Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 6, 2012

A snowy hike in nirvana

After days of gray snowy weather, yesterday dawned crystal clear, sunny, and very cold. The four of us headed out onto the trails together, continuing to break trail through our seemingly bottomless snowpack. There is one packed path through our forest, and, as long as the dogs stay on it, they stay above the snow.

They paused in the path so that K could tell R a secret.
I expected that R would venture off the trodden path, using his porpoise-like bounding gait that he reserves for snow that's deeper than he is tall.
He made us laugh with his antics as he explored the "off-trail" areas. His head would pop up out of the snow like in the photo below.
Then he'd disappear below the snow when he landed, making me wonder if he'd "drowned" in the snow. The photo below was taken a split second after the one above. R was under the snow with just a hint of black showing.
To my surprise, K also chose to romp in the deep snow. She seemed full of energy and ready to play. Although the vet told me that deep snow was more dangerous than normal terrain for her leg bones that had tumors in them, I bit my tongue as I instinctively wanted to tell her to stop. It's time to live.
More than once, K burst out of a snowbank in a blizzard of white, clearly having been totally submerged in the snow.
While we were out in the winter playground, K played with happiness, and we smiled along with her. Every day is a gift.
Each phase of our lives has been defined by the dogs whom we shared it with. Now, we are in the K and R phase, and I love seeing them together. They're so different from each other, and they make for a zany pack.
After being out in the intense winter sun for a while, it was, regrettably, time for our zany pack to head back toward home.
As we dropped down into the forest, the sun had warmed the trees so that they were dropping snow bombs, leaving a shower of glittering flakes in their wake.
Our hike felt like nirvana. K is still strong and able to romp with abandon. R is a wonderful nutty dog who makes us laugh at his antics. The Runner and I feel lucky to have this Duo in our lives.

A wise friend told me to try not to "see cancer" when I look at K but to see her spirit glowing. It was glowing intensely on Sunday.


  1. Incredible and beautiful shots!

    Nothing like a new fluffy snowfall like that!

  2. that white stuff looks like a lot of fun...beautiful
    Benny & Lily

  3. Thank you for sharing. Down in the foothills of the rockies we see the slipping and sliding cars, the dirty snow from the plows and the traffic jams. We missed the magic that you saw of the snow in the high mountains.

    Keep enjoying the magic show of the snow and sharing it with R and K, and with us.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  4. The Herd is jealous, jealous, jealous. Love seeing the Labraduo porpoising in the snow.

    P.S. - Yes, we have been monitoring Lilly's situation. Thanks for letting us know.

  5. The world that you share with us, is how we see this beauty. All these photos are incredible, and K and R are so full of energy - that it makes us smile to see them so brave and happy! Thank you for sharing this awsomeness!
    We do see K's glowing spirit. It has been glowing strong- and it will continue.

  6. Simply glorious! What a wonderful way to start our evening with your wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing.

  7. So beautiful! Thank you for sharing these precious moments with us
    Dachshund Nola

  8. R always cracks me up with his antics! I can't resist smiling every time I see his picture. If he's anything like Kuster, everything is a new adventure! I love that picture of him as K's shadow. There's something about it that really draws me, but that last photo of K is a total stunner! She is just gorgeous. Your friend was very wise!

  9. Yes, we had all that pretty hoarfrost, but you guys seem to have all the snow. In an average winter, we could have the same kind of depth you do. Great fun to see the dogs snow swimming! Thats Stella's favorite activity, at least get her head and snooter down into it, if not her whole body!

    Wonderful to see Lilly home with her parents.

    Jo and the gang

  10. Stunning and fun photos as usual. I would love to see some video of R doing his porpoise imitation.


  11. That snow is crazy deep! I guess it is a good thing I don't live out there - I might have to be air-lifted to safety.

    Your pal, Pip

  12. We can see the glow from all the way over here. :)

    It just boggles my mind that we've only had a measly few inches of snow this year - part of me is thankful, part of me missing it!

  13. Whoa! Look at all that snow! Snow that high is a dream to us!!!
    I love the first picture of K and R telling secrets!

  14. Could there be anything more joyful than these.

  15. Glowing spirits are kindled by relentless overriding love. You are awesome!

  16. So beautiful pictures of you pack. The landscape is wonderful, it looks like here in SMåland with the big spruces with snow on them.
    K and R have luck to live there and can go out hiking with you.

  17. They must be among the happiest dogs on the planet !

  18. Absolutely fabulous shots!
    K is glowing. R is amazing as he powers through the snow.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  19. What a wonderful day for you all, and another wonderful memory in the bank. It's terrific that K is having such minimal side effects from the chemo. And her radiation burn on her leg must be better - or at least feel better in the cold - for her to do all that snow surfing.

    Jed & Abby

  20. what fantastic photos. K and R are most definately 2 of the luckiest dogs alive xxxxxxxx

  21. What gorgeous pictures! You certainly do live in a fabulous spot. Romping through the snow is so much fun!

    Love ya lots,

  22. So jealous of all that snow! I love it and we have had none this year :( Seeing my pup in the snow makes me happy - so for now, I will revel in your pics of K and R, romping happily with nothing but life and energy and sweetness and strength :)

    LOL - I now tell my Indy about the power of the paw :):) He doesn't quite get it yet - but he tries to understand me as only labs can!

  23. I am SNOW jealous! Great photos! :)

  24. Hehehe! I love your zany pack! What terrific pictures of K and R romping in the snow! That R just cracks me up! Everyday is a new gift to cherish with both K and R! Sure wish we had some of that snow to play in. :(

  25. That's such good advice, to see the glow instead of the cancer. I'm glad you're letting K live, too, instead of keeping her from what she loves. Wish like heck I could be out in the snow enjoying life instead of being stuck behind a desk sometimes, but you give me such great respite!

  26. Good advice from your friend to not allow this illness define your relationship with K!! You are embracing each beautiful day with K, and I'm sure your spirit is also glowing too!

  27. K is always glowing. :)

    I love that first photo up there - the two of them together always make me smile.

  28. Hi Everybuddy, we would rather see photos of K and R having an absolute blast than photos of them sitting inside, watching the world go by. Enjoy every single minute. Thanks for sharing with us. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  29. Snow Bombs - good descriptive term.
    And seeing the spirit, the glow - isn't that what we all ask? Lovely...

  30. Thank you fur sharin' both of your "gifts" with all of us!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  31. Thanks for giving me the gift of a bit of winter white. I'm feeling darn deprived here. Your photos and DVR's video of dog romping have given me a couple days worth of smiles. I'm still hopeful my dogs will get a snow romp in yet this winter.

    I love the "wise friend's" words. That underlying spirit glow shines clearly through your photos and words.

  32. I know what you mean, it doesn't matter how bad my day has gone - just looking at Chester and his goofiness lifts my spirits and makes the bad fade quickly into the background. It's hard not to envy you watching your Labraduo in action. Chester's dad says 1 is enough and I have yet to change his mind. BOO.

    I agree - although I'm sure it's hard at moments - that it's good to only see K in her happy present and not worry about the future. Why cast a shadow on the brilliance of today?

    Happy trails,
    Chester's Mom ;0=)

  33. I see she was up to her ears in it!! It sure makes for beautiful photos.

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