Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 15, 2012

The winds of change

Yesterday afternoon, we went for a short hike up high, above treeline, in the nearby mountains. Winter had taken hold. The wind blew from the west with such incredible force that we could barely walk straight into it. The first photo that I took summed up the tumultuous world up high. I accidentally used a very slow shutter time... you can barely make out a blurry black dog and a human pant leg.
The incredible wind seemed to energize the dogs. R found a tennis ball near the trailhead, and he sprinted across the tundra carrying it, never letting Shyla touch it. R is the head of our pack, no doubt.
Shyla sprinted too, through the golden grass reflecting the setting sun.
It was hard for the dogs to hear us over the wind but Shyla sprinted to me when she heard me call.
It had snowed up high the night before. A thin layer remained in the area where we hiked. Nearby tall mountains looked wintry. The white fluffy mass on the horizon was a completely snow-covered mountain with a cloud clinging to its top. The golden sunset reflected off of it.
This time of year always makes me reflective and introspective. I always wonder what will happen over the coming winter. I wonder how the world will change during the deep freeze. Last fall, I was primarily sad to see summer end. I had no idea what would befall us over the winter. For some reason, knowing how naive I was one year ago has made me more introspective and even apprehensive this year. I hope that this phase passes soon.

I certainly have learned that there's no shortcut to recovering from grief. Even having an amazing and loving girl like Shyla join our lives doesn't make it possible to hopscotch over steps in the process.
But, I am so thankful for Shyla. Her zest for life and incredible attitude have helped me to look forward to our future again rather than just looking backward.
Indeed, the season is changing, in more than one way.


  1. The last photo is beautiful! I love Shyla's floppy ears!


  2. I am with Sam, that last photo really says it all. Fall and Winter overlapping on each other. Beautiful......

  3. Like you my MOM seems to be very reflective this time of year as well. The last three photos are beautiful. MOM really likes the last one best, seems it really has spoken to her in a deep way.

  4. Love seeing your peppy pups and your incredible views. Winter is on the way.

  5. I do so love your photography! As for the mood of introspection, I agree - winter does accentuate it. And I think it also comes with time, life, increasing maturity ...

  6. Ann.....from...Outer Banks of NC.....said... such amazing pups you have...always learning and always teaching us humans something new every day....I can see the changes coming here too....our winter is approaching....but not as cold as you have it there...bundle up and stay warm....(looks cold) but the snow covered mountains are so beautiful...the view is forever...and God smiles on us all the time...with his love and compassion.......HUGS

  7. Still can't wait to see Shyla in the snow
    Benny & Lily

  8. I love those photos of your day. I think I often feel the same way, and you know, each year at a turn in the seasons I look back and see how far we've come. Some leaps seem much bigger than others, but I think that's part of the process of growth that we all go through.

  9. All pix are just great and I love the last one, the aspen that always reminds me of our white birch, just beautiful!

    I am thrilled with Shyla too and her great relationship with her big brother! Like the pugs, I can't wait to see them do zoomies in the snow.


    Jo and the gang of two

  10. Do not live in aprehension or fear. It does not change the future or what it holds. It only robs you of fully embracing the beauty and immensity of now.

    Introspection is good; momma spends much time there this time of year, too. But don't turn so deeply inward that you cannot see sunrise or golden aspen or rippling chocolate muscles.

  11. I do like that last photo, and the words of Siku Marie, maybe for me as well as for you. Shyla might have lived in your beautiful mountains all her life, she glows, and as for R, he glows too. Fond greetings from Jean.

  12. Your beautiful mountains are just glorious to look at!! Your photography is just awesome!! The way Shyla and R GLOW is nothing short of amazing...but you are right...winter is on the way!

  13. I love that last picture! It is beautiful! I also love the way you captured Shyla's ears in the wind. Gone but never forgotten, loss does make us more skeptical of change for sure. But just like the snowy capped mountain, think of the beauty winter brings and how much fun you, Shyla and R will have seeking out adventure! There's nothing better than seeing a happy dog romp through the snow! :)

  14. We are so happy that your home is with KB and the Runner and R, Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  15. I love Shyla's ear blowing in the breeze! And the last picture - definitely my favorite! Blow those leaves over to Arizona! :)

  16. I still get sad about my Boo, 12 years later, it happens with your heart dog. Love the flappy ears pictures.

  17. I think Shyla is very good for you, but K has a place in your heart no one else has, just as The Runner does and just as R does. You've captured the emotions in words so well. And that dramatic wind photo!!! Isn't it funny how sometimes our mistakes turn out to be terrific keepers?!?

  18. Great pictures fron your trip...love the last picture. Shyla an R are so nice togehter

  19. The changes of the seasons always makes me wonder about so many things in life. Maybe it's because of the dark and grey days. Then I look at Lily and Muffin and know that life is the way it's supposed to be for what ever the reason.

    That what doesn't break us, makes us stronger!


  20. We are so happy that your all a part of our life!
    Through all the seasons.

  21. Hi Y'all,

    Beautiful pictures!

    No rushing the feelings of grief.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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