Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A slickrock hike and a mountain lion

This will be an almost wordless Wednesday... because I need a few words to tell you what the photos show. They focus on a sunset hike that we took above Black Dragon Canyon on a huge expanse of slickrock.

This mountain of sandstone stood next to an endless field of slickrock.
The slickrock as I looked back down toward our campsite.
The sun began to set, and the Duo couldn't look toward it for a photo.
I released the Duo and K started trotting toward the west.
K forged ahead and I captured her as she stopped directly in front of the setting sun. She looks like an angel.

After sunset, we looked down into Black Dragon Canyon. You can see the sharp edges cut by the occasional raging torrents of water.

Almost simultaneous with our slickrock hike in Utah, back at home, a mountain lion walked past one of my trail cameras. He is wearing a radio collar as part of a study of mountain lion biology in my area.
He sniffed the base of a tree.

Then, he departed, with his long lithe tail trailing behind him.
I am so happy that the mountain lions have returned to our neck of the woods after their winter hiatus.


  1. I'm happy too. Nature in balance is a good thing, I believe!

  2. Oh wow that last photo of K is just stunning!
    Dachshund Nola

  3. There is no doubt that K is an angel right here on earth.

  4. Oh K- you look like you are "feeling the moment" as you stand in that siloute!
    And I can feel those sun beams shine on both K and R!
    I am glad that mountain lions came to show you that they are okay!

  5. That looks like a most unkind hike to me, one that takes a good deal of careful hiking! Or is it just old news to you all??


    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  6. That backlit picture of K should be in a calendar somewhere! Please tell me you're going to frame it and hang it on a wall. Your pictures make me wish I was there!

    How cool that the mountain lions are back! I hope we see a lot of them this spring and summer. :)

  7. All in all, a great day to be alive-- Truly living and feeling the universal balance that hums through the canyons, K, the mountain lions, the setting sun. You are blessed.

  8. That's a fabulous photo of K :-)

  9. Wow..what a trip. KB absolutely amazing shots and scenery.
    wonderful to see the mountain lion - thankyou.
    The shot of K as an angel absolutely beautiful!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  10. Grat pictures again. K on the mountin is wonderful.
    Your trail camera is very good. Very sharp pictures. Could actually a lion attack you if you meet them? Or are they very shy and you never see them?

  11. Simply amazing, amazing pictures!! I have never seen anything like that and it just puts me in an awe state! Beautiful picture of K. She really is an earth angel. :) And how wonderful that you can capture pictures of the mountain lions when they return to your area, they are so majestic looking!

  12. Beautiful, stunning scenery! Love the silhouetted K shot and love the mountain lion trail camera pictures. (my favourite animal).

    Great stuff.


  13. Lions and tigers and bears oh my! You sure do get to see it all. What an amazing part of the world to live.

    I love the picture of the Duo. I would like to think that they are really laughing hard in that photo.

    And of course there's that picture of K. An Angel indeed!

    Lily Belle

  14. Wow, what an amazing sunset pic of K! I'm just in awe over your photos.

  15. Such beautiful photos again. They look like they're smiling at the sun!

  16. Your pictures never cease to have me in awe because they are just stunning!

    I got excited when one of my favorite birds returned, I can only imagine your feeling knowing the beautiful mountain lion is nearby! :-)

  17. K's sunset photo is BEAUTIFUL!! Is it weird that I just want to scratch that big kitty's ears? Probably would end poorly, huh?

    Mamma Heartbeat

  18. Wow, absolutely breath taking photos. I love the one of K on the hill in the sunset. Awesome. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  19. The Pix of K at sundown is so special. Makes me want to use it as a screen saver.
    ♥ Cinnamon

  20. What an amazing set of photos...great!

  21. I love the sunset photos beautiful

    urban hounds

  22. While I think all of your photos are beautiful...that one of K against the sun is gorgeous. She is truly an angel here on Earth!That one should be enlarged and framed!

  23. Springtime in UT and in CO - couldn't be better!

  24. kitty kats here are about 75 lbs. This one looks huge
    Lookin good K
    Benny & Lily

  25. That silhouette photo is fantastic! That needs to be enlarged, framed and hung on a wall.

  26. I forgot to mention on a previous post how much I liked your photo editing of the sunset silhouette of K. I like the original just as much!


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