Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 5, 2012


Today is a day of hope, with the blog community focusing their thoughts and energy on Miss Judi, a very special blogger who loves to "hat" our furry friends. She's facing a major health challenge, and we are all honoring her today.
Please leave Miss Judi comments of encouragement and hope at her blog.

It was a day of hope for us too. Our hope is that K will still be here and be able to romp in the spring, after the relentless winter winds finally leave us for the season. The winds flapped K's ears today.
But, in the midst of that wind, we saw a couple of very hopeful signs. We saw buds on an aspen tree in the foreground with the snowy and wintery mountains as the backdrop.
And, we saw Mountain Bluebirds. I actually squealed with surprise and happiness. At this time of year, they come up to our higher elevation for the brief warm spells and then return to the flatlands when cold weather returns here. They are a classic sign of spring that I watch for every single year.
Yes, there's hope...


  1. You are one cute participant
    Benny & Lily

  2. K looks fabulous in her "Chocolate" hat!! I'm sure she will enjoy her springtime... :-)

  3. We were squealing at our house today because of bluebirds too! We seem to have a bonded pair hanging out around our bluebird houses and have our fingers crossed that they stay.


  4. There's always hope in Blogville!
    Dachshund Nola

  5. Hope and love...expressed in hats and bluebirds flitting...fill the soul with strength and possibility. You look great in your Hat dear friend.

  6. K you look beautiful in your hat. I have mine on too. I'm sure Miss Judi will have a smile or two at all the hatted cats and dogs.

  7. Hats for Hope! And hats off to a wonderful community of bloggers :D


  8. So nice to see spring, as it is autumn here and the leaves are starting to fall.

    When there is spring to look forward to there is always hope - so we hope K enjoys your spring (and hope that she will also enjoy photos I'll post in six months of spring here to show here what is ahead for her next year).

    Love and woofs,

  9. I stand with you too as we honor Miss Judi with hope and love.
    K- I love your hat, and I am so happy that the blue birds are back!
    My robins are back, and I heard them sing a song yesterday.
    I have hope for you too K.

  10. You never loose your hope. K will of course be here. The blue birds are nice, what a colour. We have cold nights now today -10C. The dachshunds ran quickly back to bed this morning after a short visit outside :-)

  11. Paws crossed for Miss Judi.

    You look so cute with your ears flapping and the hat is very becoming on you.

    Loveys Sasha

  12. All paws crossed for Miss Judi here too. K looks just wonderful in her hat and we will continue to have our paws crossed for her as well!! Beautiful pic! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  13. K, Your hat was really cool! You have a good weather too, we will pray for Ms. Jud :))

    Dog Shock Collar | Paw Planet

  14. This post moved me and my momma to a bit of teariness. Lots of scary things out there, but also lots of hope. We gotta hold on to and remember the hope. Thanks for reminding us!

    Love to you all,
    Lulu (your new blog follower) and her momma!

  15. Paws and hands in prayer across the pond, as the evident signs of Spring fast approaches and K can enjoy the warmer climes as well as locate all those wonderful sticks.

    I always marvel at your amazing photo's and inspires all of us to enjoy the outdoors with our loyal companions too.

  16. Always keep the hope and faith!

    Lily Belle

  17. You look beautiful in your cap, K and you have my mom smiling at the beautiful bluebirds. We don't see many of them at our house.

    Love ya lots,

  18. Yes, spring always comes even after the coldest and darkest winters ...there is always hope.

    Your pal, Pip

  19. Hope :springs" eternal. And with every new spring there is new hope. K looks great in her hat. We are holding so much hope for so many too.

  20. Your bluebirds are beautiful! I look for robins for the same reason. I have a feeling we're going to see Spring early here this year. I hope for the same thing for you!

  21. Bluebirds....would love to see these for real...someday for sure. Love the hat picture...so cute!

  22. You look great in your hat K. Our thoughts are with Miss Judi too! Isn't it nice to see signs of spring, it just seems to evoke hope! :)

  23. We finds you from the blog hope for Auntie Judi. Mine mommy reads your whole blog for hours. Her was totally spell-bound. What a wonderfur blog you has!
    Your spirit, K's spirit, twined together in a love of life.
    Thank you for sharing your amazing love!

  24. Hope springs eternal. Oh as my dad always said, Spring is eternal hope. Here's to hoping...

  25. Bluebirds, YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Spring can't be too far away now!

    I love the shot of the "hatted" K, but the photo of K with a cycling helmet a long time ago is still one of my very favorites.

  26. Our paws are crossed for miss Judi.
    K looks fabulous in her hat!
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  27. Yes, let's hope for all that you mentioned. It hit the 50's in Minnesota today. There has been a constant sound of drip, drip, drip all day.

  28. A post of hope is one I like - I'll send my good wishes to Miss Judi. Meanwhile, don't let K & R blow away - so windy here in the mts!

  29. Hi Y'all,

    So glad you're seeing signs of spring.

    Love the picture of K with her hat. I defied my Human to put one on me, so she just settled for leaving prayerful wishes on Miss Judi's site.

    We have nesting birds here in the southeast. Hopefully I'll get some baby bird pictures on my Friday post. My Human took them Monday.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  30. Spring is nearly here! Love the photo of the birds!


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