Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Paw Power

The Black Tornado

Beautiful Caterpillar

Bear investigates camera

K watched as I watered this Columbine every day. Now it is blooming in her honor.


  1. such beautiful images....

  2. Isn't it funny how different dogs have different expressions when running and playing? R makes the same faces as my Chico does. Chico is my K. Everyone deserves a dog that touches your soul like nothing else can on this planet. Your story has touched me and was so emotional through your journey. Thanks for sharing a very hard time.

  3. Thank you for sharing. R is so crazy! And K's Columbine is beautiful

  4. Every thing is beautiful and I am crazy for that wild black dog!


  5. What energy that "Black Tornado" has... :)

  6. Can you sent the Black Tornado to OP to settle down our Lightning Boy?

    We are sure K is going to send you many more beautiful blooms.

  7. K's Columbine has so much beauty, a stunning photo for all of us to share. R has such energy, K lives on in this world through him .Fond greetings, Jean

  8. Those black paws of the tornado look mighty strong and powerful!
    The columbine is the most beautiful that I have ever seen.
    It's K's columbine!

  9. Does R ever run into you? Hey we have lots of those Kat-er-pillars. They are eating our Tomatoes. We can send you some if you want....BOL!


  10. What life affirming images! Thank you for sharing the Columbine.

  11. Beautiful photos. I like R's paws best. I would love to run with that cracker black tornado.

  12. What a beautiful Columbine!

    That Black Tornado is my favorite picture, though, I think ;)

  13. I look forward to your Columbine pictures every year!

    Ha! We have a black tornado here, too! I can only imagine what it would be like if they met!

  14. R is like a tornado isn't he. and that catapiller. But of course you know that the columbine was the thing My Vickie loved the most.

    So beautiful....

  15. Ann..from..THE OUTER BANKS OF NC...said....what a beautiful flower in K's honor....just seeing this beautiful columbine speaks for itself..May K's love smile down on all of you every day.....you know...just one smile can immensely increase the beauty of the universe....And I love R's energy...especially when you capture those moments with a camera....you know that moment will be remembered....so amazing KB ...Grace and Peace...May your days ahead be blessed for all of you are special......

  16. The Black Tornado!! R looks like the picture of doggy happiness here! I love the beautiful columbine, and those curious bear ears! Great Pics!

  17. Simply beautiful!!! Love that Black Tornado!!!

  18. Lovely to see the black tornado.Have a great Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  19. What beautiful pictures you take, you are truly talented. That picture of R is amazing, a true picture of dog joy.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  20. All of the pictures are fabulous but the Columbine is the most beautiful.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  21. We can see that R is stepping up to the plate to keep you on your toes. We think he knows that he has BIG shoes to fill. He's doing a GREAT job! Please give him a head scratchie from Muffin and I.

    Your pictures are always amazing. K's Columbine really touched our hearts and souls this morning. K is surrounding you with beautiful memories.

    Lily Belle

  22. Those are some super powerful paws! And yes, I believe the columbine is blooming for beautiful K!

    Your pal, Pip

  23. The paws gave me pause, remembering similar shots of K. That truly is a magnificent caterpillar, and it makes me yearn for my macro lens that's STILL in the shop... Beautiful columbine shot, too.

  24. Your pictures are amazing and I love the picture of the paws! I'm going to have to take pictures of my Lab's paws. That is so cool!

  25. Just wanted to check in and see how you are doing. Glad to see your post about starting to emerge from the fog. It's definitely a roller coaster, but life goes on and we have to too.

    The flower blooming in her honor is lovely. I hope she sends you many reminders and special signs.

    Just wanted to let you know i was thinking of you guys.
    Jackie (Angel Abby's mom)

  26. K's flower is just beautiful. I love the catepillar though. Have a great day! Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  27. The Columbine is Beautiful and in memory of K - even more Beauteous!!! Thanks for sharing K and your journey with us. Sometimes sharing helps me deal with some things and you and K are "my heroes". We think R is coming into his own so to speak and will be there to share with you.
    Thank you so Much!!!
    Ernie and the pack and M Barb

  28. The Black Tornado (love it!) will stands strong as he romps in K's footsteps. Great pictures! I love K's columbine. :)

  29. Hoping the weather will be better now, here very hot next week in Belgium.Have a nice sunday


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