Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Unexpected turn

The osteosarcoma road continues to hold unexpected turns. K's white blood cell count was too low for her to have chemotherapy today. That's a common side effect of chemotherapy drugs because the drugs kill bone marrow cells as well as cancer cells. Now, we have to wait for her bone marrow to make more white blood cells before she can have any more chemotherapy. We're hoping that her immune system will bounce back sufficiently that she can have chemo by the end of next week.
Her low WBC count and the delay will hopefully not turn into a big deal. The vets might reduce her dose next time or change her chemo schedule to allow more time for her bone marrow to regenerate between doses. I always hate changes to "the plan" but, in this case, we have to roll with the punches that are inevitable with cancer and its treatment.

This morning, our nominee for "Cracker Critter", R, joined me for a sizzling bike ride.
I tried to take some close-up photos of his handsome face but he kept barking at my camera lens.
Seriously, the boy barked and barked and barked. And, by barking in my face, he made me laugh - which was good medicine for my soul.
Check out his ears during this bark. He's a wonderfully crazy dog!
In between barks, he found sticks and sprinted through the snow while carrying them.
His joyous spirit was infectious, filling the world with glitter.
As you can see, a morning outing with R is quite different from one with K. R is a black bolt of lightning, zig-zagging through the snow, and bringing a big smile to my face with his exuberance.

In contrast to my morning outing with R, K and I went for a very peaceful walk this evening. She loves her "working stiff job" of being my photo model and naturally posed on a rock while we lingered near a lookout point. Thanks to all of you who voted for K in the Working Stiffs competition of Mango Minster. We were so surprised that she did so well!
She looks strong to me!


  1. Thanks for pawing the update -

    Once again, it sounds like her team is doing the best for her -

    AND of course, thanks for the khrazy khrakhker dog pics!

  2. Thank you for the update. We will continue to keep you and K in our prayers and thoughts.

  3. We are purring for K and hoping her blood gets better.

  4. And now we see that R did well in MM too:) Today's post should have been part of his original submission - he is totally crackers.

    We firmly believe that things happen for a reason - so maybe there is a good reason for today's treatment to be postponed. We are hoping for a rebound in her WBC count for next week.

    Hope you can have a nice weekend.

  5. R is so wonderful to bring joy into your day. Yet K is still K, as is very apparent in that incredible last photo.

    Another Heart gripping photo.

  6. And some people say they are "just dogs." K and R have such different personalities and both of them are delightful.

    Here's hoping the chemo can resume before long. Still hoping for a miracle here.

  7. He is a cracker dog lol. I hope K gets his blood working soon, maybe he can eat some white food like popcorn, egg whites, sugar cookies and ice cream and then he will have lots of white in him. Well at least his tummy will be happy. Paws are crossed

    loveys Sasha

  8. There is nothing I love more than a genuinely goofy dog, R fills the bill. My pal Tsar is funny too, but now very sick. We are praying for a recovery.

    Stella goes out into the backyard but nothing to see back there except neighborhood. So then she comes in and barks at the front door, where I open it, and she sticks her face out and sees all the street activity. Big deal! We are hoping for the increase in WBC K needs for next week! Cheers, and hugs! Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  9. That R cracks me up. I to bark and bark at the camera. hehehe. he's a cracker indeed.
    We are still praying for the best for sweet K. Loved that lasst photo of her.
    Hope you all have a bueatiful weekend.

  10. I wasn't surprised that she did so well in Mango Minster at all! lol I had a feeling she'd be a crowd favorite. :) I'm sorry to hear that the chemo didn't go as planned, but hopefully it's just a little bump in the road.

    The pictures of R made me laugh out loud! That one with his ears flying out especially. I think if he and Kuster ever got together, it would be one heck of a party! I have a real soft spot for those goofy boys, and it sounds like R is good medicine for you!

  11. I am sorry things didn't go as planned. I know how hard it is when you prepare for something mentally and then plans change ...

    R is a total cracker dog! These pictures are hysterical!!

    Your pal, Pip

  12. I love R's crackerness. :-) I hope K's WBC count gets back up and she can have her treatment. It definitely looks like she is feeling good.

  13. We are hoping that the WBC's start growing fast so K can get her treatment!
    R is the funniest cracker dog ever!
    He is laughing at you

  14. Luckily, K doesn't seemed fazed by the delay. Hope her white count goes within normal range so the treatment can proceed. That R definitely looks "rascally!" PS I am having lots of trouble with the anti-spam!

