Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A great day for R

It's a hot, dry, and dangerously windy day here in Colorado. In the background on my computer, I'm listening to the police and fire scanner - so I'll know if any wildfires are starting. It's that kind of day...

And, my K is relaxing on the deck.
Right from the start of our walk this morning, K let me know that she wanted to take it easy. She wanted to stop and lie under the shade of trees, roll in the grass, and nibble on berries. She most definitely didn't want to move fast. I complied, of course. K's the boss.
We wandered and lingered and enjoyed a day together. At one point, I decided to "hat" K with my "chocolate" hat.
After our funny photo, we walked past endless gorgeous flowers. Everything is blooming at once this year, perhaps due to the heat and the drought. A wild rose...
And a bee diving into a Columbine's pollen...
Some days this spring and summer, due to my sadness about K, I haven't even noticed the beauty around me. I did this morning because K told me that she wanted to go slowly and smell the flowers. New lessons at every step of this journey...
For R, it was a fabulous day. He's been on restricted exercise for 3 weeks because of a sore elbow. R had elbow surgery to fix elbow dysplasia more than 3 years ago. It's been an incredibly successful surgery but, after our trip to the desert, he developed a limp. Fortunately, 3 weeks of rest and Rimadyl fixed the limp!

This morning, he embarked on his first run. R was ecstatic! He leaped vertically as he realized that he was going running!
Come on, let's GO!!!! I'll lead the way!
I had to smile for the Runner and R - they can enjoy their morning runs together again. For a while, R was getting so upset when the Runner headed out onto the trails without him that he'd wail mournfully for the entire time that the Runner was gone. Finally, the Runner decided to trick R by wearing "street clothes" over top of his running clothes. Then, he'd exit the door as if he was going to do something really boring, like drive to town. He'd shed his street clothes behind our house where R couldn't see him. R fell for the trick, thank goodness! We both hated hearing him sound so very sad.

On another topic, many of you asked excellent questions about the bear video yesterday. I'm going to answer them tomorrow when I have more time. Thanks so much - you noticed things that I hadn't noticed!


  1. I'm sure Mango Momma will LOVE the R pics now that Dexter is on the DL -

    As for K being boss, my K says SEE!!! I'm not the ONLY K in charge!

    Thanks for making me smile AGAIN!

  2. It looks like R was just a little happy to be able to run again. I love the charade you had to pull so he wouldn't be upset by the runner leaving. That is too funny. You know you love your dog when you wear two layers of clothes to fake him out and not make him upset.


  3. That's a fabulous picture of K getting "hatted"!

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  4. He looks so happy to be running again! Smart trick with the street clothes

  5. A happy post to make us all smile! K is one smart puppers ~ Sometimes you DO have to stop and smell the flowers. As we know, life happens so very quickly, much against our wishes.

    That's a great story about the Runner. Very clever...

    Happy Father's Day!

    Lily Belle

  6. That is so thoughtful of the runner to hide his running clothes to spare R's feelings.

    Yes, as Khyra predicted, I am feeling some relief that I am not the only one with a lame labradog. Plus, to know that 3 weeks of rest and meds got him back into rocking and rolling shape is so encouraging.

    Mango Momma

  7. those are two very happy furry kids
    Benny & Lily

  8. Such happy dogs, each doing what they enjoy most.

  9. One of the great things about that special bond you have with K - you can read her so very well:) Sometimes it is nice to stop and smell the roses or just relax on the deck. K is very wise.

    Just love that pic of the two of you - you need to get lots more of you together, not just K:)

  10. The flower pictures are gorgeous! And those little things in life are a big part of what make it worth living, in my humble opinion. It's good to see you and K looking so happy, and I think that picture really captures the bond you share in a fantastic way!

    I had to literally do a double take when I saw that picture of R! My gosh, he could pass for Kuster! And the Puppy Wonder definitely shares his pain over crate rest and not being able to be active. He's been thrilled to be freed, too. This morning he got his first chance to romp with Morgan in about a month, and was he ever one happy puppy!

