Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Birthday

Thanks to all of you for your suggestions, web links, and general information about dog food issues. The good news is that R has held down a couple of home-cooked bland meals. We think that the gastric upset part of this ordeal is over. But, as we know from the last round, the next big hurdle will be finding out what damage has been done to his blood cells. We can only watch and wait now.

R is mellow and happy (and he loves the new puppy toys around the house).

Today, I want to honor K, because it is her birthday. Nine years ago today, on the east coast in the middle of a hurricane, a tiny chocolate lab pup was born. I had no idea that a soul had entered this world who would change my life.
She was both goofy and serious. She was a devoted best friend. She was, quite simply, an amazing soul who I was so lucky to love.
I hope, with all my heart, that she is running free with no pain and no cancer. I hope that she knows that she changed me forever. I'll always love her.
I can feel K guiding me as I teach my new puppy about the huge world. K taught me so much... and now little Shyla is benefiting from K's teachings.

We are going for a hike in K's memory (an easy hike so that R can join us), celebrating life just as K always did.


  1. Your words and the intensity of your love for K leave me without words

    Happy Birthday, beautiful girl ~

  2. Beautiful words about beautiful K. What a lovely way to honor her on her birthday.

  3. What a perfect way to honor K on her birthday!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  4. Hi Y'all,

    What a beautiful post! Hope y'all are having a wonderful Sunday.

    I also want to say thank you for the heads up on the email. "Live.com" had shut down the email account and after jumping through some hoops we were able to establish a new password and verification.

    I'm so sorry you were a recipient, but so happy you caught it.

    Loved this post. Hope R continues on the road back to health.

    BrownDog's Human

    P.S. Hawk's blog gives you a "thank you" tomorrow.

  5. Could not think of a better way to honor K.

  6. Happy Birthday sweet K!

    You're always in our hearts...

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  7. Happy Birthday, K. They'll be lots of celebrating both here and at the Bridge. You did good!

  8. Two of mom's most favorite people in da whole wide world have birthdays today, her will now add K to dat list as well.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  9. Birthday greetings to K, she will be happy, well, and looking down to see you, Shyla, R ,and Runner.Memories of love, happy days together,I hope they overtake the sad days shared by you and us all.Cheers from Jean

  10. Happy birthday, K. You've touched many, many lives. :)

  11. We are also remembering K on her birthday.

  12. What lovely memories of the beautiful girl

  13. What a beautiful way to celebrate K's birthday.


  14. Happy Birthday, sweet K! We hope you had a great time romping and rolling across that bridge with all our pals. We miss you a lot too, but you did a great job is sending Shyla to your best friend:)

  15. Happy Birthday to your K! What a beautiful tribute.
    Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  16. Remembering K....glad R is feeling better nd held down the food. So scary..
    Benny & Lily

  17. Ann...from...Outer Banks of NC...said.....Happy Birthday Sweet K..I am so proud to say... my granddaughter who is 11.. celebrates this day with you.......And KB.. May God's love warm all of your hearts by remembering all the good times spent together....It's a gift to be cherished and honored....Hope all of you had a good day...and remember K's spirit will always walk the paths with you with her graceful charm ....HUGS

  18. Happy Birthday, K! It sounds like you chose the perfect celebration to honor her memory!

  19. Good to hear that the Boy is perking up and we are praying for good bloods!

    Happy Birthday Anniversary to K, and thanks for sending Shyla to us.
    We needed her and she needed us.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  20. Happy Birthday to K. Your family celebration of time spent together hiking her environs is beautiful. Life AND celebration...exactly what K would wish you to do.

  21. Sending loving birthday thoughts to K-wherever she may be-hoping she is free of all pain. I am so happy that Shyla and R are able to bring some joy to your heart right now. There has been far too much sadness and worry....
    With love,
    Sue and the gang at DVR

  22. I am glad R is doing ok and what a beautiful tribute for K.

    Anne and Sasha

  23. Just lovely. Have a happy Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  24. im sure K knows and is happy and safe waiting for you on the other side just like my Deefa.

    Happy hiking !


  25. Happy Birthday to sweet K - I know she is running around in her special place having a ball. So sorry to hear about R and the dog food. We had a similiar issue with Blue Buffalo dog food - it may be good but turned out to be causing Indy all kinds of issues that cleared up when we switched to something else. Here we trust our dogs to what we think is good food - but I guess we live in a much different world now.

    Hugs to you as you think of your sweet K :)

  26. Lovely KB....I know K is watching over the whole family...any chance a cake is around somewhere or a treat or a bone!?
    2003 hurricanes...so many that year...particularly JUAN who devastated our property...still remnants as we stroll through the trees! Nothing but a memory now...enjoy your special memory!

  27. Happy Bridge Birthday, Beautiful K. You left your mark on so many of us!

    Sorry to read about R's food issues. It does sound like that food is the culprit.

  28. I´m sure K has a great party up at the Rainbow Bridge...shes got a lot of new friends and some from Sweden like my Nova and Trixi...
    Shes happy that you are doing all the teaching with Shyla...
    We all will never forget her ...
    Hugs from us"!

  29. Sweet post. That's how I feel about Shadow - that all I learned from her, Blueberry is reaping the benefits of that knowledge.

    Hope you figure out the dog food thing. I am sure you received a lot of helpful advice from other bloggers so I won't add to it since I'd probably just be repeating them!

    Looks like a fantastic hike - and easy is right up my alley so I'm all for that! I'm sure R appreciate it too! ;)

  30. K knows she changed her life! what a beautiful life she had, we still miss her as I know you do.
    Happy Birthday K!

    As far as what I have understood about gastric upset is that (in our case) we have to hold all foods when this happens because the lining is inflammed and gradually start refeeding minimal amounts in a day. But I am no vet so. This is just how our vet tells us to do it. I so hope R feels better.

    Allison...Puddles mum

  31. Beautiful post for the Beautiful K! We will continue to keep our paws crossed for R and hope he's feeling better soon!

  32. Happy Birthday to your sweet K. I'm sure she is smiling down on all of you. I'm so sorry R has been going through such a rough time. I sure hope you can get to the bottom of things. I find the whole pet food industry just plain scary & intimidating. We have been trying to find a "good" low cal. food for Fred but I have finally given up and am sticking to our Great Canadian and just reducing his calorie intake. It's the only food he'll eat and it's made locally right by us by a farming family. Good luck!

  33. Good memories of K! Hope R is feeling better.

  34. What a lovely post in honor of a lovely and special girl. Happy Birthday, K! We all miss you!

    Your pal, Pip

  35. Happy Birthday to beautiful K:)

    I hope you have a wonderful hike in her memory:)

  36. I went for a hike in K's memory too, and I found a feather from a Red Tail Hawk.
    I think K directed me to it.
    I felt K all around me and she was happy and cancer free,

  37. Beautiful K! We miss you so much. May your wonderful memories strengthen your mom in her journey and all its difficulties.
    R.I.P, K. We loved you and will continue to love you.
    Also, get well soon, R!!!

  38. Keep on getting better R. Your little sissy needs you to teach her the ropes.
    A beautiful post for beautiful K. She certainly changed your life and that is a gift that lasts forever. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory


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