Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Play, play, play

I've been trying to do special things to help R and me heal our hearts. So, the other day, we headed over to Dream Valley Ranch for R to play with their new puppy, Huck.
Lots of chasing and playing "keep away" ensued. R would lay claim to a toy and entice Huck into chasing him.
Almost all the photos show the same scene... I love R's eyes peeking over the Monkey toy in the next photo.
Next, it was Mr. Froggie's turn.
It seemed that R had not mastered the art of letting Puppy Huck "win" the game sometimes. When R was a puppy, K would let R think that he'd stolen the toy from her on occasion to keep him interested in playing. I hope that R learns! At least he has learned to wait his turn for a treat...

On a different topic, how many of you get to see this outside your kitchen window (captured by trail camera)? The bear peacefully rested and then walked away, heading for an anthill where my other trail camera photographed him digging for ants.
More about bears tomorrow.


  1. Hi, I am a new follower to your blog. The area you live in a breathtaking!!! Your pictures are stunning and your stories are beautiful. I am so very sorry for your resent loss, words can not express.

  2. Wow, those toys look like a whole lot of fun! When she has access to them, Elka is far too set on just destroying soft stuffed toys rather than playing with them in most ways.

  3. I'd watch bears out my window any day! Of course, I have a feeling I wouldn't get much else done. I'd be fascinated!

    R reminds me of Morgan! She didn't let Kuster win, either, but now he can hold his own. She's still a brat! lol She teases poor Kuster something terrible when he's in the crate, like now when he's supposed to be resting because of his pano again. Not much resting happens when big sister keeps running past with your favorite toy in her mouth!

  4. R sure looks like he enjoyed his romp with his friend. Those toys were huge! I would also like to watch the bear out my window, but I would also be afraid to venture out like you do very often.


  5. I sure would love to romp and chase with R. MOM just loves his expressive eyes. And Holy Dog are those some great stuffies!

  6. KB- That bear is really interesting looking. Perhaps a cinnamon? Or just a molting yearling? Can you talk about that in your next post?

    I love that YOU can live in peace with the bears so close :)

  7. Oh that is wonderful!

    I love those photos of the dogs playing chase me!


  8. A day together with the crew at DVR, a real tonic for everyone. R and Huck managed to play,pose, and give us a smile. Hope the day did the same for you and Runner. Cheers, Jean

  9. Sometimes people forget to notice that 4-legged siblings also mourn. We're sure R is as comforted by your company and attention as you are by his. He really has an expressive face.

    We lost one of our kitteh cousins on Friday. He was 19 years old, but we weren't ready to let him go.

    Jed & Abby

  10. We get an occasional deer, but no bears lol. What fun R had with playtime. They both looked so happy.

    Anne and Sasha

  11. Lovely to see R playing with Huck.
    Such huge toys :-)

  12. We have to say that we've never seen a bear out our kitchen window before!
    We're so glad you had a fun playdate with Huck, R!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  13. What great pictures of the dogs playing. I think its difficult to get good ones when they run.
    The bear looks great. How exciting to see them like that. But I think its better they are not so close to you house....

  14. We have just loved seeing R and Huck together. Have a lovely Sunday and why not pop over and meet a new friend today.
    Best wishes Molly

  15. R doesn't want to share. That's OK. He is top dog now.

    mango momma

  16. Wow, that picture of the bear is great. I love the pose!!!


  17. R is too funny...you really captured his silliness....very cool bear picture! tough summer for the wildlife...

  18. What a great play date R had with Huck. Huck is a big furry bundle of fun. I bet that R had such a fun time that he's already asking to go back again. (That is after a long, well deserved nap!)

    Beautiful picture of your bear. Is he the one with the green tag? I can't tell from your picture (as I see spots at the top of his ears.)

    Outside your kitchen window ~ Wow! Only goes to show how amazing life really is...

    Lily Belle

  19. Ann...from...THE OUTER BANKS OF NC...said ...What a lovely way to to enjoy the day....sharing it with a friend...I know R had lots of fun running and romping...and those stuffed animals were big..FUN FUN FUN...wish we all could have been there too...it put a big smile on my face....love the bear picture too..surely praying.. they all can get enough food....Blessings for a wonderful Sunday

  20. The shot of R waiting for his treat melts me.......ohhhhh, those eyes !

  21. Before you send that bear to my kitchen window, just give me time to warn the neighbors, get a new bear proof trash can, and stock up on groceries until bear sleepytime.

    I loved the pix of bear, of R and Huck having fun together. Dogs just know how to do it!


  22. The most exotic thing I've seen in my back yard was the possum on the fence.

    Not in the same category at all. :)

    And hooray for dogs at play!

  23. I let Mommy use my account to comment on this blog during K's illness, but now it is mine again.

    R why are your toys whole and not limbless "furry potatoes"? They even look like they still contain their squeaks!


  24. You are so lucky to be able to see the bear our your kitchen window!!
    Sometimes we so see the deer, and raccoons. The cougar is up behind the barn.
    I think that cutie pie R had a wonderful time playing with his friend! I bet he was one tired pup when he came home!
    Those are some cool toys!

  25. The coolest thing we have seen from our window was a fox outside our fence. Not sure how I would react to a bear:)

    Good fun for R - nothing beats playing with a young one. Those stuffies wouldn't last long with Lightning.

  26. I'm glad R found a furiend to make him happy again!

  27. OH I bet Goose is jelous that he isn't there playing with R and th stuffies. Love the pictures, love the joy, love the fact that you can look out your window and see bears.

  28. R sure knows how to have fun! :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  29. I love these pictures of R! His eyes look so innocent. He's a sweetheart for sure. :)

  30. So glad that R had a playmate for a while. My thoughts remain with you at this difficult time. That is an amazing bear picture! You are really privileged to live in such a beautiful place on our planet. Look after yourself too, KB.
    With love
    MM in SA

  31. I don't know what I like better, the bear or the dogs playing! I love R's happy, playful spirit!

  32. What?! A new pup at Dream Valley? Huck looks a lot like Java from the photos. Gotta love those toys and how much fun they're having playing with them.


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