  11. I can see K smiling and laughing in the hat picture. R looks great. It looks like he was definitely ready to go. :-)

  12. Ann..from...THE OUTER BANKS OF NC..said....The pictures are fabulous and the flowers look beautiful too..lovely things happen when you least expect it.. Prayers for K and R...And the comfort that flows between them is just a blessing of two sweet and lovable dogs..I know the Runner is proud to be their dad(Happy Father's Day)I hope every father every-where near and far has smiled today...Our hearts and minds should always be open and beautiful.... to attract the good things in life.....Hugs

  13. Hold on to your hat - literally! It's so very windy. Columbines already - you're ahead of me. I hope K has a good week KB. And her Family, too.

  14. The things we do for our dogs! LOL

  15. We are so glad that you took the time to stop and smell the flowers with K! She knows what is good for both of you! he columbine is so beautiful. We have some wild ones but they are not the same color as yours.
    We like the photo of you and K with the "hat". It shows the happy bond in both of you.
    R looks like a big puppy and is sooo happy! We are glad he is better.
    The runners idea about the clothes swapppp- was just perfect,, and that way - there is no sad R.

  16. I bet there isn't a day that goes by that K doesn't teach you (and us) something. Those are some beautiful flowers. You gotta love R's excitement. Just love that cracker dog.

  17. Today I took the dogs to the beach. We met a labraduo - both white and all 4 dogs romped and bounced. Bart is usually quite serious when he's out, but they liked those fun lab boys!

  18. I like your hat photo, you both look so happy.
    So sad that R has been missing out on his run and funny that the Runner had to trick him to spare his feelings :-)
    My little Annie hates her Dad going to work every morning and runs at his legs as if to say "please don't go!" I'm glad I have the luxury of staying at home with her:-)
    I look forward to your blog every day and am still wondering about the bare bear :-)

  19. Wonderful pics! We love K's sweet face, the beautiful flowers and R's utter exuberance!

  20. Loving that photo of you "hatting" K and the 2 of R jumping and leash-biting! they're so alive! that's the point, right?

    sigh. much love to you, K, and R.
    wild dingo, loki and juno

  21. so happy for R....love how you had to trick him, dogs are so gullible...:)
    sweet K, slowing down to smell the flowers...love to see you in the frame! "paws for peace" love it!

  22. A great "Feel Good" post and I loved the pictue of you hatting K. Such joy in both your faces.

  23. I'm glad R gets to go running again! It's not fun when you're stuck at home, and it's hard when you don't understand why you can't go out.

  24. So happy for R, and love the pic of you and K:)))
    Have a wonderful day!

  25. Great picture with you and K, nice to see you. K is wise to show to rest some day. R have the energy for both of them today.
    Here its raining. The dog course was very interesting but I and Vilja was totally exhausted and tired yesterday evening :-)

  26. Going slow always brings things into focus...I know that's what I have found during stressful situations...just come almost to a halt and then begin creeping slowly...K knows this! and a BIG YEAH for R!!!whoop whoop!

  27. That is so funny about dressing up in street clothes so R won't feel bad. I sometimes have to dress in my pajamas to get Latte to come inside before I go to work as she knows work clothes mean she'll be kenneled until lunch time.

    I'm glad you were able to see the good side of a slower day with K. But so sorry about the drought. I hope it rains soon.

  28. I am so glad you stopped to smell the flowers with K. What a terrific fun picture of you two! :) They are so beautiful. I'm so happy for R that that silly goose got to run again! Yay!

  29. Hi, Just got to say that I absolutely love the pic of you and K; I think it needs to be framed and hung in your house. Such joy on your face and love on K's.
    Hugs, Noreen & Hunter

  30. That's a GREAT trick to keep R from being so moody! And I love the photo of you and K together.

    I saw so many flowers last week during Ride the Rockies, but I couldn't stop much for fear of not being able to get going again and also because I forgot to take an extra memory card. So thank you for helping me enjoy what I missed!


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