Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 4, 2012


It was a big weekend for Shyla even though she's still "resting" to try to heal her limp.
Shyla met my nephews, ages 7 and 9, and it went amazingly well! I've been preparing for this event for quite a while. I knew that I needed to do a lot of groundwork first due to Shyla's discomfort around children who we saw in town. Since realizing that children were an issue for Shyla, we've specifically gone to town on many occasions so that Shyla could observe children playing in parks, with me rewarding her for relaxed and happy reactions.

Yesterday, we finally set up a meeting between my nephews and Shyla. We orchestrated it very carefully. We met at a trail, and I asked the family to walk ahead of me and Shyla. We caught up from behind (the least threatening way for an underconfident dog to meet people), and the boys didn't pay any attention to Shyla whatsoever.

After we'd been walking behind the boys comfortably for a while, I asked each boy to hold his hand down with the palm pointed toward Shyla while we all walked. Then, I asked Shyla to "touch" their hands, and she did! She seemed very curious about them and only mildly worried. By the end of the walk, Shyla seemed happy to be around the boys.

I have to say that this incredibly successful meeting was largely due to how beautifully the two boys handled interacting with Shyla. They were very careful not to look directly at her and not to be too boisterous. Thanks to their amazing help, I think that Shyla took a huge step toward being happy around children yesterday!!!!

To end our weekend, we saw an incredible sunset over our local ski area.
When I looked at the bigger picture (the ski area is in the lower right corner of this photo), the scene was even more beautiful!
Those look to me like the colors of celebration - celebration of the amazing progress that Shyla is making!


  1. she's a smart girl...but it sure is crucial that the owner is smart! :) she's a lucky dog to have an owner that is so in tune to her, and has the patients to make her the best she can be!
    my dad is heading out to CO skiing next week! i can't go because of teaching commitments...hopefully I'll get out west at some point....

  2. Ditto to the comment above. The dedication you show your dogs is incredibly inspiring. She's such an amazing dog, and is going to continue to grow thanks to you.

  3. Honestly KB, you are so creative in your training. So much thought and preparation.

    Shyla could not have come to a better home. And oh, she is beautiful in that first phot.

    Have a wonderful week.
    Bert and My Vickie

  4. I think a lot of dogs' attitudes towards children can really be affected by a good positive first meeting. It sounds like the boys did a great job with her, but I had a strong feeling that they would!

  5. Where do you find such a trainer. We seriously would like one
    Benny & Lily

  6. Woo Hoo! Shyla you are an amazing girl. Maybe soon she will be romping and playing with the little peeps. I know I enjoy it (most of the time. My favorite thing to do is lay in the grass and read to my pal "L". Beautiful sunset, just beautiful.

  7. your pictures are amazing!! Congrats for Shyla

  8. That is a BIG step for Shyla. Congrats to both of you, and you nephews for being so very good with her.

  9. Congrats to Shyla! You are lucky to have such willing and helpful relatives.


  10. Hooray for the boys who knew what to do with Shyla. If they continue on this way they will probably be friends forever.

    Beauty of a sunset!


  11. We are so happy for you and for Shyla! I bet the boys were glad to meet her too! What gorgeous pictures!! I can't tell you how very much I enjoy these awesome shots!! Thank you for sharing them.

  12. Way to go Shyla! So glad the nephews listened to your "commands" too. KB.

    Your sky is amazing.

    Lily Belle

  13. Bless your nephews and congratulations to Shyla! You have us smiling here!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  14. You could probably be a professional trainer after all your experiences with Shyla. Update us the next time she faces the louder kids in town.

  15. Shyla is such a star! All paws crossed for the limp to go away once and for all.

  16. Grreat job, Shyla! We're so proud of you!

  17. First & foremost, congrats to the kids for behaving as you asked!! Amazing! McIver is horrified at the site of children. I've never been able to find a child or an adult for that matter to behave as I tell them when they meet McIver. People say, "oh but dogs love me!" BIG MISTAKE!! Just because Mac isn't eating your face off doesn't mean he likes you. He's probably sizing you up and determining which steak sauce to use when you do that dumb thing that you are about to do. Poor Mac. Some people just don't get it. So all that to say, great job kids... and Shyla!

    Mamma Heartbeat

  18. Fantastic news about Shyla's first meeting with your nephews! It's those encounters you *can't* control that can be troublesome. You are doing an outstanding job building Shyla's confidence! Kudos to your nephews for being so awesome! :-)

    Susan and Wrigs in AZ

  19. Oh, KB your posts of puppy training are making me so anxious to bring my girl home! I can't wait. All of your little tricks you teach the pups- I need to make a list. I want a good girl!

  20. Ann...from...Outer Banks of NC....said....WOW KB ....I am so proud of the boys.....and teaching Shyla is such an amazing adventure Good job all around and with the beautiful sunset..... made it just perfect.....Hugs

  21. Too Cool! Great job to your nephews and to Shyla. She is coming along so quickly KB, she just amazes me. Hunter is gaining confidence around our family too-I'm so happy. Now if I can get him to stop barking at other dogs/people on walks, we will be fine. I use treats to have him watch me but he still has a hard time. I'm thinking about using a Halti so that he has to keep walking forward. Have a great evening friend.
    Hugs, Noreen

  22. Celebration Time, Come on! from the song!

  23. Happy to hear about her progress...great....shes a winner you will see....

  24. A celebration indeed!! Kudos to your nephews for being so good and patient and Shyla for being so brave!

    That's so awesome!!

  25. That is so wonderful Shyla is one lucky girl to have found her way to your home and now into your heart:) You also have two very special nephews who were willing to work with you. Kudos to them too.

  26. Shyla is just so amazing---

  27. Good job! The boys did great. It is hard to find people who will do the right thing during training.

  28. Oh, how wonderful that she got along with your nephews! It sounds like they had a big part in it too! Go Shyla!:)


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