Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Relaxed days

Life has been busy, but in a good way. I am spending lots of time with my new girl - hiking, training, and introducing her to new things.
I've tried to keep her stress low for the past couple of days so I introduced her to only two things. One was my mountain bike. She was wary of it, as an odd object, but she warmed up with time to assess it. By the end of a 5 minute session, she was comfortable with the bike stationary. So, I took her for a little walk, pushing the bike on one side of me and having her walk on the other side. She got tons of rewards, and seemed pretty happy about it. This girl has no idea how much fun that bike will bring to her in the future. Ah, the adventures we will have!

The other thing that I introduced her to was our basement. That's where my bikes live, and where we'll start our rides together when she's old enough. The basement scared her - but her trust in me has grown exponentially - so she was willing to explore it for me. In the end, she lay down on the floor in a relaxed way. Great progress!

Tomorrow, we see our amazing trainer again. I am looking forward to both of us learning even more!

Fall colors are starting early. Look how they match Shyla's eyes!
The bears are also realizing that fall is upon us. They are starting their end-of-summer tree marking bonanza. I'll share more photos in the near future.
It seems that I'm having a parade of lions and bears past my cameras lately. That makes me smile!

P.S. R's echocardiogram is Wednesday afternoon. On that day, we hope to *rule out* a heart tumor.


  1. So much to see and do!

    Oh the fun you'll have Shyla!

    We are keeping lots of things crossed AND khrossed for R!

  2. Hi Y'all,

    Keeping my paws crossed for R! Shyla is truly amazing...her expressions says so very much...and yes those eyes! So happy for you!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Everything at your house sounds very nice! I am thrilled to hear how well Shyla is doing and will look forward to hearing about tomorrow. Every day in everyway Shyla gets better and better!


  4. Good luck Wednesday! I love seeing how Shyla's coming along

  5. Oh we are saying prayers like crazy here!


  6. Shyla- you are so beautiful!
    We are having problems getting our comments to print!

  7. She is so focused in that first photo. Focused on you I am sure. Just beautiful. Oh and she is going to LOVE that bike. She has no idea what adventures it is going to bring her. Can't wait to see her experience it.
    Paws still crossed for my buddy R.

  8. It sounds like it's been a great round of introductions for Miss Shyla! I'm glad she handled the basement and the bike so well. She'll be riding with you in no time, I'm sure! Are you waiting for about the one year mark? I know we are supposed to be a bit careful with Kuster until around then when his bones won't be so soft. It's hard to think of the little bruiser as fragile, though!

    Best of luck to R on Wednesday! I know it will go well!

  9. Shyla is like the first flower pushing through the snow after a particularly harsh winter. Her vibrance and eagerness take one's breath.

    The White Dog Army is mustering every single ounce of positive energy and focusing on R for Wednesday Wonderful news.

  10. Shyla is gorgeous and how wonderful that she is a fast learner...My thoughts and prayers are and will be with you on Wednesday for R echocardiogram.
    Take care,
    Lucy (silent MOD Troy, Ohio)

  11. It's good to see Shyla progressing in her training. Will be thinking of all of you on Wednesday for R's procedure.


  12. She seems lie a very smart girl. It must be rewarding to see her coming along and learning new things. Very cool
    Benny & Lily

  13. Paws crossed for R tomorrow. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  14. Your eyes are incredible, Shyla!
    Our paws remain crossed for R.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  15. We'll be saying extra prayers for R on Wednesday.

    It's so hard to imagine that Fall is just around the corner. I miss the change of seasons since moving to Florida. We only have 2 seasons here...HOT and HURRICANE!

  16. Shyla is very photogenic too! Great pics!

    Isn't it great to see the progress Shyla makes as she learns to trust you?

    Will keep R in my prayers. I'm sure Wednesday can't come soon enough for you so it can all be over with already! Hang in there!

  17. Great job you do with Shyla. Beautiful pictues of her. We hope for the best with R.
    Hugs from us

  18. Lions and bears -- now all you need are tigers! (Just kidding!)

    Shyla is such a beautiful girl, and clearly the way you're working with her is so thoughtful and sensitive to her needs and feelings that I know she's going to succeed beyond your wildest dreams in all your training and expanding her horizons. And many, many prayers are going up for R!

  19. Forgive me for not keeping up with your blog lately but I promise I will be better about this in the future! Your blog is beautiful and so isn't your new puppy!


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