Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Tribute to K

It has been one week since K died. It has been one of the hardest weeks of my life. But, if I met K again, I'd love her just as much, even knowing the deep pain that her death would bring to me.

K had a heart full of love, and she freely showered it on those who were lucky enough to know her. Many of the notes and emails that I've received mention her absolutely joyful soul. She made everyone smile, me most of all. She will live on forever in my heart.

I've made a video tribute to her that is a montage of photos from her lifetime. You can watch it below or at Youtube.


  1. An incredible tribute for an incredible furiend with an incredible family!

    I bet the WiFi at The Rainbow Bridge is streaming this one ;-)

    Thanks SO much for sharing her whilst here and beyond!

  2. Beautiful tribute to a lovely dog and her spirit. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Dear KB, What an incredible video on an incredible dog. Joy was written over her face continually, especially when she was with you or R. Thank you friend for sharing her with us and sharing life with us. You'll never know how many of us you've encouraged to continue on, to seize the day.
    With hugs & love,

  4. That was an incredibly beautiful, heartfelt tribute. You gave K the best life

  5. KB.....

    What a beautiful tribute to K, it showed her spirit and beauty; and your love of her. Thank you so much for letting us have a glimpse of your life with K. I am sure that I am not the only one who has had the same deep sadness of having to say good-bye to dog that seems to have become part of your heart and soul and know how you feel. I loved the closeness that R was with K and I know he will help you some. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Take care,
    Lucy (silent MOD Troy, Ohio)

  6. Undeniably beautiful. Thank you for all the moments you have shared with all of us. You, Runner and Mr. R are still apart of our prayers.

  7. A beuatiful tribute to your "Golden Girl" whose spirit will always be with you.And with those who have shared so much of K , and those who have only known her lately, those photos will touch our hearts more, if that is possible.From start to end, you have shown us the love, her golden eyes, the bond you had together, and that will always be with you. Thank you so much for all of this. From Jean.

  8. That was a perfect tribute to K. I'm so sorry for the pain you've been feeling. I hope all of your wonderful memories of her will help.

  9. A wonderful tribute to a very special soul! Heather

  10. The video and tribute is beautiful.
    The song is perfect and is one of my very favorites.
    You have captured so many treasured moments of K in each of those photo graphs.
    Thank you for sharing this tribute with us.
    So many of us have felt like we knew K even though we never met her.
    The reason that I can think of is that she made an impact on our lives.

  11. perfect and nicely done.....
    Benny & Lily

  12. Beautiful video. I loved seeing K as a baby and also with baby R, but the pictures of you and K together were my favorites. Thanks for sharing.


  13. A beautiful, beautiful tribute to K.

  14. You chose one of my absolute favorite songs of all time!

    What an adorable puppy she was! I had to smile at that shot of puppy R between K and S, too. Actually, I found myself smiling at ever one of the pictures. You always shared K with us in the most beautiful way! I'm so glad that you had the grace of those six months with her after her diagnosis. I think that was a priceless gift of time to be able to really appreciate what she meant in your life.

  15. Ann..from..THE OUTER BANKS OF NC...said... what a beautiful tribute to K....so heartfelt.... K was special... ."somewhere over the rainbow" she'll be playing and waiting and watching-until you meet again..and in the meantime we will be loving her more and more and there is also that special place in our hearts for R..I'm wishing you light for the path ahead...lots of love ...inspiration..and joy for all of you...K would want you to remember her with joy in your hearts.....I had tears in my eyes but I also had smiles while watching this beautiful tribute..Remember...there's a sunrise and a sunset every day...."what a wonderful world"..to have shared it with K ...Hugs

  16. Wonderfully done! Such great memories, and what a totally adorable pup. :)

  17. What a beautiful tribute. Thank you so much for sharing it with us as you grieve. The photos of you with K and K running alongside your bike are particularly touching. You have lots of wonderful memories to hold close to your heart.

  18. What a beautiful tribute to K. She showed such love in her eyes...thank you for sharing this with all of us.
    Hugs to you and your family.
    Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  19. Lovely tribute and we miss K.
    Best wishes Molly

  20. I will view this tribute from home (and of course you tube is blocked for us government employees) - where I can have a good cry in private.

    Praying for all of you, KB :)

    xxoo - Diane and Indy Bones

  21. what a beautiful tribute! Those EYES....so intense with love and understanding...you were both blessed....

