Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Guess who sneaked forward from a "stay" while my back was turned?

We're coming to get you!

Let me tell you a secret...

Sunset after the romping


Peaceful dusk


  1. I think your photos are sort of like your description of how you process your current journey. All extremes, all across the board, all with its own impact. And all such an amazing part of living.

  2. Those Labradorks!

    Of course, K was the good dog!

    Khyra says please snoof some snow for her!

  3. Lovely photos, and oh so peaceful.

  4. But to his credit if R crept up a bit he sat again and "stay" did mean "stay in this general vicinity," didn't it? His expression is saying, "Who me? I've been sitting right here all the time!" Too funny.

  5. Siku Marie said it perfectly!
    Dachshund Nola

  6. I was really amazed on your place, the scenery was awesome. K & R are doing great things together I hope your having much fun with your friend :D

    Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

  7. You know how much the pups her would love to dip their paws in some refreshing snow:) And we have a "stay" sneaker here too - ever notice who is always up close and personal in our group shots:)

  8. I love those pictures of K and R! That one where R is closer made me think of "Red Light, Green Light, Dynamite, Boom!" What a sweet pair they make!

  9. Ann from..THE OUTER BANKS of NC said..Just look at those pretty faces.. Joy just fills my heart...seeing them together fills my spirit to a melody called WONDERFUL.. You have done such a good job with your pups.. Wish I could be there to romp and play... ...and I bet everyone else just agree with me too.

  10. I think R said that he sat long enough, and now wanted a cookie!
    And I think maybe K whispered in his ear--- go see if you get a cookie anyway!
    Beautiful sunset photos! So peaceful.

  11. Your duo are beautiful together! What a beautiful peaceful sunset!

  12. Snow?! Oh boy, I hope I'm doing seeing that here for now.

    Lovely pictures! (as always)

  13. Best friends. Not for one minute would we ever think there was one thing wrong with K
    Benny & Lily

  14. Beautiful dogs and beautiful sunset.

  15. Beautiful photos! Beautiful dogs!

  16. Absolutely stunning shots!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  17. We just love your photos! They're the best!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  18. Great shots!! Thanks for sharing!!

  19. What wonderful photos. I was thinking, maybe K stepped back while you were not looking. OK OK I know that's ridiculous, R jumped the gun.

  20. Hi Y'all,

    Stoppin' to say "hello" and see how y'all are doing.

    Beautiful sunsets.

    R, always up to mischief or thinking about mischief! Love his antics! So cute. K telling R all her secrets. ;)

    Hope you have a fantastic week!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  21. Beautiful, as always - both the pups and the scenery. Those dogs of yours were blessed when they got you for a mom.

  22. I am not a breed snob - I tend to love the uniqueness of all dogs- but there's just something about a Lab face that tugs on my heartstrings. I LOVE R's face as he intently stares into the camera, and then it almost looks like K is in the background saying "Hey, why are you letting that crazy brother of mine get away with that?"

    Happy trails,
    Chester's Mom

  23. I enjoyed your photos! They remind me that at the end of the day, the 'peace' is truly the best way to end it!!

  24. Of course it was the sneaky black dog that broke the stay. Was he sitting when you turned around? Like a teleport, right?

    Mango Momma

  25. Phenomenal photos!!! That "sneak" photo is going to keep me giggling for a while! What a character!


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