Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Hero

We seem to be settling in at a new plateau in terms of K's cancer. K seems happy with her life right now so I'm happy too. She and R joined me for a sunset hike yesterday and looked resplendent in the rays of setting sun and the vivid green aspen grove.
Believe it or not, I captured K doing this! I'm not encouraging raucous behavior like this because I'd like to keep her leg pain as quiet as possible (her leg is still very swollen). But, the fact that she chose to bound through the meadow like a puppy speaks a thousand words!
Then, this morning, I captured a photo of the Duo together atop Hug Hill. This is precious... because it may be the last. Or, my girl might keep defying the cancer, and there may be more mornings when she can hike to this small peak. I am absolutely amazed at her strength, tenacity, and happy demeanor. K is my hero.
We're simply taking one day at a time with K. I watch her each day, and we do as much as she seems to want to do. The past two days have been exceptional because, to my surprise, she has rebounded from her low point last week. I am taking nothing for granted... 

Later today, after hiking with the Labraduo, I went for a bike ride by myself. For most of the ride, I had views to the south. Then, I crossed a ridge and look what I saw. I freaked out and called home in a panic. The Runner told me that we weren't in any danger from this wildfire because it was pretty far away. To me, it looked like it was just on the other side of the ridge to the north of our house.
When I took this photo, the fire had ignited about an hour earlier. It was around a 100 acres then, according to the news. Now, it's apparently 5,000 acres. It's a hot and very windy day here, awful conditions for a fire. My thoughts are with everyone who lives in the path of this roaring inferno.

Please do a rain dance for us. This drought is scary.

To end on a happier note, can you believe that our wild Columbines are blooming almost a month early due to the record warm temperatures here? Such delicate beauty...


  1. such great photos - we continue to send our purrs to all of you and especially K that she continues to have such good days....

  2. Beautiful shots as always.

    K will be happy until the end. It is the way of dogs and something we could all stand to learn from them. Enjoy it.

  3. That photo of K and R together on the stump is beautiful. I'm so glad that she is feeling well enough to enjoy her outings, as it is obvious she certainly loves it. That fire looks scary and so sad that it's burning up so many acres. It makes be feel so bad for the animals that call it home (humans included).

  4. Our thoughts to you and K, and also to anyone who might be affected by the wildfires.

  5. K, you are an inspiration to us all! We are so happy that you are having some great days and are able to enjoy life despite this terrible disease. Keep it up girl!

    We hope that they can contain the wildfires soon.

    Lily Belle

  6. Like you, I find inspiration in how our pup's deal with an illness that will take them from us--It continues to remind me to enjoy the 'now' and not worry about the 'when.'

    I hope all are safe from the fires too--Enjoy your weekend!!

  7. It is just impossible not to look at K without SMILING!

    BTW, my Sunday passengers will be two R types!

  8. We so have to agree with Khyra and her Mom = K is our hero too and she always makes us smile.

    The wildfires are so scary - hope you and all others in its path stay safe.

  9. Its a very happy making thing to see K and R having a good time together (the Hug Hill pic is great).

    We hope you get a big rain soon, we are down for one tonight but we aren't rain needy people like you are.

    The Columbine is equisite!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  10. Ann.. from ..THE OUTER BANKS OF NC..said...the pictures of the duo just pulled my heart strings.. and I just let good thoughts flow over, around, and through me..They touch a place in my heart that is so tender..the love they share..can light up the whole sky..I'm glad they show it every day "this makes parents proud" ..... I sure hope no-one has to breathe all that smoke.. stay safe.I'll be hoping for rain..have a blessed day

  11. Every summer I look forward to your Columbine pictures! They are just so pretty.

    I think taking things at K's pace and a day at a time will be the best thing for both of you. And I'm glad the fires are far away from you!

  12. Happy sounds good, that is a great way to be and I am glad for all of you. K is my hero also and so are you for sharing this all so bravely. I probably would have just curled up in a ball and gave in to the sadness. I know you are sad at times, but there seems to be no "giving up" in you. You are pressing on and I think that K gives you strength and you give K strength. God bless you all.

    Anne and Sasha

  13. You and K are my heroes! For the way that you BOTH suck every last drop of enjoyment out of every God given day! For letting K's strength and will be the guide to how you will handle each day. For not letting fear of what's ahead stop you from living and loving today. May God stay close and may you feel his love as each sunset glows over your beautiful world.

    That beautiful Columbine seems to symbolize joy for the moment. It's life will be brief but oh-so-glorious! What pleasure it brings for that precious time.