  22. That heartache is what we sign on for when we get our first dog, that has a life span much shorter than ours. And still we are so blessed to share these years with them. You tribute to K is more than wonderful, thank you for sharing it with us.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  23. What a beautiful tribute to K and her life. That was a treat since I never saw her as a puppy.
    We will never forget her.

    Puddles and family

  24. Such an incredible tribute to K, and deservingly so! Our hearts are still heavy but we believe that someday we will all be together again.

    Lily Belle

  25. I've been thinking of you, knowing how you must be grieving the loss of such a special friend. Your photos tell the truth of a life well-spent.

  26. I am crying again.

    The song is my favourite!!!

    Waht a beautiful, beautiful tribute to such a sweetie.


  27. I've been quietly following your blog for some time and have been mesmerized by your extraordinary photography and passionate appreciation of your dogs. What you see through your camera and convey in your words connects deeply with me. I see and feel the very same in my natural world and with my dear dogs.

    Please know that I understand the ragged pain in your heart and that I am so, so sorry that you're having to feel it. K was a hero to me and her indomitable spirit will carry on for all of us. You both handled the end of her life with amazing, poetic grace. Honestly.

    Know that you are in my thoughts.


  28. Oh my...my mom should never have watched this lovely tribute at work, cos now she is crying and her coworkers are wondering what is going on!
    Those pictures were so beautiful and you could feel all the love she had for you and you for her.
    I know this has been a very hard week for you and I am sending you a little puggy hug. Mom said when zeus went to the rainbow her heart hurt for a long time and still does but she would never give up the time she had with him either. He taught her things about herself she never knew.
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful tribute and pictures!
    Stella rose and mom

  29. What a wonderful world indeed KB. Great tribute and yes I cried from beginning to end

  30. What a treat to see the puppy pictures. :)

    I lost my heart dog Sasha 9 years ago. Her picture still watches over us here by the bed.

    I'm so glad K got to share her life with you. Much, much love....

  31. What a beautiful tribute for K. Even though I have never met you I can tell the strong bond you had with K. I can see it in her eyes and hear it in your words. I call this a once in a lifetime "furry soul mate." I know this because I had one. You are in my thoughts. I miss K.

  32. Absolutely beautiful tribute to K.
    Run free, sweet heart-dog...

  33. What a beautiful tribute to such a beautiful girl. We can feel the love.
    What a wonderful life she had.

  34. From the first images of K with her amazing eyes and velvety fur to the last silhouette, this is
    such a beautiful tribute to your dear heart dog. How fortunate you both were to have found each other!

  35. Hi ...great tribute to your dearest K you have done. The song is very touching. I couldn´t watch at my job today...felt the tears immediately. So now I watched it at home and tears flooded again. Trym and Ayla jumped up in my lap and licked my tears...thats our loved dogs. They feel right away when you are sad.
    The pictures you´ve choosed and I´m sure you have a lot are beautiful especially with you together. SHows really what connection you had.
    It will take time for sure, I can still hear NOva barking when I´m coming home..and its since March 2011 6 days befor the puppies where born. I kept Trym and Vilja .

    Hope you have lovely days for hiking with R, I think its very good for you both..

    Hugs from us !!

  36. The version of Somewhere over the Rainbow by 'IZ' has been one of my very favorites for a long time, and your beautiful tribute to K is why. Thank-you again for sharing your life and K's life and final journey with me and so many others. She was a special, special girl with a unique light and spirit all her own. I hope that somehow your pictures and your memories of K are giving you comfort until you're able to see her again someday, and I've no doubt whatsoever that you will.

  37. "Beautiful" can't adequately describe that post.

    Yesterday I visited Kathleen Coy's website and watched the video of the making of K's painting. It was truly amazing.

    And of course the tears came.

    I hope you find comfort in knowing how many people you have touched with K's story. You have given a little Beauty to all of us. Thank you.

  38. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl with a heart of gold and a spirit to match.

  39. What a beautiful tribute to K.

    K run free forever with the wind in your face.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  40. That is a truly lovely tribute. K sure had lots of spirit and loved life. And you gave her a lovely life.

    We were very excited to see pictures of baby K, she was a beauty even then. And we love the picture of her rolling in the snow with snow on her face.