  15. She looks strong to me too! R is such a crazy yet lovable boy, congrats on the third place win! PAWs crossed as always for K
    Dachshund Nola
    P.S. I to am having issue with word verification

  16. We can definitely see why R entered the cracker critter category. You should save those pictures for next years entry.

    I am sure K's immune system will bounce back just fine. We had the same issues when our Rottie was going through chemo too. Sometimes you just have to wait a few days and make the adjustments to the treatment so they tolerate it better.

    Congrats to both dogs in their MM placements.


  17. Hi! First thank your for those adorable and funny photos! They are so special! I think it's easier to take a lovely 'pose' than catch little moments like in those photos! One of my dogs speaks a lot and now and then I get a great photo from her.
    I'm sorry to hear that you couldn't do the therapy. I hope that you can follow the schedule soon.
    Sunny wishes from Greece!
    x Teje & Nero

  18. R is a great tonic for you.
    I hope K will be ready for the next round of her treatment.
    Thinking of you.
    Eileen and Annie xx

  19. Absolutely fabulous shots of R!!
    Paw scrossed that K will be ready for her treatment next week. Sending lots of pawsative thoughts.
    Lovely photos of K is lovely.
    Extra Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

    P.S. Those bike tyres are huge!LOL

  20. Congratulations to K and R for doing so great at Mango Minster!

    We are in prayer that K will be able to develop white blood cells to continue with chemo. We are happy to see so many of our bloggie pals join paws for K.

    R is such a refreshing sight and we are glad that you got R there to stay with you and K.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  21. We continue to keep you and K in our thoughts and prayers, KB.
    Congratulations to both K and R on their wins at MangoMinster!

    Love ya lots,

  22. We continue to hold you tight in our paws. Love all the pics. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  23. we are sending love to K and we are sending congrats to R on your 3rd place win in cracker dog!!!!! well done--your pictures and landscape are gorgeous and you definitely are our kind of dogs! You have won a beautiful gift basket chalked full of doggy and human treats from our sweet little peaceful land-- Nova Scotia! please stop by our bloggy and drop off your address so we can get the goods right to you, eh? love Guinness, Maggi and groucho!

  24. We are keeping her in our prayers!


  25. I hope K's WBC is back up for next week. I guess she just wasn't ready to have her chemo yesterday! I laughed out loud at those pictures of R. He must have you laughing all the time. What a difference between him and K and her beautiful poses! BOYS!LOL!

  26. Oh R, I needed that laugh today!
    What a character...
    K looks so good, hard to believe her WBC is low...


  27. Your photos are stunning! We continue to send positive vibes for K...

  28. It is hard to adapt to changes but we hope this will give K some recovery time before the next chemo. Pawhugs!

  29. Beautiful K and funny R!

    Hey we have an award for you at our bloggy!


  30. Ps I've given you an award
    Dachshund Nola

  31. Just a reduction in speed, not a crisis point. Slow and steady with no panic. Sending White Dog WBC building strength and healing energy.

  32. Thanks for your answer. The pictures is Highland cattles, cows who live outdoor all year. My breeding mentor bought them this year to keep their land in shape. The pictures are great you have today. I hope K is getting well soon for her therapy.

  33. ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ ENERGY & GOOD THOUGHTS COMING FOR K!!*´¨)¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•

    I hope that today has been a good day!! She certainly does look strong, and you sound 'strong' too!! Take care, and know that we continue to send healthy thoughts and prayers in your direction!

  34. Hi Y'all!

    Still keeping paws crossed and sending the Humans prayers y'all's way.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  35. well, yes, roll with the punches. if you look at it that way, it's not too stressful. she looks great!

    R: that flying nun photo is killing me... i have one too of my cracker here:


    and his barking in your face, that's so badass cracker! you know i love a dog with chutzph!

  36. Just the right tonic 'R' brought for you, and captured beautifully on camera.

    'K' has the Majestic approach (rather like my Kirra) and enhances every image wonderfully.

  37. Once again, R is making me smile! I'm sorry K's white blood cell count has gone low, and I hope it rebounds this week. Nevertheless, looks, as always, that she's as happy as can be.

  38. K, we are thinking of you and sending you our positive powers of prayer and the paw.

    Beautiful shots - R - you look amazing!


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