Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Few Words Wednesday

My inspiring girl - from this morning

Sunset Light

I'm coming to get you...

Sunset - thanks to the Runner and R for their patience!


  1. Absolutely beautiful. K looks like she's on a quest! :o)

  2. What great pictures today. Glad to see K enjoying her hikes.


  3. That lighting is fantastic, and of course K is as lovely as ever!

  4. A glorious day! We know how happy it made you.

    Lily Belle

  5. Hi Y'all,

    Just hoppin' by to see how your week is going. Hope it's great! Wishin' y'all a great first summer day and a wonderful summer!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. Alright KB & Co...I haven't been up on my blog reading the past week or so, and I just caught up on the ones I missed. Cinnmamon bears! Black black bears! Bobcat kitties! Gorgeous labbies! Your dogs, especially R, are soothing my heart- I miss my dogs the most while being 5000 miles away from home. I love your camera trap pics, as always. I have had some technical difficulty since being in AK, and am without a camera. What a bummer, right? Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll get it back and be able to get the critters who live here. I've also yet to see a bear- found a half eaten salmon and grizzly scat though! Be well with your pooches KB :)

  7. * I must mention that R's personality seems a close fit with my Ziggy. A bit manic, sweet, nuts, young...

  8. Golden K! You are an inspiration to us all!

  9. We love how even nature conspires to keep K in its golden loving light! Simply beautiful!

  10. Stunning pics! You can really capture K's spirit in the pictures you take!

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  11. There are no words...

    Anne and Sasha

  12. Beautiful day with beautiful K
    Benny & Lily

  13. Ann...from..THE OUTER BANKS OF NC...said..BIG.. BIG..HEART SMILE..this is just perfect..could not have done it better... .absolutely... positively..BEAUTIFUL...that light of yours.. shines brightly KB...and it glows all around K and R...WOW ...It sure has been hot here the last several days too..and the heat sure will slow anyone down.. maybe we all just need some quiet reflections...hope all feels better tomorrow ..and may the day be truly blessed.

  14. Beautiful Beautiful. The sunset is nice too.

  15. I forgot to say that those Moose you have in your area came from our area. Yep the very same area where MOM and Miss Vickie (and sometimes me and Bert) go to take pictures of them. It was part of a relocation program a couple years ago. I'm pretty sure a couple of pans will do nothing to scare off a moose. But that is a funny image of someone carrying pans through the woods. Bawhahhhha

  16. Hey there KB,
    What incredible pictures. K is looking wonderful - despite her condition. What a blessing to spend these special moments with her.
    BTW, there'll be more lions on my upcoming two blog posts. Thanks for the comment about the cheetahs...very special sighting indeed.
    Hang in there, special friend.
    With love

  17. oh K. You are so beautiful.
    Are you climbing the mountain top to watch that gorgeous sunset?
    Oh we want to hug you!

  18. Absolutely gorgeous!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  19. No words needed!
    Absolutely stunning shots.
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  20. Beautiful! You both are an inspiration!

  21. Stunning shots!!! K looks so happy:)

  22. Run beautiful girl.....RUN! ♥

    Woofs and runnin' slobbers,
    Chester ;0=)

  23. K is one strong and beautiful girl with the light of a heavenly sunset that brings out her glory...

  24. What a glorious sunset. And such moving photos of K... every time I think you've caught her at her best, the next day's shots make me drool all over again!

  25. K was meant to shine in green and golden light. Such a beautiful sight, her lovely face with its joy in the day there for all of us to share! Thank you for your beautiful photos of her, and all your fascinating trail camera photos and video -- your blog is a fascinating as well as emotional place to visit.

  26. I love the first photo the most. I really wonder what K was thinking when that shot was captured. Frankly, she is the most beautiful chocolate lab that I have ever seen.


  27. Beautiful pictures once again! What a breath taking sunset! :)


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