    I hope everyone heeds the warnings and stays safe in spite of the wildfires. Praying for rain for all of the drought stricken areas.

    Hugs from Hero's Mom

  14. K is our hero too!
    I was remembering when you told us about after your surgery. How K gave you strength to push yourself.
    She knew you did not feel good, yet she knew it best to get you active , and that you would feel better if you could get out and enjoy the moments.
    I think K remembered that feeling when you rallyed,, and she is taking it to heart-.
    A happy heart does good like medicine.
    Do you know what I mean?
    There is nothing more beautiful that to see the Duo together- posing side by side. So beautiful.
    And the wild columbine was ment for you to see today,

  15. All life is such delicate beauty. We pray for the fires to stop, for the columbines to bloom forever, for K to keep her fight and spirit endlessly. Know you are in our hearts and thoughts.

  16. Very beautful picture of the Duo. Happy to hear that K is so full of joy and can run like she´s never had the ilness.
    Hope they get the fire under control soon.
    Hugs from us!

  17. K is enjoying her life to the full and I'm glad you allow her to do it.
    The photo of the Duo on the tree stump is excellent.
    Take care, stay safe xx

  18. Great to see K looking so chipper. Europe is clearly getting all the worlds rain at the moment. Here's hoping you can share some of it !.

  19. You are our hero too, K!
    We're off to do a rain dance!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  20. Fabulous shots...K is our hero too!
    We are being lashed by torrential rain right now.

    Have a great weekend
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  21. animals are amazing...K is amazing....you are amazing.....
    doing the rain dance for you and hoping that the days to come are peaceful and calm.

  22. I am so glad to see that K is doing so well. I will keep her in my thoughts.

  23. I think you're my hero for showing how you can accept a difficult situation with grace and good humor. I hope that when my time comes, Momma can help me enjoy my last days like you've helped K!

  24. She wouldn't have done that if she were still in pain. It must be that the pain is under control now. Better live life, no matter how short than to be alive but not living it. I think you are doing the best for K. We are all learning from her story.

    Well done and keep your chin up. You have all our prayers, support and well wishes.

  25. Love the photo of the duo on the peak. Made me smile and get a bit teary at the same time! K is amazing. I hope the firefighters are able to contain that fire with minimal damage. Sending good thoughts all around.

    Lu (and her mama!)

  26. Hi, WE are watching the fire from the other side of the hill-down on the low lands near F.C. It is scary, I know that area and its beauty; the news says some are not accounted for and that they may have decided not to evacuate. I can only hope that folks are safe.
    I love the photo of the duo; I pray that you will have many days ahead of you with K. I also hope that peace will flood you when the time comes.
    KB you are my hero-you have also undergone so much and continue on to bike and hike, while others of us whine over minor aches and pains.
    Have a wonderful Sunday friend.

  27. What a beautiful photo of K and R - I'd frame it!


  28. Again great photos and K wouldn't run if she didn't want to or feel up to it. It's such a lesson for us humans!


  29. It is amazing how she always looks happy and content
    Benny & Lily

  30. I check on you every day and pray that K is hanging in there. I'm so happy that you have this time to cherish K. As hard as it must be on you to go through this with her, I wish I'd had the same chance with my guy who passed away very suddenly while we were on vacation, just shy of his 3rd b-day. never did find the full reason. we found out the cause but not the why it happened. I just wish I'd know ahead of time to be able to say goodbye and be there for him when the time came.
    I keep seeing the wildfire on the news and hope that all is well for you.
    Stay safe.

  31. We've been watching the fire news and worrying about you guys. Hope it stays away from your house, but we also hope you have the vehicle loaded and you're ready to run on a moment's notice, just in case. As always, our paws are crossed for K and for you all.

    Jed & Abby

  32. K is definitely a HERO in all of our eyes...so stalwart and regal...much love from us here. We are dancing right now for your sprinkles to start...any change!? Love the columbine...it seems most places have early blooms this year...is this a trend? I wonder!

  33. Resplendent indeed! Not only is K my hero, you and the runner are as well.

    The fires are so frightening and I'm doing the rain dance so vigorously we got over an inch and a half. I've got to figure out a way to get it over to you.

  34. KB, As I've sat outside this afternoon and evening it is obvious that the fire is spreading rapidly with all the winds. I'm not sure where you, the runner and pups are but from here it looks like the fire is also headed south. You have been in my thoughts all day, even though you've weathered fires before-probably closer but this one is so unpredictable, I just wanted to say Stay Safe friends.

  35. Hi Y'all,

    We'll keep our paws crossed for an end to the drought. We know what that is!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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