Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: San Juan Mountains

After the rain

Sun dried

Forester Moths on a Cone Flower

Dusk at a lake

Sunset over the Lizard Head

This year - our R alone

Last year - the Duo

Life is like a winding trail, with unexpected twists and turns, but beauty all around us.


  1. So true... In that solo picture of R he is glowing and looks like a "dark chocolate" lab!!

  2. I agree! R does look dark chocolate in that glow! He looks more grown up too. These pictures are just stunning. Love the duo pics. :)

  3. You find beauty everywhere :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  4. All pictures made me smile today. You are lucky with recognizing all the beauty around you.


  5. I love all the photos and the sentiment of today's post, but that last one really stuck with me! Wow! Just gorgeous!

  6. Oh gosh,,, this beauty that you have shared is the most beautiful beautys we have seen in a long time.
    R is so beautiful. And the photo of R and Angel K is beautiful too.
    Oh I wish we could go to that lake.
    Oh I wish we could go see those wild flowers.

  7. Sigh, again, just so beautiful. We sound like a broken record, but the photos are so awesome. Love seeing R and K together.

  8. Truly beautiful. The pictures of R and K made me tear up a bit

  9. Ann...from...Outer Banks of NC...said....when I look at the pictures of K and R....I see two beautiful hearts (glowing)...every moment is precious and full of many blessings.... and they all lie within the treasure chest of our hearts.....what a lovely world we share with each other.....HUGS

  10. your pictures can't get any better
    Benny & Lily

  11. Each photo is beautiful, some too much so for any words.Another first, and R looking very handsome,with very thoughtful eyes that say unspoken words.Cheers, Jean

  12. 'Dusk at a Lake' is one of the most gorgeous photos I have ever seen in my whole life. Stunning!



  13. Breathtaking KB. absolutely beautiful.

  14. Gorgeous photos, and emotional all the same:)

  15. You have a special knack for capturing the beauty that surrounds you...even as you ache. It is an incredible gift, you know.

  16. Hope the tranquility of your surroundings and your growing bonds with R are helping to heal your heart. And how nice of the Runner to have the camp all set up when you arrive!

    Jed & Abby

  17. You are surrounded by such beauty. You are very lucky and we love your pictures as they take us away to another place. Thank you as sometimes the big city doesn't feel so good. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  18. That is truly beauty all around us. Thank you.

    Anne and Sasha

  19. as always your pictures are amazing!!! i love taking pictures all the time too as my memory is terible so looking back at them is lovely. Good job you have plenty of K to look back on xxx that last photo is too awe inspiring to describe tho, its so magical it doesnt seem real, i can almost smell the flowers and hear the bird song xxx

  20. Such gorgeous photos, KB!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  21. Absolutely stunning, KB...K's essence is still in these places...lovely! PS hope you were able to read my comments re: concussions. I know you are busy but we do relate in so many ways!

  22. I bet you don't take your beautiful pictures with a kiddie camera like my mom does...that are so pretty!!!
    Stella Rose

  23. Awsome pictures you´ve got there....beautiful! Love the Duo...super!!

  24. You DO take awesome pictures and we are so glad you share them with us! The pics of the duo and then R are beautiful. I really like the comment "Life is like a winding trail, with unexpected twists and turns, but beauty all around us." So true. We never know what to expect in life but we can be open to the beauty wherever we may find it. Thank you for sharing your pictures and life with us.
    Mom Barb for the Clampet Pack :-)

  25. You are doing so well with the lens you are using, your photography will be even more killer when you finally get a macro. That first shot of the fireweed with the dew is just... fabulous. Now I'm back off to ooh and ahh at your San Juans because it's been too long since I've seen them in person.

  26. That last field of wildflowers is incredible!


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