Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Almost Wordless: Sunsets on Red Rock

Sunset on first night in this campsite

K in sunset light
We are so small in this world (see the human and dog at cliff base)

Sunset on our campsite

The Duo, forever more.


  1. Love to see that glowing duo! Oh, and the rocks are pretty amazing, too :-)

  2. beautiful......and thanks for always reminding me what life is all about....

  3. That last photo should be a painting

  4. These are just beautiful! I love the one of the duo. We really are just specks in this universe aren't we.)

  5. Nothing like sunset on the canyon rocks. So beautiful and awesome! Nothing like that Duo red hue for some stunning pics. :)

  6. What beautiful views and fantastic light! I love every one of those shots!

  7. such incredible beauty and dignity.

  8. Ann ..from THE OUTER BANKS OF NC said...This is such a beautiful collection.I am just wearing a big smile..because God made all this and more to touch our hearts.. He can paint a picture with such beauty and sweet K and R fit right in...my total thoughts are "do what you love and love what you do" ...blessings for all of you....and give each other a hug for you are special to all of us here...

  9. I always thought little Bert was incredibly photogenic, but never has there been a dog that makes more of her surroundings, brings them into her eyes and makes all appear perfect, than K.

  10. Oh I love the Duo's photo!
    And those spectacular rocks.
    No words are perfect enough to describe the combination of beauty,

  11. Its so incredible how K blends in with the backround, so very beautiful.

    Anne and Sasha

  12. Absolutely stunning photos!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  13. Small and significant!!

    Enjoy your Thursday!!

  14. Such incredible parts of the country that we'll probably never see. I love the mountains but Florida is so flat!

  15. beautiful.
    I know you are cherishing everday with K that you have.

    I lost Fred two months ago to his seizures from epilepsy, he was only 4. From the day I found of his diagnosis we lived each day to the fulliest and its so inspiring to see you doing the same thing.

  16. Oh wow!!! That's a huge rock! Nothing beats your Duo photo! It's the best!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  17. How great that is, what rocks. Would really go there. We plan to got to US, my partner never been there. NY is one town we want to visit, I´ve been there. He is a former elite basket ball player so he want to see games live instead here home at a laptop :-)
    K looks great at the photo!!

  18. These photos are so beautiful. When I look at that photo of K, it is like looking into the eyes of a human being. A beautiful soul, for sure.

  19. These are gorgeous sunset captures. The red rocks are beautiful. The first shot is my favorite. Your dogs remind me of my old choc lab "Maui" he was a big boy. Awesome photos.

  20. I love seeing your dogs climbing amongst the rocks! I bet they pretend they are wolves....

    Do you think that R senses anything is different with K? I worry about him as this journey reaches it's final chapter...

    But, for now, it's wonderful seeing them BOTH so full of life!

    You are incredible.



  21. Absolutely stunning shots!
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx


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