Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Foto Friday

Smoke is hanging heavily in the air, with its acrid smell burning our throats. But, we had no new fires near us today, and that is a victory. Since, in the stress of the fires, I forgot that it was Wordless Wednesday earlier this week, I'm having Foto Friday today. These are images from our recent trip to the high mountains of Colorado. I hope that you enjoy them. They bring back that calm feeling of the high mountains to me, which is a good thing.


  1. These are all absolutely beautiful and serene. The butterfly is stunning as is K looking back at the mountains. That sunset....well what can I say but beautiful! :)

  2. HELLO FROM KENTUCKY! I'm out of town visiting family and wanted to make sure I stopped by your blog to see how you are--I'm glad all is well, and I"m glad that K is doing great too!! Take care, and I'm continuing to keep everyone affected by the fires in my prayers!

  3. Hi Y'all!

    So glad another day is past without fire threats.

    Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures, ah, fotos. Love the picture of K shaking.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. Good news on the fire report. Amazing photos. We love that one of K shaking.

    Hope your weekend is quiet and offers some time for relaxing.

  5. Beautiful photos- thank you for sharing them! We have a butterfly just like yours, but cannot imagine getting such a beautiful photo.
    We are glad to hear that at this moment- things are kinda in control.

  6. So gorgeous! I hope the smoke isn't affecting K too much. And I'm so glad you are still safe.

  7. Just STUNNING! I love the last picture of K

  8. Great to hear no new fires near you and that K is doing well.

    Hope your weekend is a happy one!


    Jo, Stella and the cat they call Z

  9. Thanks for sharing those stunning pictures. Glad to hear you all are safe.


  10. Ann..from..THE OUTER BANKS OF NC...said ..these beautiful pictures just takes my breath away and makes my heart glad..just look at what's on the ground and look at what's in the sky...WOW..who has compassion? .. we all do..so many thoughts..I especially like the picture of K and R...a love that is so tender and a bond that is so strong...thanks for sharing KB..hope all of you have a good week-end ...Hugs

  11. Photos are so beautiful, my fav, the rock . K looking great, no new fires, may all the goodness continue for you, and safe days for everyone in the fire zone. Greetings from Jean

  12. Beautiful fotos!! No new fires is good news too. You've been in our thoughts every day.

  13. Glad no new fires started up, I hope it stayes that way. For us ANOTHER one started this afternoon and it has become quiet big now, homes lost and it is smokey here to. Made looking at all your pictures all the more enjoyable.

  14. Oh wow! Every one of those pictures is a masterpiece! I love every one!

  15. It's no wonder you forgot about Wordless Wednesday! Hope you have a stress-free weekend.

  16. Stunning pictures and we are so pleased you are OK. We send a little blessing for all of you. Happy Saturday to you all.
    Best wishes Molly

  17. Each one is more beautiful than the last!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  18. Oh my!

    So many excellent scenes of FUN and beaWOOty!

    Thanks for sharing!

    We are still thinking stay safe thoughts!

  19. Goodness! Just how did we miss this last post... Beautiful pictures. I can see how it brings back the calm in your life. I was so relaxed looking at them all.

    Have an awesome weekend and BIG head scratchies to K & R.

    Lily Belle

  20. Wow!!! These are stunning!!! Very good news on the fires....wish I could make it disappear for you. Love the pic of K&R together.
    ♥hugs for you♥

  21. Very beautiful pictures you bring us!! THe butterfly has great colours.
    We had today again about the fires on our news. Terrible and I´m happy you dont have it near you.
    K looks great on the pictures. Take care and hugs from us!

  22. All amazing shots, but the one of K shaking is startling! I think of you daily. Stay safe.

  23. Too many beautiful photos in one post! My eyes are on overload now! I especially love your timed exposure with star trails, and that zoom shot of K is really cool!

  24. Great shots but I ESPECIALLY love that third one.


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