Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A springtime sunset hike

We recently had a sunset hike that made us appreciate where we live so very much!
First, the Duo romped stood and took in the sights together in the sunset light.
Then, they launched off their boulder to come see me.
Just about then, we saw a raptor swoop over the meadow and land atop a Ponderosa Pine. We leashed the dogs and started walking inconspicuously toward the bird hoping to identify him/her.
When we were just getting close enough to get a good look, the bird soared away from us. We never saw the top of his tail but my best guess was that he was a red-tailed hawk.
The raptor soared over top of a fence on the edge of the meadow, and we spotted a mountain bluebird perched there, his blue plumage standing out in the golden light.
Believe it or not, as we gazed at the bluebird, the elk herd started stirring about 50 yards behind the bluebird. It felt as if we lived in the most vibrant and beautiful world as the wild animals moved all around us.
During all our wildlife watching, the light had dimmed but there was still a bit more time for the Duo to romp. K blurred a little as I panned my camera with her.
A few minutes later, the meadow had lost its sunlight, and the speed of R was too much for my camera. The tops of the brown grass looked like streaks on his black fur as I panned with his sprint.
The hike ended with a spectacular sunset as storm clouds sat over the Divide and were lit on fire by the sun.
As dusk began to fall, we hurried home.
What a miraculously beautiful place to call our home! I feel so lucky K is still with our pack enjoying the blossoming of spring.


  1. Where you live is truly magical!
    Dachshund Nola

  2. You live in an especially beautiful place! I can't imagine not being inspired and awed by its beauty every day. And the Duo definitely adds to the beauty!

  3. Once again, the word WOW will come from my fingers!

    Along with THANKS for sharing!

  4. We love that your posts usually pop up right about bedtime for us. It is just so wonderful to see your beautiful pups and photos. Gives us sweet things to dream about instead of worrying about these darn storms.

    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous world with us.

  5. Your world is so beautiful....like being on another planet almost...a much better one!

  6. What a beautiful day, what a wondrous world. I am thankful you share it with us.

  7. Let me join Kyhra and the OP Pack in saying thanks for sharing all the beauty of your home with all of us.

    What do you think are in those storm clouds? We are predicted for a rain tonight and tomorrow and then tomorrow night 1-3 inches of snow. Thanks but no thanks, Mom Nature!


    Jo, STella and Zkhat

  8. It's like you live right in the heart of nature and you get to see all it has to offer on a daily basis. I'm so glad that the four of you can keep enjoying these spectacular moments together. Love the shot of the duo standing so proud!

  9. Your back yard is just spectacular!

    Love ya lots,

  10. Beautiful!!! Great to see elk. Must have been exciting...the duo seems to had a nice romping day

  11. Again, just such beautiful pictures. With all of your wildlife we should start calling you Dr. Doolittle :) Mommy has never seen a bluebird nor an elk but I know if she did, she would stand there in awe. You see this every day and we can tell you too are STILL in awe of the animals and beauty that surround you. We sometimes must live life (or part of it) through someone elses eyes and I gotta say, we love what we see through yours. Thank you for always taking us on the journey with you and the Duo. We too are very blessed to share another day with K romping and rolling in the rockies!

    Lily Belle

  12. Every picture is like a postcard
    Benny & Lily

  13. Hi Everybuddy, you sure do live in a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing it with us. The little bluebird is so gorgeous. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  14. Oh you so much for sharing this spring time beauty with all of us.
    The birds and everything is just beautiful.

  15. I love the action photos! It's fun to see the labraduo romping in the beauty of spring and the golden warmth of the low sun angle!


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