Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Good days

Yesterday, in warm sun and still air, K and I hiked up to "Hug Hill", our absolute favorite lookout spot around here. We don't go there as often in the winter as in the summer because its slopes hold deep snow all winter long. During our trek yesterday, K was full of romping energy, leaving the packed path to plow through the loose snow.
When we arrived at the top, K seemed thrilled to be there! She gazed out toward the Continental Divide behind her.
When she noticed that I was clicking away with the camera, she "offered" a play bow. One of the fun side effects of using positive training techniques with K is that she loves to "offer" behaviors to see what will make me smile. In other words, she does tricks without any prompting from me.
At this time of year, our snowy world can become blinding, when the strong sun reflects off the white ground. K was continually squinting while we played on Hug Hill. So, I offered her my glasses. She carefully balanced them on her face and never dropped them.
She seemed to decide that she didn't like looking through them (maybe my prescription isn't right for her). She looks professorial, doesn't she?
We had a wonderful time, playing in the snow and enjoying the views. I'm guessing that that K and I have visited this spot more than a thousand times in her lifetime yet we never tire of it.

When we arrive home from our morning hike, we have a ritual. I feed her breakfast, and then I drag her new bed, so generously given to her by many of you, into a sun puddle. Yes, K is spoiled rotten.
In the warmth of the sun with a full belly, her eyes don't stay open for long.
These are good days, and we know it.


  1. Sounds more like a purfect day. You are a real ham K, admit it. Posing for the pawparazzi
    Benny & Lily

  2. such a beautiful post....and such a beautiful attitude...one must make the most of each and everyday...

  3. K, we love your starfish!!

    -Bart and Ruby

    And we love that KB's smile is a reward to you!!

  4. She looks like a queen surveying her kingdom both outside on the hill and inside on her bed! How fortunate that even your glasses compliment her lovely chocolate fur! :)

  5. That is a perfect day!! How cute K looks on her bed in the sun with her toy!

  6. She looks so good, hard to believe she can be sick. We wish you many, many more good days together.

  7. K looks so happy and we are glad that you two are enjoying these wonderful days together! Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  8. Oh the glasses are so cute! And the bed looks so comfy after a great hike in some beautiful country!


  9. Oh K how you can make my MOM smile. :)
    Love the glasses. Perfect day indeed.

  10. K looks so great out on your morning hike. I love the pictures with the glasses.


  11. Oh my gosh, I absolutely LOVE her in those glasses! She looks very wise and cool at the same time.

    Your pal, Pip

  12. K might be wanting your glasses from now on. Maybe she wants you to get another pair for yourself- because these look like they were made for her!
    K is so smart to just start doing tricks to see what kind of treats she will get (secret- sometimes I do that too).
    K you look sooooo comfy soaking in the sun in your sun puddle.

  13. What a wonderful day! I love K in the glasses, she looks like they were made for her!
    Here's to many more good days:)

  14. Hug Hill is a beautiful spot! What wonderful moments you had today. K's furs just glisten, it's magical.
    Great to visit. Have been thinking about K quite a bit lately.

    Big hugs,
    Sierra Rose

  15. She looks quite distinguished in the glasses! What a magical place
    Dachshund Nola
    P.S. I love the octopus

  16. K looks very posh and distinguished in those glasses =)

  17. We think K looks VERy dignified in a fashionable sort of way in glasses. How does the song go? "i'm no prophet, lord i don't know nature's ways. so i'll try- to see into your eyes right now. and stay right here cuz these are the good ole days"

  18. We're with you 100% on enjoying the 'good days '.

  19. Your teaching us a lot K. I think she looks like Whoopie Goldberg in the last sunglass photo lol

  20. Very good days as I see. Beautiful hill you went to. You live in a very beautiful landscape...Hugs to K from us all.

  21. Moments to treasure and remember always.

    You look very scholarly with the glasses, K!!!

  22. Wish we all could meet up and share with you and K the scenic beauty along the trail.

    K looks like my Dad with those glasses he has his the same way too. You look really cool K and could walk into any university as a Don - anytime.

    After a lovely romp in the snow and a great feast - what better than a wee snooze or two.

    Enjoy the day K

    Love from Kirra -x-

  23. Doesn't that warm sun feel so good on your furs, K!

    Love ya lots,

  24. OMD...I has a long way to goes if I is gonna be likes K...her is my idol. I could NEVERS trek in dat snow...or wear sunglasse! I has so much work to do.
    What a beautiful day ya'll hads togedders!


  25. Dogs do love their sun baking, don't they? Poor K. I am sure your prescription was too strong for her keen eyes. She needs that smudge paint like football players wear to cut down on reflection.

    Mango Momma

  26. These are indeed better days - I literally laughed out loud when I saw the pics with your glasses. TOO FUNNY! I even called a co-worker over to see her. She spreads joy no matter what she is doing or what is on her head :):)

  27. Oh no, you've got it all wrong... K is not spoiled rotten. K is just getting everything she deserves in life! Love, love and more love!!!

    Lily Belle

  28. Wow, that looks like a totally perfect day. You look great in your glasses, K!

  29. Gorgeous girl! I am jealous of that sun-napping.

    Mamma Heartbeat

  30. What a wonderful day...I was reading another blog yesterday and found this statement....think you will love it.
    "You can't control what happens in your life, but you can certainly control the way you spend you life" Kelle Hampton.
    Happy Tuesday KB...

  31. Hi Y'all!
    Just read through your last posts - yes... K does indeed look so strong! And in today's post, she looks just so gorgeous and happy! She's so stylin' in those glasses! Such a beautiful place! (BTW, we also love the pic of R, below heheh!) Hope you are having a super wonderful mornng cycling in your amazing backyard!
    Sammie and Avalon

  32. Loved your photos at Hug Hill. That K looks like a Professor in her shades! Her nap spot sounds perfect.

  33. What a beautiful post and a beautiful morning ritual. And love that toy:-)

    P.S. Glad K is doing well...here's to many more "good days"!

  34. This was just a perfect post to me, with both of you feeling happy and relaxed.

    Let it last long!

    Cheers and hugs,


  35. They sure are!
    Those pics of K with the glasses are hilarious!!! lol Very intellectual I must say!
    Spoil away!

  36. We live for the good days. It sounded wonderful and we loved all your photos. Thanks for sharing. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  37. Hi Y'all,

    K's not spoiled. That's how it is when you love someone. You do little things that mean a lot...like moving the bed to the sun.

    Thanks for stoppin'.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  38. Here's to lots more days of romping in the snow, full bellies and sleeping in the sun!

  39. Love this post, KB! You captured the simple, richness of a good day with a dog. Made me smile =)

  40. Priceless precious moments. We love the photo's of K wearing your specs!LOL
    Here's to Good Days!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  41. Great days! In those specs, K looks like she should be the Dean of the Colorado School of Pines! ;)

  42. K looks so precious on the bed in the sun puddle!

  43. K looks very studious with your glasses. Maybe even professor-like. Professor K!!


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