Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

R the Cracker Critter

Cracker Critters
You know who you are...
But just in case. If you tend to run mental fits around even after a brisk walk of 87 miles, if you rip into stuffies like nobody's business, if you go all animal predator if there is even a suggestion of a rodent on the property, or exhibit any other generally nutty behavior, well, then, you ARE a cracker critter.

In the spirit of a true procrastinator, I am nominating R in the Cracker Critter category of Mango Minster on the very last day. A picture says a thousand words so I'll demonstrate R's maniacal energy, zaniness, and overall nuttiness in photos.

Demented (be sure to notice the white of his eye) as he sprinted through a meter of snow:

Howling with the coyotes:

Wriggling in ecstasy after running many miles of trails:

Barking in my face for making him stand still for too many photos:

Jumping out of his skin with energy:

This one speaks for itself (his eyes glowed purple with demented energy):

Anything to get ahead of his sister:

Shaking like a maniac after swimming:

Rolling in the snow like the Cracker Critter that he is:
I think that this series of photos shows that R is a Cracker Critter in every season and at every opportunity. If it pleases the judges, please accept the nomination of R.


  1. R, you are truly a cracker!! It's amazing how you can look demented and smiley at the same time!! Good luck!

    -Bart and Ruby

  2. An excellent entry! I'm glad he isn't competing against my Nina. Good luck.


  3. God luck! He sure fits it!
    Dachshund Nola

  4. Looks like a winner to me!

  5. Holy crap are those some funny pictures!

    I laughed outloud at a few of them.....wide-eyed, tongue flapping in the breeze, slather running from his lips.


  6. I'm not a judge, but R's got my vote.


    Miss Kitty

  7. Oh yes, the dimented and smilyey picture is great. They are all great and I am so glad you got him entered.

    Bert' My Vickie

  8. R is a Cracker Dog fur sure!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  9. R is a Cracker indeed and I LIKE it. Can you say winner winner chicken dinner? Ummmm I'm hungry now.

  10. Bunny says she's glad she's not judging the Cracker Dog category! R's made a serious case for it!

  11. Oh well, this is another story! Up above where you nominate K as a Working Stiff I asked if there was a Playboy category for R. Scrolling down, I realized it should be a Psychotic Playboy instead.

    Good luck to you both, in any case!

    From all three of us!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  12. Hi Y'all!

    You sure should have this category locked up!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  13. R
    You have our vote-- for Cracker Critter for sure!

  14. R you are the very definition of Cracker Critter! We know the judges will see that too. Good luck in the voting.

  15. R is a high octane OCD champion cracker dog for sure. And he's cracker in a neighborhood populated by bears and mountain lions and other seriously wild critters, which takes real gumption. Excellent entry. Best of luck in the competition.

    Jed & Abby

  16. Our mom thought fer a moment 'boutz enterin'us 2 Beaglebratz in this category butt we r glad she didn't - we woodn't haz a chance aginst R - he iz DEFINITLY a Cracker Critter.
    Shiloh'n Shasta

  17. R is definitely a cracker dog!
    Absolutely stunning shots.
    Pawscroseed for R!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  18. Thank YOU for a lot of wonderfull pictures. The one with the kiss is the/yours best dog photo ever, I have missed it since you took it off you blog flag. Love and best wishes for the whole family from EM in Dk

  19. fantastic pics, R is certainly a cracker critter xxx

  20. R: from one hep cracker to the other... i can definitely say, this entry pleases the judges.

    This cracker entry is sure to fry any hipster's wig.
    Loki, Mango Minster 2012 Judge, Cracker Critters

  21. Bwhahahahaha...OMD, R cracks me up in ALL of dese fotos. He has big teefs.


  22. R is freakin' hilarious!! Definitely a critter cracker!!

  23. This was even better than K's nomination! A true winner if there ever was one! Excellent shots to prove the point!

  24. Oh my goodness! Yup, you sure are #1 cracker critter, R!

    Love ya lots,

  25. R - Hello!
    Truly cracker-fun possessed!..never a dull moment eh? Love your style buddy! xx Zola

  26. Cracker critter indeed! His eyes tell the whole story!! Can't imagine this much energy after what you and R put him through!


  27. So happy to see you both in MM.
    To be honest, Labbies make excellent competitors in all MM categories...Let the games begin!!!

  28. OMDogness!!!! You will give any competitor a run for his/her run for the $$$/foodables!!! You are a maniac, fur shore, and have our vote heheh!
    Hugs xoxoxo
    Sammie and Avalon

  29. From one cracker critter to another - you got my vote! I wish Mom could catch the purple demented eye-look on me sumtime....it ROCKS!

    Woofs and cracker slobbers,
    Chester ;0=)


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