Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Springtime with the Duo, Bears, and Flowers

We've had another good day of rides and hikes in our forest. After talking with the vet, I have an even better understanding of how lucky we are that K can still be so active.
It turns out that K has an infection. We're hoping that her recent fearfulness will wane as the antibiotics do their work. Outdoors, where her fears take a back seat, she's charging full speed ahead!
We all wandered a big meadow at sunset yesterday, enjoying the golden light on the golden grass. Tiny green sprouts are poking out of the ground between last years tall brown grass stalks although they're not obvious yet.
This morning, I discovered that a bear had visited Black Bear Trail yesterday, showing off for a cam. I'll show you more of that ursine escapade in the near future, including video.
My wildlife cameras keep me amused, even in stressful times. I am fascinated by the notion that huge animals, including black bears and mountain lions, share our forest yet we rarely see them. I know how active the bears are nearby only because I have motion-activated cameras in key bear marking spots. The bear above is rubbing his/her fur hard against a marking tree, leaving a trademark scent.

It really must be spring! Bears wandering the woods and Pin Cherries blooming!


  1. I sure hope the antibiotics help K. Such a handsome bear!
    Dachshund Nola

  2. That's gotta be Smokey. All our paws crossed for K
    Benny & Lily

  3. I'm sorry to hear that K has an infection, I hope the antibiotics work for her!

  4. That is a mighty big bear doing his dance!
    I am sure the antibiotics will kick in and make K feel so much better!

  5. I'm sorry K has an infection, but at least that's something that can be solved. It makes sense, too, since often it's infections that cause her fearfulness. I am drooling over your pictures today!

  6. Hopefully the antibiotics will help K's infection which in turn may help tame her fears. At least she has no fears outside. I see R has his goofy face on in the first pic! K just looks like she's saying "Really?" LOL! This is a really great shot of the bear! It must almost seem surreal that you live amongst these huge animals! Happy Spring!

  7. K looks like a puppy in that final shot! I am sorry she has an infection and yes, I am sure her fear has something to do with it. Paws crossed for sweet K!

  8. Oh that bear, I just loved it. Is that a male or female? Have we seen it before. I love your trail cams.

    I do so hope the antibiotics help. You and K continue to amaze me.

  9. Charley says to get well soon K! Hope the antibiotics work too!

    Charley xoxo (the tripawd chocolate lab) and his mommy (Ellen)


  10. I hope the antibiotics kick in real FAST.
    I always giggle when I see that R with his tongue out just before he sets off. It's like he is adjusting to the wind speed for maximum take off.

  11. Ann from..The Outer Banks of NC says....I think you are such a wonderful mom..always there and know exactly what to say and do for your beautiful dogs..Hope K will soon feel better..because love is in the air and all around you..

  12. An infection explains a lot of the fearfulness K has been experiencing. We send White Dog positivity and healing energy that the infection can be cleared up and causes no complications or pain. Your photos today sing "SPRING!"

  13. Sending rottie kisses to Miss K. Bart on the couch, blissed-out after an acupuncture treatment today for his neck. Such a baby!

  14. Here's hoping the antibiotics clear up K's infection and she's feeling less fearful in the house!

    I am amazed at how powerfully and joyfully she runs outdoors! Praying for her continued strength (and YOURS!)...

  15. The photos are so beautiful. You would never know that K is ill, he looks so happy and active. I hope he feels better from the medicine soon.

    Anne and Sasha

  16. Hope the antibiotics kick in super fast. She looks so happy as always.

    Sending love from Eileen and Annie xx

  17. Hope the infection will be treated with the medicin.
    Lovely pictures from the trial camera. Very interesting to see the big animals around your home.

  18. K bears her illness with the most extraordinary grace. We love all the photos! Thank you.

  19. Beautiful day in your forest! We're sorry to hear about K's infection and hope the antibiotics kick in real soon.

    Happy May!

    Lily Belle

  20. Antibiotics are magic! I hope they work fast :)

  21. All paws crossed that the antibiotics work quickly and effectively.

    Wow...look at that bear! I know we have them around here too but have never seen one up close in the wild.

  22. K is amazing!!! We're purring and praying that the antibiotics work quickly!

    The Florida Furkids

  23. Pin Cherries...I must google this plant...truly beautiful just like K!

  24. KB, your photos continue to make me smile. We love to see your part of the world and the animals you have living nearby. Paws crossed K's antibiotics help very soon. Hugs to all. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  25. Hope the antibiotics improve K's indoor angst. What a beautiful bear! Stunning! Can't wait for more.

  26. I think you must live in one of the most beautiful and fascinating places on earth. You may have a cause for K's fearfulness. That is a good thing, in it's way. Hope that she is feeling better and braver and the antibiotics do their job.

  27. We hope K responds ell to the antibiotics and her fears are assuaged. She still looks so good to us.

    We saw on the news today about a big bear wandering around in some yards in Colorado. We thought of you immediately:)

  28. We sure do hope that the antibiotics help K feel better!! Your pictures are awesome! That flower on the bottom especially...wow! Hugs to you and the duo!

  29. Yep, wonderful signs on spring for sure and great pictures to prove it.

    Last experience we had with the bears 'round here, they scared the bejeebers outta our weened cattle pen and stampeded 'em through three fences...in the middle of the night, no less!

    Now that was a round~up not to forget! Heeehehehe!

    God bless ya and have yourself one fantastic spring day!!! :o)

  30. I am surprised also that such big creatures share your forest yet you rarely see them. LOVE that bear's face. The trail cams are such a great idea, see the wild creatures without disturbing them. Thanks for sharing.

    Hoping the antibiotics do their job and K's infection goes away.

    Chester's Mom

  31. We hope the medicine works for K.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  32. Hi Y'all,

    So glad they can give K antibiotics for her infection. Hope her fearfulness subsides quickly.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  33. Hope pills and fear cancel each other out!!! Love these photos too - bear seems to have an almost-sweet expression on face! K and gang: do you have FB page? Jes' wondrin' - as if you'd have enough time for that too!
    Sammie and Avalon
    PS - but if you do, our pal name there is under Miche Evans

  34. The white blossom with the blue sky in the background took my breath away, but as always, I love the photos of your K, too, your golden girl in golden sunlight.


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