Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday

First, I must apologize for being MIA in blogville. I'm finding myself unable to focus on much of anything aside from K's osteosarcoma. I'm trying to get out of this rut...

Here are a few photos from our last couple of days in the desert.

K at sunrise

K at sunrise

Paintbrush with my guardian in the background

Twinpod flowers

View from the "Top of the World" down onto the desert

Fisher Towers from the Top of the World

K at sunset


Starry night with clouds blowing past the cliffs above our campsite


  1. Oh K....you look so cute in that hat! And those pictures are so beautiful too.

  2. K's hat fits her perfectly. She certainly looks like a happy camper. I can't get over how amazing the scenery is. That last picture of the night sky looks like a painting.

  3. Oh K you are a stick girl AND you look stunning in a hat! woof woof.
    And oh my, that last photo I could look at forever.

  4. Your photos are full of glorious light - not the least of which emanates from K. The hat pic is priceless!

  5. From the mom - no apology needed. Your mind is focused exactly where it should be - with K - and the relationship you have with her and all that the relationship means.

    I tried to comment on your post last evening but Blogger got in the way. I liked what you said - I had never realized it before but when our furry companions are young pups - it is us who do the guiding. As they grow older and wiser and mature, that role is reversed. Both Shiloh and Shasta help me as I deal with my own vision disabilities which has worsened some and then improve a little. I need to listen to them more - enjoy the here and now, get plenty of rest, do all you can when you can.

    As usual all of your pictures are beautiful - I especially love the one of K in her cap.

  6. Very nice photos! K looks so sporty in her hat! The stars in the last photo are like sparkling diamonds.

    Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betys, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily

  7. Wonderful photography. Wonderful subject! Give K an extra pat or two from her fans.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  8. All these photos from the Top Of the World are gorgeous! And K in her hat is just precious!
    You need not apologize for anything.
    You must just take care of yourself and K. There is so much going on in your life and in K's life- that I know it is hard to focus on each day.
    Just do what feels good to you.
    Don't worry about us,,, of course we want to see and hear from you, but don't push yourself.
    Keep breathing- softly- know bloggy land is with you.

  9. Oh my gosh! That last shot is just breathtaking! I am feeling a bit green with envy. Taking pictures at night is something I have to play with some more. And I found my palms getting sweaty over some of those "top of the world" shots, not because I fear heights, but because I kept thinking about how scared I'd be that I'd drop my camera! :P

    Honestly, anybody who reads the blog and doesn't understand what your priorities are isn't worth worrying about. My personal opinion is that you don't have to make any apologies for not being present in Blogville. The blogs will be there when you have time, or a rainy day, or need a pick me up from a bad day. Please don't spend time worrying about that kind of thing! Your photos speak for themselves about a life well-lived.

  10. Gorgeous pictures! That last picture is surreal, like a painting. Nice to see you both out and enjoying the view.

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  11. These are all amazing, but I agree with Wyatt, that last picture is CRAZY GOOD!

    Your pal, Pip

  12. Love K's hat!
    I think you have a very good reason to be absent from blogville as long as you need to be!

  13. I don't think anyone could fault you for not being around blogville much. We appreciate you checking in by posting your amazing pictures, but we all understand where your priorities are and should be.

    Take care,


  14. Apologize not. You are where you ought to--and need to--be! One look at the photos tells us that. We are with you, simply know that and worry not. We understand.

  15. K in her Kap looks sporty indeed but I have to love that last starry night photo! We have lots of street lights and cloudy nights so we see tiny stars sometimes but those big ones, Wow!

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  16. Love the hat picture, she looks GREAT in a hat!!! LOL

  17. You have no need to apologise, I understand completely. I come here every day for updates and your wonderful photos. I hope and pray for you every day.

    K sweetheart...that hat suits you:-)

    Love from Eileen and Annie xx

  18. Please don't apologize, I can't even imagine what you must be feeling. The photos are so beautiful, there aren't even enough words for the last one especially. I always pray when I come in here.

    Loveys Sasha and Anne

  19. How great our world is with the nature!! Lovely pics. K looks happy with the hat on....:-)
    We understand whats going on , you dont have to explain. We all doglovers have been there....Hugs!!

  20. The top of the worlds a good place for both of you to be .

  21. Absolutely no need for apologies.
    You look adorable in your cap, K!

    Love ya lots,

  22. Thanks for the beautiful desert photos. Of course we love the K photos best. She looks so cool in her hat and we love her smile!

  23. K looks real cute in that hat! And wow, that last picture with the stars is just beeOOOtiful.

  24. That hat shot is sooooo cuuuuuute!!!

    And the landscapes - UNBELIEVABLE. You live in paradise.


  25. KB, love the shots of K smiling, melts my heart. That last shot is AWESOME X 10...
    don't worry about Blogville, you are doing what you need to do and that's being with your Special K.
    Holding you and yours close to our hearts and in our prayers.

  26. No apologies necessary...you and your family are going through a major change in your life/s and ALL your energies can deal and cope with is what is close at hand...everyone understands this! Loving the hat shot!!

  27. Hi Y'all!

    You're always forgiven for being MIA. However, we miss you.

    Like many of the others, we love the picture of K in the hat! Her expression is priceless and the hat just seems to fit her perfectly.

    Especially love the starry night picture...looks like a moonscape. ;)

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  28. You are focusing on just what you need to! No apology necessary!! Love all the beautiful pictures! K is especially gorgeous in these! Hugs!!

  29. What could be better than being at the top of the world with K and sharing starry nights! :)

  30. not sure how we would handle that beauty every day. Looking good K. Love your hat
    Benny & Lily

  31. Dear KB,
    I know that feeling - of not really being able to focus on blogging. Yet, your pictures are so, so beautiful. I just love the one of K and the hat. :)
    Hang in there, dear friend,


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