our friends in Alberta are going to send some later today - and just maybe we might get some more Friday night into Saturday!

    Two years ago, January was almost snowless BUT February brought us 2' so we'll be patient!

  21. ha, the last pic made me laugh! they are all just beautiful...i think of you and K often..

  22. I like that last one with K holding still with the treats!! LOL! So cute.


  23. R and K are just beautiful! What great playful pics!

  24. All such great shots, the stick one with wonderful angle and perspective, and I cracked up at the balancing act! Good girl, K!

  25. Aaaaack, R just cracks me up! He makes me has da giggles.
    Love K's snowface, her looks majestic.


  26. Someone is teasing you with that kibble

    Stop on by for a visit

  27. Absolutely stunning shots!
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  28. No words needed, the photos speak volumes! :-)

  29. What cute pups! K is absolutely adorable (and apparently very patient and well behaved with all of that yummy food on her head and paws!). The picture of R with his ears blowing back with the wind is priceless! Loving these pictures :)


    All4UrPet Representative


    Check out the App store for Android and iPhone to download our mobile application! Simply search All4UrPet.

  30. Can you see me smiling, with a tear rolling down my chubby cheeks?

    As you say: we should all "live with the spirit of a dog"...
    Thank you.


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