Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

A mountain lion shook out in the forest

A bear visited our yard
R ran like a blur through the yellow flowers

Daughter of the mountains

Nature awed us


  1. So, just a regular day in the Rockies?

    The pups look wonderful, the sunset is simply more than I could even imagine, and the Lion, a beauty beyond compare.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  2. What a beautiful sunset!
    The cougar and bear are just amazing too.
    But the photo of Shyla on that tree stump- wow! She is learning fast.
    And it looks like R feels better as he zooms!

  3. You must have a super duper camera to catch super speedy R! And WOW to Shyla, that is a beautiful photo. Brought a tear to my MOM's eyes. What a way to end my day, perfect.

  4. What gorgeous photos! Looks like Shyla isn't shy about mugging for the camera! lol I am in awe and total envy over your sunsets!

    I hate to break this to you, but those nine month old puppies aren't any better at eleven months. Boundless energy doesn't even begin to describe it! lol

  5. Incredible photos! Do I see ear tags on the bear? Could this be the same bear that has tried so hard in the past to get into your bear-proof bird feeder (and has been tagged as a "problem" bear)?

    It's wonderful to see R running! How did his follow-up appointment with the vet go?

    Shyla has some big paw prints to fill, but it looks like she's up to the challenge. :-) What a sweetie!

    The sunset is amazing!

    As always, thanks for sharing your wonderful dogs and the beauty of your mountain home.

    Sue T in AZ

  6. Ann..from..Outer Banks of NC...said..just.. lovely....all the pictures are soulful...so thankful for the things in life that mean so much to us....we live in a beautiful world....and we do and can ... appreciate everything ...big or small.....HUGS

  7. Wordless there...speechless here! Magnifique!

  8. We really, truly believe that you do, in fact, live in paradise!! What AWESOME pictures!!! Absolutely amazing!!

  9. Simply stunning. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. Gorgeous photos as usual, KB! We love R the blur best!

    Love ya lots
    Mitch and Molly

  11. Oh the beauty that surrounds you ~ magnificant!!

    Is that K's stump that Shyla is posing on? It only affirms to me that our loved ones never leave us!

    We hope that R continues to feel better each and every day.

    Lily Belle

  12. That bear photo is fantastic! Love it.

    And the sunset... breathtaking....


  13. Just another set of pawsome pictures! Like a whole other world! Shyla looks so much like K.

  14. How wonderful all your pics are!! Great captures and the Daughter of the Mountains......could almost be sporting a diva look there. LOL! Hope R's still doing okay. :)

  15. All stunning and breathtaking, but that sunset... Wowsa!

  16. Lovely pictures...Shyla is really born to be with you ....
    Bear so near your home?? Be careful!
    Sunset, wow , awsome!


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