Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Springtime and tomorrow

Spring is here, for the moment. Warm air, hot sun, and flowers starting to bloom.
K and I mountain biked up to Hug Hill this morning. It was about 30 degrees when we started and over 50 degrees an hour later. K loves the cool part of the day and romps speedily around me as I ride my bike.
Her energy and joy were undeniable this morning. From a distance, it is impossible to tell that she's sick. It's only when I look her over closely that I see the toll that cancer is taking on her.
Our forests still contain huge snow piles, and K visits each one. She lies in the snow, wriggles on her back in the snow, and even eats snow cones.
I made sure to pause with my girl this morning, to give thanks for this day together.
Spring is my favorite season. I love watching the world come back to life. I watch every little detail including flowers, elk, mountain lions, bears, and even the catkins on willows. I'm trying very hard to focus on these wonderful signs of life and keep my mind off of the darker side of life.
Tomorrow, we will learn more about how K's cancer is progressing. She'll have x-rays to check her lungs, and we'll find out if the latest chemotherapy seems to have slowed the evil C at all. If it has actually slowed or stabilized the spreading cancer, K will have another round of chemotherapy. You can probably imagine how heavily the specter of tomorrow is weighing on me today. Maybe it will be good news - that would be a nice change of pace.

It's almost impossible for me to believe that K is so sick because she glows with joy and beauty when she's outdoors with us.


  1. I'm glad you shared such a wonderful spring day today with K. That picture of the two of you shows all the love you two hold for each other. I wish you all the luck in the world tomorrow! Stay strong KB & K!

  2. Aren't animals amazing? K looks wonderful and is enjoying life so much. Our Benji (who also has tumors that have spread to his lungs) is also enjoying his life and almost acting young again. He's over 16 years old. Guess we need to take some lessons from our pets.

    Sending prayers to you and K for tomorrow's checkup and good results.

  3. K is exuding a joyful attitude. I will think of you and K especially tomorrow - hoping for good news.

  4. wishing you and K a positive outcome from tomorrow's test. You deserve some good news!

  5. One of my childhood pets, a border collie, I think is going through the same thing. She has been exhibiting strange behaviors lately, and my mom is taking her to the vet tomorrow. I feel your pain.

  6. we feel so bad...sending all positive vibes to both of you...Sweet K looks so happy
    Hoppy Easter every bunny
    Benny & Lily

  7. Wishing you and K the best tomorrow and I hope you had a Happy Easter:)

  8. We will be thinking of all of you tomorrow. I'm so glad you are having such good days with K. What could be better for her than to be with her soul-mate in sunny weather with snow piles to lie upon? She does indeed look wonderful.

  9. MOM and I will hold you and K in our prayers. Your Spring outing looked wonderful. I like to eat snow cones as well. K always looks so happy. She makes us all smile.

  10. Paws crossed and lots of love comin your way for tomorrow.

    bert and My Vickie

  11. K is an amazing teacher! I absolutely love the picture of you with K. Good luck tomorrow, we'll be thinking of you
    Dachshund Nola and her mommy

  12. As always, your pictures are gorgeous! In particular, the first picture of K is really striking.

    I do hope that tomorrow brings you good news. Happy Easter!

  13. What a beautiful spring day that you and K had together. She looks so happy , and is truly living in the moment!
    We will keep you in our thoughts tomorrow as you take K to the vet.
    We will wishing with you.
    Thank you for all the photos.
    We love the one of you and K.

  14. Good luck to you both tomorrow, we are hoping and praying for good news.

    If not, think about Wilf when he was given three days two or three years ago!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  15. We'll be thinking of you today .

  16. We'll be keeping you and K in our thoughts as well.

  17. Hi KB, beautiful photos again. We will have paws crossed for a positive Vets appointment tomorrow. K certainly loves her hikes with you. Take care all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory (and Carol)

  18. Praying you hear the good news that you and K so deserve.
    Love from Eileen and Annie xx

  19. What a beautiful spring hike! My paws are crossed for you, K.

    Love ya lots,

  20. We will think of you tomorrow and hope you have a positive answer from the vets.
    Love your pictures especially when you and K are on them. Shows how you both are one!!

  21. hoping for some good news! K is a tough girl, with a tough mom. i am thinking of you today, sending strength your way...

  22. I am catching up again. Too many gorgeous photos to comment on! What a struggle you are going through to know test results, but see K's vigor and try to stick with the latter, with what is today. Both K and you are teaching a very important lesson to all of us.

  23. Sending positive, healing thoughts and lots of hugs!

  24. What a most beeeeeautiful day to spends withs K! But, dat was just too cold fur me!

    Please knows dat we will be thinkin' bouts ya'll at K's visit...and I'll makes a toast to her when her gets a good report...cuz I knows her will, I has faith...and one beer left.


  25. What beautiful photos of the beautiful K! I was reading your post yesterday and my boyfriend came in the room and saw K over my shoulder - he remarked on how beautiful she was and asked to see more pictures. I had told him K's story before, so he loved seeing her picture and connecting it to her story. He even said she looks so brave in the pictures, so elegant.
    -Corbin's momma, Jenn

  26. I follow your blog for several weeks and enjoy it very much. Thus, I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. Please do not feel pressure to accept but I’d be happy if you would do it. You can find details here: http://kolytyi.wordpress.com/2012/04/09/the-versatile-blogger-award/

  27. Hoping with all my heart that you will have good news to share with us tomorrow

  28. Happy Monday, K!

    We have our paws crossed for you always and a special prayer for your trip to the Dr. VET.

    You're really looking good on the photos and the flowers are really nice.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  29. What a beautiful spring day to share together with K.
    We are sending lots and lots of positive thoughts for K tomorrow.

    Extra Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  30. It is always so joyful to see you and K enjoy the spring together - love the pix of you and K together! We also pray that we'll find good news here about beautiful K tomorrow xoxoxoxox
    Sammie, Avalon and Mom

  31. K glows with love and joy, two indestructible things!

    We are crossing all paws for tomorrow.

  32. Kia ora KB,
    I adore the photos of K in the desert setting in particular. I have been away from the blogs for a bit and so always wonder how things are going with you and your family. It is heartening to see K looking so vibrant and ataahua in spite of the battles behind and ahead. Of course with you by her side she has so much to be positive about. Sending aroha and wairua from Aotearoa. Kia kaha e hoa.


  33. Beautiful shots and weather, you can have our snow now that we set the record!

  34. It looks like spectacular weather in your corner of the world. Spring is my favorite time of year, too! I love seeing all the colors appear after the dreary colors of winter.

    P.S. If you have a "stunner" photo of K that you want the color isolation on, send it and I'll do it for you. I have a little tool that I use that makes it go really fast. It won't take me long to do it at all!

  35. I feel almost as if I'm cheating because I already know the outcome, reading backwards. Still, better to know than to wonder.

    I love your pasqueflower! The Lizard came home after a big ride on Saturday with photos of big groups of them. I wish I could have seen them!!!


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