Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 31, 2012

Good news!

Good news! R has no tumors in his abdomen. I am very relieved. Now, he'll have blood tests weekly, watching to see if his blood cells start to return to normal. If they do, we're out of the woods. If they don't, we'll test for leukemia and other cancers. But, for now, we're just enjoying the good news! I hope that he'll feel like romping again soon. This photo is from before his new sister arrived. I want them to be able to play together!
Shyla sat with me for hours in the waiting room today. She's an amazing soul - so calm and loving.


  1. KB, I can hardly believe you had to face this and have R in to have his blood tested. You dear lady, are one courageous gal! I am glad you have your new pup to bring smiles & laughter to life. I know both pups will be the best of friends. Have a wonderful weekend friend.
    Noreen & Hunter

  2. Wonderful news! We'll keep praying for R and your family that he will continue to improve and all will be well.
    Sounds like Shyla is going to be an awesome girl:)
    Thank you for sharing the good news. Everyone at the Lab Ranch has anxiously been waiting for an update!

  3. That is good news! We hope the blood tests bring good news as well!

  4. Great news! Paws crossed his levels go down
    PS Shyla is just gorgeous!

  5. The power of the paw is working! We hope you can feel all the love your being sent right now!


  6. We love good news. Glad R is okay.

    Shyla is lovely.

  7. Great news and we will keep paws crossed, and lift prayers, for continued good reports.

  8. That's great news! I can't wait to see all of you romping and playing again.

  9. Most excellent news!!! Have a great holiday weekend!


  10. Yay for R!! It sounds like Shyla is fitting right in.

  11. Awesome news - now go enjoy the weekend with your beautiful family.

  12. Great news! Big hugs to R!

  13. I've been reading regularly and thinking of all of you during this roller coaster time of happiness and fear. Paws and fingers crossed and positive thoughts to all of you!

  14. Awesome news! Yay for R! And, amazing work, Miss Shyla. So glad you could be helpful and such a good girl on a tough day.

  15. All we can say is THANK YOU GOD!!!!! We're going to continue sending prayers and good thoughts for R.

    Shyla sounds like she already has fit in and is part of the pack ~ awesome! We can't wait for it to settle down for you so that you can really start to have fun with your new girl. I hope it's going well with R and Shyla.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  16. I'm so relieved! I've been a fan of R for a long time, maybe more so lately since he seems like a kindred spirit to Kuster. I'll have my fingers crossed for more good news as the tests go on.

    Sitting that long in a waiting room must have been a big challenge for Shyla! I can't imagine Kuster handling it that well. lol I can still remember him climbing the walls at the U of I vet clinic when we took him in for the eye exam! You're a brave woman to face a waiting room with a puppy is all I can say! I'm so glad she was such a good girl for you.

  17. We are happy about the good news. Of course we will keep our paws crossed that R continues to improve.
    Sweet Shyla was there to help you remain calm today. What a sweety your girl is.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  18. I'm so glad I kept on going through my list of new posts otherwise I wouldn't have heard this wonderful news. POTP really does work.

    We'll continue to send prayers until R is completely out of the woods.


  19. I am in love with crazy dogs, and of course I have one that is quiet and bashful. I think maybe R found some interesting something to eat and upset himself a little.

    Thats what I am hoping for anyway.
    I love the picture you took of him in the wildflowers. Beautiful guy, is R!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  20. Ann..from..from..Outer Banks of NC...said....still praying for R ... so glad to hear the good news ...Seeing pictures of these two beautiful pups.... put a smile....on my face.......warms my heart with the devotion Shyla has shown already..and all the sweet puppy love too...
    ...have a wonderful holiday week-end together....Just look up and wish upon a star.....HUGS

  21. Fingers and paws crossed that there's more good news coming. At least no intestine cancer.

  22. HOWL-e-lujah! White Dog happiness and continued healing energies coming from the Land of Enchantment.

  23. That is good news - enjoy the long weekednd, and give both Shyla and R big hugs from us here in New Zealand.

    Riley (and his mum)

  24. We will continue prayers for R here! Hope the blood work comes back good! Shyla is a sweetie too!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  25. Great news! I love Shayla!!! She is beautiful. I know R will be fine. He is a trooper. All of us are sending positive energy to him.


  26. Great news, what a relief.....He will be ok in some days you see.
    Shyla looks like a young K I think.
    Have a nice weekend. Tomorrow morning we go blood tracking test with Vilja and Trym. Hope they will pass....Vilja is to fast and that could be her fall....
    Hugs from us and all the dachshunds

  27. What great news to wake up to! Our paws remain crossed for you, R! What a special girl you are, Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  28. That is the best news to start the weekend. We will keep our paws crossed for R. Take care all, relax and enjoy your new pup. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  29. Great news so far and our paws are crossed that it's just a buggy thing that will sort itself out. Have a great Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  30. Great news! And still hoping that it is not leukemia....


  31. WONDERFUL! All fingers and paws crossed that things go back to normal. Unexplained is JUST fine, as long as he's ok! :)

  32. Wonderful news! :D Hurray R!

    His new sissy Shyla is just lovely :)

    Keeping paws crossed all test results are good :) Keeping the healing vibes coming R's way!

    Waggin at ya,

  33. Such inspiring news to hear on this 1st day of September....crisp, cool, and so refreshing here today...Hope your w/e goes well and give SHyla and R big hugs!!

  34. Oh Fank dogness fur dat ! Wee is soo happisomes butts wee is gonna keeps yoo all in our prayers cos it can't hurts can it ? Shyla is such a prettisome girly an wee knows her will brings yoo all so much joy. Wee is lookin forward to wotchin her grow up n seein wot adventures she will havs wivs yoo all
    Da K Krew
    xxx xxx

  35. Thank Dog! I saw your other post yesterday but was in no place I could type a comment. Sure hope it's just an infection.

    Shayla's beautiful! congratulations on her!

  36. YaY R!!!
    We is doin' da boxer wiggle butt happy dance fur all of you!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

    PeeS Still sendin' boxer puppy prayers too!

  37. Ack. I take a couple of days away from Blogville and did not expect this at all. Keep getting better R!

  38. Good news all the way around the mountains, I hear!!! Way to go R and a big welcome and hug to Shyla! What a cutie she is!!!

  39. I do believe that with so many people pulling for him, R didn't have a chance of having an unhappy diagnosis! I'm so glad you got the all-clear for now; waiting for such news is so difficult, especially over a long weekend when there's absolutely nothing you can do. Now you can enjoy the weekend, and both of your wonderful pups, in your beautiful mountains! Have a great holiday weekend!

  40. So happy to hear the news was positive. We will continue to pray.

    Sheila & Bob
    Hamish & Sophjie

  41. Kisses for R and hope he is feeling better soon. Miss Shyla is very sweet, and a perfect fit for your family, she looks so happy to be running around with you.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  42. Whew! Keeping our paws crossed for a totally benign outcome & a full, speedy recovery.

    Sounds like Shyla is passing her first tests with flying colors. Can you doubt K sent her when she knew you were going to need her?

    Jed & Abby

  43. Thank goodness!!! Great news to start the weekend
    Benny & Lily

  44. I think you inadvertently got yourself a therapy dog!

  45. I've been out of things for a few days and can't believe that you've had yet another scare, KB. I am so relieved that things seem okay. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. It's wonderful to know that you have another soul - Shyla - there to support you now.
    Lotsaluv from us all in South Africa

  46. No tumor is good news indeed. Mango sent us over. Molly and Target send their love and hugs. Hoping for all good news and fast healing!


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