Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Photo Wednesday

I'm getting to know a new set of eyes that are growing more beautiful to me with each day.
Gaze into the distance

Focus on me


Happy Intensity

The mountains before the snow storm that's going on now...


  1. I agree, she has fantastically beautiful eyes! :)

    And what stunner landscape shots you got! Just wow!

  2. Beautiful shots! The sunset shot is gorgeous.

  3. Beautiful! There is nothing as beautiful as a dog eyes, where their soul shines all through them.

    Beautiful sunset as well. :)

  4. She surely IS a beauty.

    We are behind on comments - we are thrilled to hear about her progress too. Lightning just about flipped his lid yesterday when he spotted some construction trucks about 1/4 mile away along our walk route. We crossed the street, four lanes worth, and although he was much relieved not to have to walk right by them, he never took his eyes off them. We are learning to take baby steps with him based on your words:)

  5. Beautiful eyes. Beautiful pre storm mountains.
    I think I have figured out how to keep from being sent to spam. I just don't use my account. I hope it works.
    bert and my vickie

  6. Love that happy face! What a smile!

  7. Yes she has eyes to fall in love with. I can see why you have. Not to mention she is complete head over tails for you. I assume she is wear orange because it is hunting season. Smart!

  8. Such a delight is that Mountain girl, Shyla. Beautiful in every way and having learned so much from you!

    Blessings on you both!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  9. Woof! Woof! It sure is? Beautiful. Golden Thanks for sharing. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  10. Wow, that's some intensity! Look at her zoom ^^

  11. Ann....from...Outer Banks of NC...said....."What a Wonderful World"....it just shines thru and thru.....and it makes me smile...thanks KB.... you always have such beautiful pictures.....HUGS

  12. Her eyes says a lot, beautiful sunset.

  13. The colors are amazing. Shyla is so beautiful.

    Anne and Sasha

  14. It is amazing to me how much Shyla looks like your K! Beautiful, gorgeous EYES!! And the landscapes are nothing short of AWESOME! Thank you so much for sharing! I can always count on a smile over here!

  15. What gorgeous pictures! You are a true beauty, Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  16. A look into those eyes and we can see Shyla's beautiful soul!

    Are you starting to get a lot of hunters in the woods? We noticed the orange vest. Keep away from the Knuckleheads with the guns and arrows.

    Lily Belle & Muffin
    p.s. Thanks for your well wishes!

  17. Seriously beautiful eyes....and oh the glow of her fur. There is nothing quite like the glow of a chocolate's fur at sunrise or sunset :)

  18. I've been wondering if you've been capturing those magnificent sunrises and sunsets. That and still priceless photos of your new girl. She really does have gorgeous eyes!

  19. That is one happy pup!! I can tell by your posts in recent days that you too, are a happy "pup"
    P.s. on my way to work yesterday I was blessed to see 3 bobcats (1.5 miles from our home)...2 kittens and the other one was mom I'm sure. I was within 15 ft. of the kittens (in my car) I thought of you immediately. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the camera out quick enough to snag a photo. :(

  20. beautiful eyes on your baby girl.

    spectacular sunset.


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