Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wordy Wednesday

Thanks to all of you for your words of wisdom and encouragement. I have climbed partway out of the abyss today, and your wonderful comments helped a lot. I do smile out of love when I remember K but I also still grieve very deeply.
I've spent time with R over the past few days, and his happy attitude never ceases to make me smile.

 We witnessed a post-storm sunset to be remembered.
And, I managed to captured another photo of a bear visiting a big anthill. He or she dug around a lot but my camera wasn't positioned perfectly so I didn't capture the digging. I'm not sure which of our bears this is. The camera is now in a better position so we'll get a good look next time.
I've decided to take a break from blogging to spend some time with the two R's. I'll be back before too long. Thanks again for all of your support. If you haven't yet voted for my trail camera photo, I'd be incredibly grateful if you could vote so that I can win another trail camera. I explained how to vote in this post. Thanks!!!!


  1. KB, enjoy your time away, R and Runner will be there for you,K is unforgettable and irreplaceable, her love and memories will always be there, so take time to grieve, I think grief and loss should not be hurried but taken at their own pace .your blog will wait for another time,maybe new photos from new places. Fond greetings, Jean.

  2. Thank you for continuing to blog through such a difficult time, and enjoy the break. Doubtless, the two Rs will bring files to your face and joy to your heart.

  3. I hope you can relax and enjoy!

    Anne and Sasha

  4. Dear KB Wish you a fine and healing blog pause with the R's. You are so brave. Enjoy EM

  5. Have great days with R...looking forward to more bear trial pictures.
    Yesterday I sat with Trym in my lap and we cuddle as we often do.
    When he was born he had a little
    lump on top of his head , it grow very fast. They said it was a twin and had to be removed when he was older. You cant operate on a little puppy with 3 weeks. They dont survive the anesteshia. However, it was difficult to sell him with that lump. My first litter and trouble....
    When he was 6 weeks it was very big. (see my post from april-may 2011) My vet said this must be operated now! And an expert vet must do that if they have to transplant skin. We got time for operation when he was 8 weeks. It still was a risk to do the operation.
    It was not a twin, it was something very rare, one in a million he said. It was benign melanoma.
    The black skin our dogs have inside their mouth above the teeth or between the teeth thats benign melanoma. Not dangerous. Somehow one cell was placed on his head...
    So we kept him because we didint know if it would come back.
    The puppygirl we already decided to keep.
    In all this we had with him I´m so glad we have Trym. He is so special and so loving...

  6. Enjoy your break. I do have to say that I have been enjoying mine. :) I would love to see that bear actually digging. That anthill looks huge!

  7. enjoy your break KB xxx sometimes its nice to hide away from the world and just take in the peace from nature xxx

  8. Have a good break and be rested. Hope you enjoy the cycling today. Have a good day at the Olympics.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Take your time, we will be here when you get back. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  10. Hang in there kiddo! We'll all be right here when you come back.

    Take good care of your family and yourself.

    Lily Belle

  11. Sometimes taking a break is the best thing...I hope you and the Rs enjoy the time :)

  12. voted! (some awesome pics to browse through!)

    have a wonderful, healing, cleansing time off!!

    and i look forward to your return!

  13. I think some time away sounds nice! I'll bet the two R's will treat you well and make it a memorable break. :)

  14. Consider yourself hugged....enjoy your time away!!
    P.S. You are so right, that R is a character, just love him.

  15. Enjoy your break and your two R's, KB.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  16. Time away with the two R sounds perfect for you. Rest, renew, relax, replenish, I know that's four "R's". Add that to the first two R's (the best ones to help heal). We will be here when you return. Sheesh I'm on a roll with the "R's". Nose poke to you KB.

  17. KB:
    Enjoy your time away...sending you a big hug from all of us!
    Just Me--Stella Rose

  18. Enjoy your time of rest. I hope your trail cams bring lots of entertainment as well as the ever silly R.


  19. Rest and recover and be well! Come back when it pleases you. :)

  20. Enjoy your blogging break and yes,
    I voted 138 as requested! It IS a most wonderful photo, looks like a bear auditioning for a dance gig!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  21. Take care of yourself, and enjoy the boyz!

  22. You will be missed, but we will still be here when you return. Rest well in all ways and keep those smiles coming.

  23. You will be missed, but we will still be here when you return. Rest well in all ways and keep those smiles coming.

  24. Enjoy your break. We will miss you!

  25. Grieving is sometimes so hard. Take all the time you need. Thanks for being so honest.

  26. Ann...from...THE OUTER BANKS OF NC..said....we will miss you It will be well worth taking a break with the two R's that love you so... ....what can I say...may the world hold you today with its warmth and love...my prayer is that it whispers a joyful tune in your heart and may the wind carry a voice that tells you..... there are friends sitting some-where.... wishing you well....KB ..we see your beauty inside and out...from out hearts to yours .....we are sending encouragement to see you all through this difficult time and.... PINK ROSES... for thoughts of..JOY and HAPPINESS...as you heal.....HUGS.....

  27. Sorry I have been away from the blogging world for a while, I am devastated to hear about K, but she is over the bridge now, waiting patiently till she sees you again.

    Sleep tight sweetheart <3

    Gorgeous photography as usual

    Dante, Daisy Boo & Sampson

  28. KB, I hope this isn't too soon...but I have found in the past that the BEST medicine for mourning a lost pet, is to get another. This is no way replaces the original, but allows for an outlet of the love that I (and you) have to share. While R I'm sure is more than willing to accept this attention, I get the feeling he isn't "yours", and we all need a pet just for us. I'm still missing my dog, Zeke, who I've told you about before. I'm still sad, and waiting for the stars to align so that my life allows for me to get another lab. Ziggy will do for now :) They fill such a void!

    Happy time off, and ps: I just got my first grizz on my camera!

  29. Take all the time you need, we will all be here when you get back.


  30. Glad it was a better day.. mom said this is the hardest thing ever losing a companion
    Benny & Lily

  31. Let you wings heal.
    There is a time for quietness,,,
    but remember,,,
    we are surrounding you with love.


  32. We continue to think about you so much.

    Sending see beautiful thoughts your way!

  33. Spend time wrapped in love and the quiet beauty of your land. We will be here.

  34. Get some good R&R while enjoying R & R. Good luck with the photo contest, too! Hope you return to good news!

  35. We voted for you. Hope you win.

    Taking some healing time is a good idea. We'll be waiting for you until you get back, and thinking of you while you're gone.

    Jed & Abby

  36. Enjoy your blog break and time with your "R"'s!

  37. It helped me a lot when grieving so much about losing Josy three years ago to have the two other dogs needing me. It didn't make the loss less hurting but I just needed to funktion and not cry and sob all the time... It took me such a long time to adjust to only having the two around me, inside and even worse, when walking with them, I always looked around where the my red girl was...

  38. Oh KB, how did I miss dis postie? I am so very sorry.
    I think a break will be good furs you so you can mend your heart. We will miss you incrediblies and we'll be heres when you gets back...in da mantime, we'll me thinkin' of ya'll.


  39. Just wanted to let you know we're still thinking about you and sending see beautiful thoughts your way.


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