Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mostly Wordless Wednesday

A few grateful words - thanks to all of you who emailed me to say that I should go to a doctor because I'd been sick for too long. You were right. I have pneumonia.


  1. So glad you found out what was wrong. Hope you get better soon.

  2. So sorry to hear this, KB, but glad you found out so you can do what's necessary to get well! I hope you feel better soon!

    Susan and Wrigs

  3. You look like a golden dog....ethereal even.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

  4. I am SO glad you went to the doctor! I knew it had to be more than the flu. It makes sense that you've been so down, now, too. I always get really run down when I have pneumonia, too. Hopefully, the medicine will start kicking in really fast and you'll start feeling better in a day or so. Just follow the doctor's orders and don't overdo it when you start feeling better!

  5. I hope you get better very soon! Beautiful photo

  6. I am so sorry to hear that you have pneumonia, but I know the meds the doctor put you on will have you back together soon. Just do what he told you and let R, Shyla, & the Runner take care of you!
    Thinking of you & Merry Christmas,
    Lucy (silent MOD Troy,Ohio)

  7. I am playing a little catch up with blog reading and am so sorry to hear you are sick! Please rest up and get better soon!

    Gorgeous photo - as usual!

  8. I'm so glad you plowed through all that snow and saw a Doc. You'll be back on your feets in no time now.

    Cheers and hugs,


  9. Glad you found out what's wrong. Take care and hope you are feeling much better for Christmas Day. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  10. Impatient or not...you now have to rest and take it easy. Shyla made it through her inforced rest and you can as well. Gentle walks, key word "gentle." Take as good care of yourself as if you were one of the Labs. (Isn't blogging great? You can now get advice from people all over the place.) On the other hand, I am a nurse so I know whereof I speak. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  11. REST, is the word for you these days,no wonder it dragged on for so long, I guess you had aches all over, plus lots more .Now the others will take care of you,Shyla will be right by your bed, R will look and ask" Are you better yet? and Runner will do the running.Relax, snuggle up inside by the fire, keep warm, swallow those pills, and we send messages of good health very soon, fond greetings from Jean.

  12. Oh dear, you are the second person we have read about tonight who had the flu and then pneumonia. We hope you got some good meds and will be feeling a lot better soon. Take care.

  13. Hope you feel better soon.

  14. I'm sorry that you have pneumonia! So glad that you went to the doctor's and I hope you feel better soon. My husband was admitted to the hospital late last night, about an hour after I published my post. His condition got a lot worse. Hopefully he will be home after a few breathing treatments and iv antibiotics.
    Sending hugs your way!

  15. Oh, no! Take care. I just came by to say enjoy the season. We're finally getting snow in Breckenridge. Bitter cold but, hey, its winter!

  16. WEll, I guess this will put a stop to the hiking for a few days. sometimes I think you push yourself too hard.

    Get well soon.

    Bert's My Vickie

  17. Yikes! Glad you went. Hope you feel better
    Benny & Lily

  18. Ann....from...Outer Banks of NC...said .....so sorry KB....hope your get well soon....lots of healing vibes and prayers coming your way....and a lot of "TLC"...I know you will get from your dear family.....take care now.......And I just love all of your winter wonderland pictures...HUGS

  19. I, too, am so sorry you have pneumonia, but I'm so glad you know, and I hope you can get some real rest. I think your body has been stressed beyond imagination in the last year, and it's worn you out. You've been through so much. It's horrible to be sick at Christmas, but maybe slowing down a bit and hunkering down with your loved ones is just what the doctor ordered. :)

    Great shot of Shyla!

  20. Yikes! Take your medicine and heal quickly!

  21. Oh No! I sure hope you get better real soon. Sending healing thoughts your way.

  22. Sending White Dog healing energy of the most powerful kind. Pneumonia is not something to take lightly. Rest, please, and regain your strength!

  23. Sorry to hear you now have pneumonia and I hope you take care of yourself. Millie will cross her paws for you too.


  24. Rest, keep warm and get better soon !

  25. I am so sorry to hear that you have pneumonia!! Very glad that you went to the Dr.!! I had it a couple of years ago at Christmas time and it took me MONTHS to get over it...it was a good six months before I had my full energy back. REST, Rest, rest...and take your meds. Hope you will be back to yourself soon!! xo Jeanne

  26. Take good care of yourself, KB. We hope you feel better soon!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  27. Shyla is stunning! Thank goodness you went and got checked out. I have heard of so many people who have had the flu that turned into pneumonia. Get better soon. :)

  28. Is it alright if we say "You've got to be kidding." We think you need to have your house 'cleansed" or what ever they call it. We are truly sorry to hear your news. We will be keeping our paws crossed that the icky sicky pneumonia will clear up real soon.

    If you want to send R and Shyla to our house, we'll be more than happy to watch them for you. Oh please say yes, please say yes, please say yes..... OK, can't blame us for trying!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  29. Well, the good news is that you now know what you're dealing with! The bad news is that you have it in the first place. :(

    Sending lots of prayers and good vibes that you get rid of it quickly and feel great again.


  30. Uh oh. Good thing that you went to the Doctor. You'll have to rest and get over this. Get well soon!

  31. Alright girlie. NO rides or hikes!! Stay inside and warm and REST!! The dogs will be just fine as you recover. They'd rather see you back to normal sooner than later I'd imagine!

    Take care of yourself.

    Mamma Heartbeat

  32. Your pack just can't catch a break! Take it easy and follow the dogtor's orders. Shyla and R need you to be healthy!

  33. Get well soon! Seems to be going around the Bloggosphere...

  34. Oh dear! I'd make a terrible nurse. I had no idea - but I am glad these other bloggers are on the ball!

    Take care! Hugs!

  35. Oh sorry for you, but you have to rest now and get well. No hiking for a while it could be very bad for you. I think Shyla will wait for your recovery.....
    Hugs from us!

  36. Dear KB, I'm so sorry you are sick but glad you got meds. If we lived closer, I'd be making your chicken soup and bringing it over my friend. Hopefully the runner is babying you!
    Stay warm!
    Hugs, Noreen


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