Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Kicking the Evil C's Butt

A good friend of mine is being treated for breast cancer. She is our favorite dog trainer, and has helped shape each of our dogs over the past decade.

So, in her honor, each of our dogs donned my breast cancer awareness wristband this morning. First, Shyla, who owes so much of her new-found courage to my friend.
Next, R... who owes his self-control in the face of his daily "irrational exuberance" to my friend.
We hope that someday, breast cancer and other cancers, like osteosarcoma, will no longer be a threat to anyone. I lost my mother to breast cancer, back before they had such advanced treatment for it. Survival and even thriving in the face of breast cancer is now very common, and it wasn't then. I hope that this progress keeps zooming forward.

My friend reminds me of K. She's kicking cancer's butt by continuing to do what she loves despite cancer. I learned about that attitude from K, and now I'm learning about it anew from a human friend.
K's Paw Power for my Friend
It's the dawn of a new era, I hope - an era when we defeat cancer.
Dawn on the first day of K's journey


  1. Beautiful morning,glorious colours. I will find some pink fabric , put it on my table, and send a message of hope to your dear friend. Fond greetings from Jean.

  2. purrs to your friend....we hope one day NO ONE has to deal with the evil C.....

  3. beautiful tribute to K and your friend....

  4. Sending prayers to your friend. Cancer is affecting too many people and animals. One day I hope we can defeat it for good.

  5. What a thought provoking post. Our most powerful wishes of strength and patience to your friend. We have watched as you post about how wonderful she has been for you and your fourleggers.
    With her spirit of endurance and patience she will surely beat the beast.

    Bert and My Vickie

  6. We're gonna be sending your furend and trainer the Power of the Paw too. We pray that she will continue to "kick butt and take names!!" Please tell her that Blogville is behind her 100%.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  7. We are right there with you with all the same hopes. Our thoughts and prayers are with your friend.

  8. We say "ditto" to your words!
    A beautiful post-
    We wish your friend strength to kick the "c" out of this world. We stand with all of you.

  9. Ann...from...Outer Banks of NC...said......Give your friend our love...Prayer is a beautiful gift...and hope whispers..."don't give up".....her strength and courage...will be her guide....and the "Power of the Paws" that I see here in each picture.....will give her strength too....touches my heart strings....so very much....HUGS

  10. What powerful and beautiful words tonight! Your friend is lucky to have you in her corner. :)

  11. Amen to your post. It seems that the evil C has touched so many in one way or another. Myself included with someone I care about more than anyone. MOM and I will add your trainer friend to our prayers.

  12. What a beautiful post and thank you

    Anne and Sasha

  13. sending lots of good vibes to your friend
    Benny & Lily

  14. My cousin just got the "all clear" on her latest PET scan! Sending good, pink healing vibes to your friend.

  15. What a beautiful post, KB! We are sending lots and lots of positive vibes to your trainer friend.

    Love ya lots
    Mitch and Molly

  16. And heres my mum is complainin' bouts a stoopid elbow when there are many more peeoples goin' through far worse things. We hope and pray your furiend has a good prognosis and her stays strong durin; her journey to beat her cancer.
    I absolutely adore da fotos of da bracelts on da furbabies.


  17. I have a friend who just apparently kicked breast cancer in the butt; she's finished chemo and radiation and is beginning to regain her energy. I agree with what you've said; there seems to be far more people able to fight it and keep going now than even ten or fifteen years ago. I hope the progress and technology continue to grow and improve, but I, too, hope we can one day figure out what's causing it and eliminate it before it starts. Very touching post.

  18. Our thoughts are with your friend. And our hope is right there with you that someday we will beat this evil beast once and for all.

  19. Hi KB, We will keep your friend in our thoughts. We too wish for a world without cancer. Surely, it must be soon. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  20. Hi there KB, Like the others above, I to am praying for healing for your friend. I find it interesting that you have learned about a positive attitude from K and your friend but you teach us in blogland about a courageous attitude as well. Hoping K kicks that C to the ocean. Sending love your way today.

  21. Beautiful done of you.....awsome last picture. Hugs from us all!!

  22. We will keep your friend in our prayers!


  23. Having just lost our boy Sandy to cancer, I too am joining in all those who hope that a cure for cancer is found so that no more of our precious pups and friends are lost to such a terrible disease.

  24. And to your wish we add our prayer to the Universe for a day when the monster is defeated and cancer touches no one. We Walk this Sunday to End Cancer it is our 2MillionDogs Walk to raise awareness and research money for comparative oncology. It is also the beginning of National Canine Cancer Awareness Month. Know that the White Dog Army Walks for K...and your mom...and your friend...all such amazing Warriors. We are honored to fight at your side against the evil c (Never a cap--doesn't deserve respect it is sneaky mean and malicious).


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