Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Eyes and whiskers

During our morning hike, I had fun playing with my camera, using a very selective depth of field to accentuate different aspects of Shyla's face. Her eyes...
 Her nose and whiskers. She says "I've got whiskers. How about you?"
 And, those glowing eyes again.
During our evening hike, R stood proud atop a boulder with beautiful sunset sky behind him.
I didn't really discover photography until a couple of years ago although my mother was an accomplished photographer. It's so much fun to make artistic photos of my dogs in our beautiful mountain terrain.


  1. I've discovered over the years I love dog photography (well, and horses) over everything else.

    Great photos!


  2. I tend to blame my bad photography on my point 'n' click camera, but I don't have a very good eye for composition.

    It's one reason I enjoy following blogs like yours...the pictures are always fantastic!

  3. And we do love your artistic photos...dogs...mountains...all of them.

  4. You do a great job capturing them! And selective focus was a challenge on the DDC a couple of days ago. My guess is that you always had a good eye for beauty and composition, though, even if photography wasn't an interest of yours until more recently.

  5. Ann..from...Outer Banks of NC..said I love your photos....all of them KB...I use my camera quite often...no one would believe how many pictures that I have(so many I lost count)...it can definitely be a favorite hobby ....And any silhouette picture is fantastic...and R looks great standing there in front of the sunset and Shyla's whisker picture with her amazing eyes is so adorable.....HUGS

  6. Beautiful! We''re following all your posts from the road but typing on this phone.... horrible! We didn't forget you. Now have to fix internet so I can really type again.

    Way to go Shyla on your training class.


  7. that nose looks like candy, BOL
    Benny & Lily

  8. Those are great! I like the whiskers best. My MOM is still learning how to take pictures. I said, "Take a class." But she is still doing it by trial and error. Thank goodness for digital.

  9. You may not have "discovered" photography until recently but dear friend it, I believe, has always been there at the core of your creative soul, waiting to be released!

  10. We've got whiskers, too, Shyla!!

    -Bart and Ruby

  11. Woof! Woof! LOVE the silhouette photo. Golden Thanks for sharing. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  12. I would love to understand photography better. Your photos are always so beautiful.

  13. These photos are simply stunning!! Shyla is one beautiful dog!!

  14. Your photos are always fabulous, KB!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  15. Hi friends! I have missed you (and your lovely photographs) so much!

    You certainly inherited your mother's gift of photography! Your photos are always lovely.

    Your pal, Pip

  16. Your photos are always amazing!!! And I just LOVE R!

  17. Lovely photos! Especially the one of R!

  18. My dogs are my favorite subjects and the closer the better I've found. Of course, they disagree on all counts!!

    Gorgeous pictures!

    Mamma Heartbeat

  19. These are some great pictures. You obviously have your Mother's eye for photography. :)

  20. You are an excellent photographer and your shots are always a pleasure to look at!

  21. A fantastic sunset silhouette of R. You do capture the beauty, KB.

  22. My dad loved taking pictures and I think he would have loved the world of digital of which I was a hard sell to in the beginning. But your pictures inspire me and their beauty always shines through!

  23. Great pictures, R is beautiful , very nice capture. I started for one year ago more seriously. Now its a big interest and I spend a lot of time with it. ALways my camera with me an on my cars passenger seat.
    I did take pictures when I was younger but other interest came by...

  24. I suppose you know without me even saying so that is one terrific sunset shot!!! And the glowing eyes shot... awesome portraits!


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