  41. She had those amazing eyes, even as a puppy! What a loving tribute. I know what it cost you to put it together. I've gone through old photos to find some of my heart dog and I still sob every time. And it's been TWELVE years since he died! So yes, the pain does get better ~ more bearable. But it never completely goes away. It's the price we must pay for the precious time that we were allowed to have those remarkable dogs in our lives. I can remember praying, on the day that Rocky died. Through my sobs I said that I was SO grateful for the time that I had him and no matter how badly it hurt at the time, I would never give up one second of the time that he was in my life. As much as the past few months have been profoundly sad for you, knowing that your beloved friend was running out of time, it is good that you were able to make the most of every day that you had together. K was truly blessed to live a life so incredibly full of fun and adventure and more love than a lot or PEOPLE, not to mention most dogs, ever know. Both of you taught your readers so much about acceptance and living in the moment and finding the rainbow in the storm clouds.

    Our hearts hurt right along with yours. (((gentle hugs)))

  42. Although the tears are flowing again, they are a mix of sadness and joy. what a beautiful tribute to your sweet heart girl!!! Thank you so much for letting us share in her wonderful life with you.

  43. So heart-wrenching. May she rest in peace now.

  44. Goodness, Israel's medley can make me cry by itself. I had to try three times before I could make it through your tribute video, but boy am I glad I did.

    Truly beautiful, KB.

    Should I get another shot at life, I hope to come back as one of your dogs =) I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way...though I get first dibs ;) K lived fully with you. Thinking of all of you this week...

  45. A lovely tribute to an amazing pup. Thank you for sharing her with us :)

    BIG hugs to you.

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  46. Thank you for taking the time to create and share this beautiful tribute. I cant imagine how hard it was for you but I hope the memories provided some comfort! K's eyes are beyond words!

  47. I was smiling throughout - until that paw picture. the tears began to flow, but the smile remains. You loved her so. We love them so...

    That's one of my favorite songs, too...

  48. Thank you for such a wonderful video. I loved seeing baby K and some goofy K as well. I know how special K was to you, but you were to her as well. Her life was a dog dream come true. Full of adventures and love.

    Mango Momma

  49. I watched the video this a.m. via my cell phone. Before starting the video I wondered if you would put "somewhere over the rainbow" by IZ as it's accompaniment. Sure enough... I sat and watched a special dog and a wonderful human I don't even know personally, but have come to love... seeing the love between the two of you brought tears to my eyes again. A pure love story!!
    After watching, wiping the tears away my little Gracie came over and placed her head in my lap and gently licked my hand, I'm sure she didn't know what I was watching but she knew had a great effect on me. She was there to give me comfort. They are truly a gift from God.
    As for seeing K again...I have no doubt and it will be a glorious reunion.

  50. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful soul. Thank you for sharing that and sharing her.

    Anne and Sasha

  51. That is the music medley that momma wants to capture the joy of her life when it is time! Your tribute is an anthem to living fully. Thank you for sharing every step of this journey with us, and for this precious perspective of what we missed before we knew you. From the beginning your girl and y family are marked as special.

  52. So beautiful! You could already see what she was going to become in those puppy eyes. K left far too soon, but she LIVED, oh did she live!!!

  53. such a special tribute to K with lots of pics showing K's love for R and YOU--KB....seeing pics with you makes this all that much sweeter...thanks for sharing....Ron

  54. Dis is a beOOtiful tribute to K, thank you fur sharin' it and her wif us. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  55. Well, she had it right from the start didn't she! I can see how she had you hook, line and sinker. How could you not have fell in love with her. This took me a while to get through as I wiped my tears, but I thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful life story of such an amazing girl. I feel so honored to have known K through your blog.

  56. I'm sorry that I am so late in coming by to give you my condolences... I've been far behind on my blog reading. However, you were in my thoughts and I'm sad to hear that your time with K had to come to an end. Please know that I'm sending you lots of hugs during this difficult time.

  57. Lita and the boys in MelbourneAugust 16, 2012 at 3:55 AM

    Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing her.

  58. What a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to such a lovely dog, KB. She had joy written all over her sweet face and I can understand that she seized the day - and taught you to do the same. How hard to lose such a wonderful companion, a dog who loved so unconditionally.
    Thank you for sharing this, KB - it is so touching, even after a year.


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