Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

The Look-out

Compare K's fur color to the next animal's fur

Taken with hand-held camera - Story tomorrow

My girl's amazing eye

Special Girl

Smoky Sunset


  1. She does have the most magical eyes in the world! Lovely pictures. Can't wait to hear about the bear.

    Your pal, Pip

  2. Of course ...K's "spirit guide" is the bear! What a strong, great spirit they share. Never tire of K's starburst eyes!

    Jed & Abby

  3. Wow K looks like she has a sunflower in her eye!

  4. Gorgeous photos! And K's eyes are so magical. Amazing!

    Can't wait to read about the bear. What a beautiful creature!


  5. I am eager for the bear story too,and yes, the bear is a perfect spirit guide for K!

    I think R looks gorgeous in that first photo as well!

    That smokey sunset looks beautiful and a little scarey at the same time.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  6. K DOES have the most spectacular eyes!

    Now you are teasing us - a bear pic taken with a hand held camera - and we have to wait to hear more??? :)

  7. R looks like he is yearning to get out of jail. I hope that hand held camera was equipped with a very long lens.

    Sad to see the smoky sunset. The fire seems extremely difficult to contain. Bless those firefighters.

  8. Wow, that bear looks very huge but he's gorgeous, K your eyes is really magical. :D

    Dog Shock Collar | Puppy Bond

  9. K and that bears' fur color is almost identical! Can't wait to hear the story behind that picture. K gives a whole new meaning to starry eyed. She really is special isn't she! :)

  10. What fantastic shots! Every one of them could be in a calendar!

    And I am dying to hear the bear story now!

  11. Ann..from...THE OUTER BANKS OF NC..said..R is just too cute..and with K's amazing eye..it does look like a sunflower..did you know that the symbol of the sunflower is....happiness..strength..longevity and is a love of the sun and sunlight also it is said to always turn its face toward the sun so it is considered a symbol of faith,,loyalty and devoted love..now how sweet is that..special thoughts just keep coming ..will love to hear about the bear story....sending hugs for sweet K and R....

  12. There is golden hued magic that surrounds you...let it fill you with light.

    Sending White Dog positive energy that your fire be soon contained and the destruction stopped.

  13. Oh gosh those eyes of K! There are no words to describe the feeling we get when we look into those eyes!

    And that bear- you can almost touch it! yes, that same beautiful color as K!

    Is R watching for fires? He will keep and eye on it for you,,, we hope the fires stop- our paws are crossed.

  14. K is your huggy bear and her eye is amazing!

  15. The photos are all wonderful, of course, but the flower in K's eye is amazing!

  16. Your eye looks like a beautiful flower, K! You are such a gorgeous girl!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  17. K looks beautiful!! Great picture of the bear.
    Hugs from Sweden!

  18. KB - I could get lost in K's beautiful eyes. The word "soulful" comes to mind. She is special and unique and magical! Thinking of all of you....

  19. I can tell my sister
    By the flowers in her eyes
    On the road to Shambala
    -- Three Dog Night, "Shambala"

    You have such beauty in your life.

  20. K looks as beautiful as ever, and still has that wonderful sparkle in her eye. She's amazing! I can't wait to hear about your bear encounter! It's such a special treat to see one up close like this, and this particular bear is incredibly handsome! I always feel honored when I catch a glimpse of a bear.

  21. Mmmm...chocolatey yum yums...with K in the middle of it all!

  22. My dear friend, S, is how I was introduced to you, KB. Can't think of a lovlier friend to have around these days

    I hold you and K so close these days


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