Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Let it be

My K and I took a short wander this morning. Every minute, every instant, is becoming more precious.
It felt like we were in an enchanted forest, with a velvet-antlered trio of bucks standing to watch us. The biggest one was the last to trot away.
Butterflies fluttered everywhere. Enchanted...
Throughout the day, although K is still happy and enthusiastic about life, I shed many tears for I think that I know what is happening, and I think that K knows too. I still hold out hope that we're both wrong.

A verse of a Beatles song kept floating through my mind and heart. I think that there's a message in it for me.

Let it be, let it be
Ah let it be, yeah let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be
And when the night is cloudy
There is still a light that shines on me
Shine on until tomorrow, let it be


  1. Through our many tears here, that is just beautiful!

    Lily Belle
    p.s. Mommy said thanks for your nice message.

  2. Oh, this one hurts. I've sang those words to myself a number of times in my life too.

  3. We are still with you, embracing every day.

  4. I'm at a loss for words after reading over your last few posts. Try to be strong and enjoy your beautiful girl as much as possible. Don't let her feel your negativity - this will distress your faithful companion more than what's going on with her disease.

    My heart aches for you ♥
    Chester's Mom

  5. Words straight from your heart,photos showing us all the beauty in your part of the world.Let the song and its words be with you through the night. Fond greetings from Jean

  6. Did you read the Canidae blog about Pet Bonding today?

    The part that interested me most is that through bonding our pups become totally intuitive to us. They know what we are thinking about. I do believe this. Stella seems to know what I am going to do before I do it. K, too? I suspect so. The snoozing picture of her is just wonderful.

    Prayers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  7. And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me

    Of course, K might have pawed them for you -

  8. This was painful but beautiful

  9. We are with you----
    holding each moment in our paws.
    "just let it be"

  10. I hope for more time, but if not, then for time that transforms.

  11. But K seems to be very much at peace with life at it is - so yes, let it be - though the tears are flowing here too.

  12. Been thinking of you and K. Through the pain, these are precious moments.

  13. My MOM heard that song yesterday and while she was thinking it had important meaning in her life right now she also thought of you and K. As we read your words tonight it sent chills down her spine and brought tears to our eyes.
    Blessings to both of your.

  14. Wow, perfect song "Let it Be" for describing what you are going through. What we all go through with our loved ones human and furry when their time draws near. So hard, so sad, and at times makes one mad, I mean really...can't we just hold this moment forever!?. Well we know that won't happen so we draw upon our inner strength and do what we have to do. I so admire what you are doing with K and know that you both are good. Thoughts and prayers flow your way from me everyday, stay strong.
    Take care,
    Lucy (Troy, Ohio silent MOD)

  15. And in my hour of darkness K is standing right in front of me

    Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

    feel the paws and hands surrounding you all in love.

  16. Were still praying you K, and we really enjoy reading and viewing you daily post and adventures.

    Dog Shock Collar | Puppy Bond

  17. You choose the right song lines , really. Great picture of the deer.
    Thanks for answering. We have collars on mainly the wolves we gott in Sweden. They have a large study how they live. We maybe have about 400. Half Sweden wants them and the oter not. They cause a lot of problems , taking sheeps, dogs walking in the villages, gardens there kids are playing. Not always good.
    Our government have big discussions how this will be in the future.
    Glad that you came out with K today.
    Hugs from us!!

  18. Tears are slipping down my cheeks.


  19. So many good memories , keep them coming. Love your pictures as always.
    Best wishes Molly

  20. make every second of every day count xxx thinking of you in this heartbreaking time xxx we are sending all our love your way to keep K strong for as long as possible xxx

  21. Please, please give K a snuggle from us. I wish we could give her one in person.

    I feel like I'm loosing one of my own, that is how close I feel to her.


    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie, Hailey and Staci

  22. Sending you some big ol cyber {HUGS}. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  23. Don't count the days,
    make the days count.

    Thinking of you.
    Eileen and Annie xx

  24. As long as K is happy just snuggle and love her. The pics are gorgeous and K looks beautiful. We continue to send you strength for K... and you as well.

    Mamma Heartbeat

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. You and K are in my thoughts. I know you will make the most of every moment.

    Sue T. in AZ

  27. I too, am at a loss for words, but I sing that Beetles song all of the time. It is comfort and healing and so very true.

    Peace to you and K

  28. Dear KB, I know you want to share the joy of each minute with K, with us but girl you got to know that our hearts are breaking with you. WE've come to love you, and your special K. We are all holding out hope that she will beat this thing but I wait on baited breath for your posts-just to make sure everything is status-quo. If we could give you a miracle we would but for now, Days of Grace(as my Reggie and Maxdog had)are what we want for you. Sending love today.
    Noreen & Hunter

  29. Don't worry too much about the future, just enjoy the now.


  30. Dear KB,
    I have come to love you and K. My heart is breaking but you give me the strength to keep on going. May God hold you both in the palm of his hand...
    ...and give you peace.

    Last night, on Facebook, someone posted a video to "Let it Be" with a picture of Lennox ~ an innocent dog, that was put to death because he resembled a pit bull. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have fought, begged, pleaded, cajoled,and even threatened those who had the power to spare him. Millions of prayers have been said for two years. And still they killed him. It reminds me of your/our clinging to K. We are so helpless. All we can do is LOVE them while they are with us and never forget.

  31. My heart and my prayers are with you and K. Hugs and love from SoCal --


  32. This has brought so many tears to my eyes. Two brave girls in an enchanted forest. Hang on to every moment, they are all enchanting just like your girl. Look at that face.....beautiful! :)

  33. Praying for you K! We got you in our arms. Piappies' paws are all crossed.

    The photos are very beautiful, KB. Embrace today as we pray for more tomorrows.

    We love you K!!!


    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  34. Very wise words and what a perfect verse from such a beautiful song. Many thoughts and prayers for you and sweet K.

  35. I'm listening to a studio mix of Let It Be right now, and there's another lyric that's perfect for you right now:

    There will be no sorrow,
    Let it be....

    Don't let your fear of what is yet to come interfere with your love and joy in what is right now!

  36. These are the hardest and the most precious days. We send our best love and healing hugs.

    Jed & Abby

  37. Hi Y'all,

    Oh the photos and all their beauty show how precious life's small moment are.

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  38. I'm sorry that things are looking like they're winding to a close. I know that it's hard when you start seeing signs that you think mean the end. Please know that I'm thinking about you! (((hugs)))

  39. Beautiful post.
    Each of our tears are prayers for your tomorrows.


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